Is it possible to disprove the existence of God?

Is it possible to disprove the existence of God?

common sense.

>common sense.
Says anyone without an actual argument.

All of the rules of nature and physics show that there is no God. If you care about evidence of him not existing, you are faith-ing wrong.

George Carlin showed us common sense

Also, bait alert

it is impossible to disprove anything whose supporters refuse to define

No, because modern theists have redefined him as to be an untestable hypothesis. However, there is no repeatable, quantifiable evidence that God does exist, nor is there any explanation for the mechanics of his existence or abilities. For practical, logical purposes, this means we can assume he does not exist until/if these facts change.

wil you stop your the reason Sup Forums is dead

No, nor is there a way to prove god does exist. That said Im in the doesnt exist camp

No but lack off proof something doesn't exist doesn't mean it does

>All of the rules of nature and physics show that there is no God

And what rules are they exactly user?

I can't you just wrote the word in the OP.

Nobody has evidence of god existing/being a myth
So no.

Even if god does exist, he's not the omnipotentspace wizard you assume him to be. He's just a space scientist experimenting and disregarding his creations with indifference for the next thing to come along. He left us a long time ago.

You can't disprove the existence of anything when confronted to enough bad faith. Prove me that the invisible pink unicorn doesn't exist. You can't.

no you cant disprove it. but i cant understand people who are like: my religion and my god are the only true ones.
every other of the hundreds or even thousands of gods manklind ever worshipped are wrong.

jesus was a pretty cool guy one way or the other.

Hey OP. Exercise. Prove us that the gods in which you don't actually believe don't exist (Jupiter, Loki, whatever). You can't either. Same problem.



Jesus was a pretty cool guy. Hippie of God and famous liberal guy.

Is it possible to disprove the existence of an invisible pink unicorn?

That's actually true. The debate about wether or not he was a communist is still on.


Ok, here goes.

I can tell you that there is a way to disprove god. It is a brilliant argument, backed up by irrefutable evidence that unequivocally proves the non-existence of God. But I am not going to post it. But it does exist.

There is no way for you to disprove that this argument exists.

If anyone argues that God exists simply because you cannot disprove it, then the logical extension of that is that they must accept that I can disprove the existence of God because they cannot disprove that I can.

Which is why the original argument is nonsense and a logical fallacy.

When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim especially when it challenges a perceived status quo.

i.e. the person who claims that god exists holds the burden of proof.

The argument of being able to prove or disprove "God" means nothing. Our definition of a "God" is very plausible. Homo-sapiens themselves are starting to become what we consider a 'God". The real argument is if a "God" created humanity and the universe. Which through all know knowledge that we have.... Doesn't seem to likely. But with such a massive universe, with unlimited possibilities, a "God" that could influence our lives or world is possible.

Atheists always talk about how God is impossible to exist. Well, fucking prove it then.

>pro tip: you can't

No. God is typically seen as an omnipotent being. Therefore, any positive result on the hypothesis "God does not exist" can be explained as "God manipulated the results."

Believe in God all you want but only if you admit that faith alone is your basis. The physical world disproves your Lord simply by being.

You religionfags are so fucking stupid.

If I tell you that a glowing pink unicorn was responsible for the big bang and the expansion of the universe, can you disprove that? I'm operating on the amount of evidence that you have to present.

It's like those faggots who say dinosaur bones were put on earth to test us by the devil. I can just as easily say the Bible was written by Retardo the Fagtacious One to divert us from atheism.

You are presenting an argument that is embarrassingly convenient towards your own goals. Get that shit outta here and come back with some undeniable evidence or realize humanity is on its own.

Religion was in the old ages as means to control the population. The cops werent as good then. They couldn't prevent many murders, robberies Ect.

Thats where religion comes in...

Each religion has a punishment for doing something against the law. It controls people by means of fear. "if you don't follow the rules you'll go to hell"


Only thing I know for sure is that if a god exists, he clearly doesn't give a single fuck about us.

No need to disprove something when there isnt enough evidence to prove it exists.

still no god lol

yeah he doesnt come if i call his name

The truth is the exact opposite of this. Who is the smartest person to ever exist? The greatest mind in the world? None of them have created anything more complicated than, let's say, the human body. It works 24 hours a day for 71 years +/- (the average life expectancy). Self-replicating DNA, your favorite high-tech gadget can't do that.

If stumble across a log cabin in the woods, you know someone built it. Yet, log cabins are rather simplistic, they can't think, they can't feel, they have no emotion, they have no conciousness, they have nothing structurally more complex than brain function. It's less far-fetched to believe the wind blew, which caused trees to knock down, cutting themselves into perfect logs, and falling into place accordingly.

Everything on this earth we live on is perfectly balanced. Everything. Seriously think about balance. We feel pain and pleasure, sad and happy, up and down, grief and joy, symbiosis, literally physics is balanced, the most important rule: Newtons 3rd Law. I say law because it made it past the theory stage. Because it's now a fact. Like all scientific laws are facts and theories are not. Physics points more toward supreme balance.

nihil fit ex nihil

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

>Everything on this Earth we live on is perfectly balanced

You're actually retarded.

>Everything on this earth we live on is perfectly balanced

Are you kidding? Shit changes all the time. Species go extinct, ecosystems collapse, desert erosion, drought. If the world was perfectly balanced it would stay the same. You're full of shit.

someone tried to use the log cabin argument against me one time and I pointed out that while it's extremely unlikely that the log cabin didn't just accidentally occur, it's not impossible.

Basically, logically thinking of the explanation of something that is unknown does not make it fact.

The picture is suppose to be funny, as to disproving god i don't have to. Disprove there isn't a tea cup floating around Venus . Disprove i can read minds how about you come up with a scientific theory about how i can't walk on water. Can you please do a couple studies on the earths ability to feel the emotion 'love' because i really feel like it does i need some SOLID PROVE it doesn't.

Drought and surplus. Another example of balance. Great and bad = boring flatline good.

Look up the problem of evil. It proofs that what most people consider god doesn't exist. So there's either multiple gods or no god or one imperfect god.

You don't need to. That's okhams razor for you

Pretty much the most retarded post I've seen.

Does your God gets his omnipotent kicks out of watching stillborn fetuses? Oh, how about the lack of a human being devoid of problems? Better yet, watching suffering (albeit needlessly) from an omniscient point of view.

It takes a special kind of arrogant asshole to think humans are the pinnacle of biological existence by design.

If you had a shred of scientific integrity, you'd know we are inept omnivores, and have struggled as a species through countless thousands of years and only within the last few hundred years we were able to exert our dominance by manipulating natural resources at the cost of the planet itself.

We're not a miracle. We're a fucking virus and we're killing our host. When you're back out of your own asshole, entertain yourself with the following:

If religion says miracles are possible, how come in all of recorded medical existence there isn't a single verifiable case of limb regrowth?

Turns out you kind of can't fake chopping off your legs and regrow them, huh? Or god hates gimps.

Fucking idiot.

I said "for example" you might to sue your elementary school teacher for not teaching you reading comprehension. I gave 1 example. If I knew your entitlement required more than 1 example, I would give more. Give me one example of when something came from nothing, then I'll supply you with a second example of biological complexity.

god exists only as a human construct.

Nothing in existence is balanced.

It's all vicious dynamic cycles and constant sequences of causes and effects

There have been plenty of studies to try and make sense of stories in the bible because the common theory is simply that people back then didn't understand how things worked so they gave credit to god for these things.

For instance; the "10 plagues of egypt" were all caused by a massive volcanic eruption at Santorini. blood red river was ash, boils was sulphuric acid, crops and animals dying, locusts swarmings when rains came, even the first sons dying when the first sons got priority on food and ate the infected crops before anyone else.

But it was called an act of god because they couldn't comprehend what happened.
Same shit happens whenever anyone like you say "well someone made it, just look around us" It was made by a sequence of events, a cause and effect. Astronomical chances of it happening but when you think about the infinite size of the cosmos it has so many chances and infinite time to happen. It will happen many more times after we are gone and the species made will come up with the exact same questions we have and probably worship some higher power because they can't grasp what happened initially.

The question is, is it possible to prove the existence of god? And in case you were wondering, the answer is no. Otherwise it wouldn't be called faith, it'd be called fact.

>The universe is too complex to exist on its own.

Simplicity grew into complexity. Not the other way around.

You are literally saying the answer to a complex thing(DNA, the Universe, etc) is an even more complex thing which cannot be explained (God).

It makes no sense on the face of it.
>Seriously think about balance.

The reason you don't see things out of "balance" is because when something breaks out of place, it just doesn't fucking work and it dies or falls apart.

Everything that works in your body there are examples of it going terribly and horrifically wrong for someone who was born. There are things in your own body which are supposed to work but eventually will not.

When a chemical reaction isn't self sustaining, big surprise, it doesn't self sustain. So it won't be there anymore. Eventually you're left with the things that managed to self sustain. Every thing that exists is proceeded by the ghosts of countless things that failed to exist.

You can't disprove god exists or doesnt exist. That's why it's not a scientific question.

To be a scientific question (which is what I'm assuming you mean by prove) you have to make a statement that is falsifiable. For example, all crows are black. How is that falsifiable? You need to find one crow that is not black. What if you find 500 crows that are all black? The 501st could be white, right? So nothing is "proved", you just agree with your friends something like "there are 100 million crows in the world, we checked 1 million, that's probably good enough." The thing is you know when the statement you're investigating is false. Just gotta see a white crow.

The problem with disproving something like "does god exist" is you can always say "he still could exist and just doesnt want to be found."

That's not how to go against the log cabin thing, it's like the human eye.

If you look at the human eye you think well this is pretty impressive, someone must have made this, it can't pop out of nowhere from nothing.

But then you remember that nature just mindlessly tries whatever it tries, so then you see all the other eyes arround you and you start to realise "wtf I'm standing in a field, literally full of botched cabins, cabins with 6 doors, cabin's made of glass, sand, straw, upside down cabins, inside out cabins, just a pile of wood in some cases"

Tell religion fags to look at the bigger picture and stop focusing on fucking cabins, we've got brick houses now

And even tho I know you're a troll I'm still gonna reply

Let's turn the argument about the human body the other way around and take a moment to appreciate how close mankind has gotten to some of natures systems. We're working on god damn artificial intelligence, and we will get it one day. You're typing this on a computer, one of mankinds greatest inventions and one that clearly changed the world.

Mankind has, in 5000 odd years of propper civilization, come remarkebly close to the things that nature took millions of years to to. Give human engineers those millions of years and that many experiments, give them all of the resources on this planet and 5 million years, we'll be dancing the fucking french can can in the 5th dimension.

Nature (or creation, call it whatever you want) just tries what it wants regardless of cost and then finds out wether it was a good idea or not just by dropping it in there and watching it get mangled by the cogs of the world.

No, however, do you choose to following something that will punish you if you don't stroke their ego at least once a day and spend the whole sunday morning listening to stories about how amazing they are and if you don't like it you're screwed?

Nobody can disprove I am God, therefore I am God ;) keep worshipping me bitches

This is what you're worshiping
