Do any of you faggots seriously believe Trump give a shit about you or me or his policies will in any way be different...

Do any of you faggots seriously believe Trump give a shit about you or me or his policies will in any way be different from George W. Bush?

Taxes? Massive cuts for the 1% (Trump and his buddies)
Economics? Deregulate everything.
Climate change? Fuck the planet
Supreme Court? Hand picked by the Heritage Foundation

You faggots are some of the dumbest stupidest motherfuckers on the planet. Face it you only support him because he's a racist.

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone is butthurt.

I support him because it would be really really really funny to me if he nuked ISIS.


>if he nuked ISIS.

Nuclear winter, suddenly we are in a new ice age. Yeah good job idiot.

>chug someone elses beer

You are such a fucking idiot

Nope. I don't need anyone to give a shit about me. When I want something I go make it, or do it, or buy it if I have to. I just want to piss of uppity liberal fucks.

It would stop global warming.

>I don't need anyone to give a shit about me.

Yeah let the le magical free market solve everything.

Trumpfags are this delusional.

So lets vote in the woman that wants to kill the economy of West Virginia.

Great plan.

>So lets vote in the woman that wants to kill the economy of West Virginia.

I don't care about West Virginia rednecks faggot.

Taxes? Trump wants to cut taxes for the lower classes, including ABOLISHING the tax for many, many people.

Economics? Wants to renegotiate trade deals

Climate change? Questionable humans are even causing it, and how does buying oil from other places instead of using our own fuel in any way change the amount of fuel being burned?

Supreme Court? Better than liberal activist faggots who don't know judges aren't part of the legislature.

As opposed to a criminal with an agenda, yes, I would rather vote for some nutty billionaire. He gives more of a shit than Clinton ever will.

If you don't think he'll change anything, why are you globalist kikes so afraid of him? Don't give me the Hillary shit, she's a carbon copy of Bush, won't say shit about taxes or wages the moment Bernie leaves the race

>Taxes? Trump wants to cut taxes for the lower classes,

That's not a good thing faggot. Everything you slash taxes (that overwhelming benefit the rich) what you are doing is supply side economics. Aka the same shit Reagan and GWB have been shoving down our throats since the 1980s. Look where that got us.

>Economics? Wants to renegotiate trade deals

"renegotiate" as in the same shit Obama said in 2008 and did jack shit. They are international agreements and under US Constitution they are on the same level as the US Constitution. You can't just "renegotiate" them.

>Climate change? Questionable humans are even causing it, and how does buying oil from other places instead of using our own fuel in any way change the amount of fuel being burned?

How about we get off oil you stupid faggot and stop melting the polar ices before the human races dies out?

>Supreme Court? Better than liberal activist faggots who don't know judges aren't part of the legislature.

Yeah let's turn the courts over to big corporations! Fuck average people! Only corporations should rule.

You, and the people like you, are the reason the Democratic party has lost the blue collar vote. You claim to protect their interests but proceed to shit on them.

>we fight for the workingman
>except for the rednecks and hillbillies working blue collar jobs
>they can go die because I said so
>lets trash their local economy while were at it because we care

>They are international agreements and under US Constitution they are on the same level as the US Constitution.

You want to point out what section of the constitution says that fuckstick?

>Implying cutting taxes is bad
>Implying international agreements are as binding as the Constitution.
>Implying you ignoring my question answers my question
>Implying being against "living document" nonsense and legislating from the bench supports corporations.

You know republicans were the ones who gave women and minorities rights ya know.
Stop using that PC bullshit facebook maymay

He's the only one willing to publicly shit on SJWs, nobody else is.
That already makes him the best candidate there is this year.

How much do you get paid faggot?

Pic related

>You, and the people like you, are the reason the Democratic party has lost the blue collar vote.

Blue collar vote deserves everything they get because they have been voting against their own economic interests for years. I'm glad they are dying out.

>You want to point out what section of the constitution says that fuckstick?

Your one stupid faggot. Typical Trumpshit.

>and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;

I don't think any politician gives a shit about me. I'd have to be retarded to think they did.

>Face it you only support him because he's a racist

>You know republicans were the ones who gave women and minorities rights ya know.

Yes all those groups will surly vote Republican this election right?

I'm not an actual Trump supporter, but goddam OP, you know basically nothing about Trump's actual positions. Try actually looking them up as opposed to letting MSNBC spoonfeed bullshit to you. Especially on taxes and economy, Trumps plan is basically the opposite of what you seem to think it is

>you know basically nothing about Trump's actual positions.

Which Drumpf? Trump changes his positions every minute.




Trump has actual policies?

Like, ones that he doesn't backpedal on or outright flip flop on regularly?

you forgot to reply me and your


How much do you get paid to shill

You're stereotyping white people, which in itself is anti-white racism.


>giving poor people more money to spend on their own needs is bad




>I'm glad they are dying out.

You won't be saying that when your car dies, the plumbing breaks, or when they stop collecting the trash out front.

>and all treaties

Trade agreements user, trade agreements.

>Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution gives Congress a little wiggle room by making a distinction between “treaties” and “agreements”. Congress can change the ratification process for agreements

>Under the new procedure the President was allowed to unilaterally negotiate the final terms of a trade agreement. He would then present the final agreement to Congress, which would be unable to change it in any way and would have a limited time for debate. Instead of requiring ratification by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, trade pacts would require only a simple majority from both chambers.

Eat a dick faggot.


Which Trump said he supported now. But you are to stupid to know that now do you? Lol trumptards don't even know their own candidate

No I'm laughing at Bernouts who ignore the fact that his tax plan would erase any increase in wages they see.

Capitalism is coming to an end and no amount of reformism will save it.

It has no reverse gear, It can only go forward, This is why the failure of globalism is the first warning, It's starting to contract.

We're still on a resource constrained planet. The only way to get to post scarcity happy fun time is to become a spacefaring civilization, with private citizens owning spacecraft. That means capitalism and supporting Elon Musk as our best path forward.

>Capitalism is coming to an end and no amount of reformism will save it.

Climate change will ensure capitalism will come to an end.

your proxy threw me australia... or are you in the states on holiday?

space is a pipedream, only robots will be exploring it.

the nearest theorectically habital worlds are LIGHT YEARS away.

You are literally stuck here, Better get use to the idea.

>inb4 mars
lol no.

Australian proxy detected

I'm a part of the 1%. Tell me why I would vote against my own interests.

Well, for one I know that your first thing is entirely misleading because Trump's tax plan would cut taxes across the board, not just for the wealthy. Yes, for the wealthy as well, so you're not exactly wrong, but like I said, it's misleading.

Trump is a protectionist. That hardly strikes me as "deregulating everything." He seems to want to make it more expensive for corporations to go outside the country to make their goods, which may result in a price-hike, but would also keep more skilled and unskilled work in the country. It's amazing how even a single factory can revitalize a small city economically.

Trump doesn't believe environmental issues are pertinent right now. He's right. When your house is being robbed, you don't grab a bucket of water to go fight the forest fire in the next county. He wants to encourage research into new sources of alternative fuel rather than focusing on the limited and relatively well-explored options we have on the table right now, though.

Yeah, the Heritage Foundation is having a hand in his nomination. I'm not the biggest fan of that. I'd still rather have it than some faggot leftist pantywaste who thinks the judiciary is meant to be an alternative mode of legislation though.

I've read his plans. I like them. You're a retard.

i think he loves america
didn't read most of your post

>muh global warming
>doesn't want nuclear winter

You cunts will never be happy

>Well, for one I know that your first thing is entirely misleading because Trump's tax plan would cut taxes across the board, not just for the wealthy.


Here it is folks. The culmination of the 60s postmodern left, which has completely abandoned its class focus and is now dominated by metropolitan bourgeois leftists, obsessed with identity politics and gender.

that post shows taxes being cut for everyone... whats your point

Anything will be better than obongo and definetly shillary.

>believes in the global warming meme
>implies others are sheep
Why can't you leftists just kill yourselves? Aren't you guys worried about overpopulation anyways?

The subversion runs deep.

Whites thrive in the ice age.

vs. Bernie tatics before the general...

Trump votes are going to bury Hillary. Wait, she'll be in cell, so... nevermind.

>Aren't you guys worried about overpopulation anyways?

Liberals don't think, they feeeeeeeeel

To them, 1.5 Billion niggers, 1.5 Billion CurryNiggers, and 3 billion gooks are a minority compared to 900 million white people.

Facts are racist.

The hilldawg is a 1%er too.

Now watch'ya got, timmy?

>Aren't you guys worried about overpopulation anyways?

Back in the seventies they said there'd be billions of dead corpses by now.


You guys need to understand that Hilary doesn't pay for shills it's all paid for by Trump because he's a fucking retard like his supporters. #FuckTrump2016

He makes the establishment weep. I couldn't give a flying fuck more than that.


>You guysth

Sorry, faggot Australia, no more Lord of the Rings movies on the schedule.

You're still pretty.

They wear assless chaps over there. I saw it on TV.

Trump is worse than the establishment.

Trump has been ruling class all his life, with dozens of politicians in his pocket. He literally is the establishment.

>He literally is the establishment.


>tax cuts for his buddies
Oh yeah. Shit.
I forgot all his buddies made less than 25,000$ a year. He's letting those close-knit assholes go tax free.
Go move to Canada if you hate America so much. I'm sure they'll take your shitposting ass.

The point is I'm adding him to my folder.



Why does the media hate him so much then?

Explain to me using conservative principles why the fuck the government should subsidize an archaic industry.

Should the government have kept ordering type-writers to keep the type writer manufacturing industry afloat? You shitlord

Here's a more visual example for our Trumptard friends.

>That's not a good thing faggot. Everything you slash taxes (that overwhelming benefit the rich) what you are doing is supply side economics. Aka the same shit Reagan and GWB have been shoving down our throats since the 1980s. Look where that got us.
Yeah it eliminated the horrible stagflation that was taking place during the 80's are you fucking stupid?

liberalism. But liberalism as an ethical philosophy only cares about the surface level. He's the way to air dissatisfaction with the system without actually changing it.

He's against TPP, unlike crooked Hillary. You fucking corporate cuck.

oh no
are you saying that percentages of a large number are numerically larger then percentages of a small number?
You have completely destroyed my argument, screw the fact that people making less than 25,000$ or couples making 50,000$ will pay no federal income tax. It's obviously irrelevant.
I am now a Cruz Missile.
You're fucking dense. Of course people paying a larger number will save larger number when you take a percentage off. That's basic math holy shit. I sort of wish Bernie could win so that you could take a fucking math course.

>The latte tribe insists that working-class peckerwoods are voting against their economic interests when they vote for Republican candidates. This may be true, but it doesn’t mean that voting for the tax-and-condescend party would be a vote for the economic interests of the world’s Archie Bunkers. NAFTA was a Clinton Administration achievement, after all. Why should Archie vote for the Meathead party that shipped his job to Mexico? Economists of all political stripes have also noted that low-income working families tend to pay an appreciable portion of their earnings in taxes. Maybe they get it all back in “services” somehow, but the working poor notice how the non-working poor live off the state without doing any work. They take it personally that working harder is penalized while left-wing policies reward being lazy and dependent. Palefaced plebeians also dislike the latte-tribe concept of “white privilege,” which says the Obama daughters should be given legal preference over poor white kids.

>The latte tribe are rabid tub-thumpers for the current immigration tidal wave. Mass immigration is very obviously against the interests of all working citizens who aren’t government bureaucrats. Why do we need a million legal immigrants a year when the U6 unemployment rate stands at 15%? The sweatshop wing of the Republican Party is also pro-immigration, but at least the Republicans aren’t completely hostile to citizens who would prefer we have fewer immigrants. Modern Democrats think those who aren’t so enthusiastic about the immigration tsunami are evil irrational racists rather than folks who are looking after their self-interest.


>You have completely destroyed my argument, screw the fact that people making less than 25,000$ or couples making 50,000$ will pay no federal income tax.
But they still pay payroll taxes and sales taxes. Sales taxes which are a larger share of their income than a billionaire who's only also charged capital gains tax.

The point is that he's moving the tax burden off the rich and onto the workers.

>are you fucking stupid?

Yes he is user, yes he is.

Lol at Reds banking on something that isn't even real to end capitalism.

And stagflation ended but the tax burden was still on workers even as they had to take out more and more debt and their wages did not grow.


Trump - 42%
Hillary - 53%
Gary Johnson - 4%
Other - 1%

Isn't payroll payed by the employer?
I just can't see how without changing those taxes the burden is moved. If sales and payroll stay the same, then how did by reducing tax rate for everyone shift the burden? Wouldn't it ease the burden that everyone has to carry?

>Garry Johnson will never be president

Trump will never win

>Trump will never get the nomination
Still in Stage 1 of Denial eh?

>Isn't payroll payed by the employer?
Yes, but they transfer it onto the workers in lower wages.

>I just can't see how without changing those taxes the burden is moved. If sales and payroll stay the same, then how did by reducing tax rate for everyone shift the burden? Wouldn't it ease the burden that everyone has to carry?
Because sales tax doesn't scale with income. Billionaires spend a far smaller percent of their income, they invest most of it. And what investment that is taxed as normal income does not have an attached payroll tax.

>living in huts is thriving

I think you want to change something that really can't be changed.
How would you make sales tax proportional? Check their W2 every time they want to buy a stick of gum?
And yeah, of course they don't tax investment. You want to prioritize investing. There's nothing wrong rewarding people for helping the economy.

>investing helps the economy
there's many kinds of investing bucko.

>Trump will never win


>Nuclear winter, suddenly we are in a new ice age.

That did happen after Hiroshima and Nagasaki too, right?

Oh, noes!!