Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER

>Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER

At least I'm not a Nelson Nosepicker

At least I'm not a Michael Masturbator

At least I'm not a Nathanias Niggerfucker

Stfu at least I'm not a Johnny Anvil Hoarder

>Don't be a... SUZY SEATKICKER

At least I'm not a Betty Blowingwell

Guilty as charged

At least I'm not a Caroline Coalburner

Who /Fred Farter/ here?

who /Frederich Fapper/ here?

At least I'm not a Ralph Rapist

Atleast I'm not getting shot
t. Europeon

At least I'm not a Peter Pedophile

At least I'm not a DeMarcus Democrat

at least I'm not black

At least I'm not a Jimmy Jack-Off

At least I'm not a PeeWee TouchaPeepee

At least I'm not a Samuel Shooter

At least I'm not Gabriel Gambler

At least I'm not a Wally Whisper Snide Comments to Your Girlfriend Right Next to Me Every Two Minutes Because You Came In Already Expecting to Hate the Movie Because "Hurr Durr 25% Rotten Tomatoes" When I Have Been Looking Forward to and Actively Preparing For The Premiere and Now I Have to Listen to You Whisper "Oh God This is So Bad xDDD" to Your Girlfriend Every Time Jared Leto Opens His Mouth Even When It's a Fucking Good Scene That I Am TRYING TO ENJOY FUCK YOU SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU AND EVERYBODY LIKE YOU, THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A GREAT TIME AT THE THEATER BUT NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU PRETENDING TO BE A SNIDE MOVIE REVIEWER TO IMPRESS YOUR GIRLFRIEND WHO IS WAY TOO HOT FOR YOU ANYWAYS

At least I'm not a Willie Waggler

At least I'm not Adolf Hitler

At least I'm not an Ursula Upper-decker

Then he went home and fucked her brains out and you got mad on the internet lol

At least I'm not Anthony Burch


DC cucks getting BTFO by Marvel Chads and their gfs

I bet he has a small pecker he can't even please her, she's probably fucking cheating on him with someone taller and older with a way bigger pecker than that idiot

Don't be a Hate the Jews Hitler

You know I never noticed that the people in front of him are annoyed. This is a gross exaggeration and frankly I'm offended

At least I'm not Charlie Crackpipe.

Fucking Cineplex. Don't be a...Holly Handjob-giver.

Don't be a Poop in the Aisle Pepe

Don't be a Daniel Doubles

hey im just a bashar the bomber

>Implying any capeshitter has a gf.

At least I'm not Mohamed Atta


>Jim went on a nice date with his girlfriend, had a good time, had sex with her at his place afterward, paid no mind to the guy sitting next him
>All the guy sitting next to him can think about a week later is the size of Jim's dick


Don't be s William white male

Don't be a Larry lone wolf