Female """"""""""""""""""""Comedy"""""""""""""""""""""

>Female """"""""""""""""""""Comedy"""""""""""""""""""""

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Shes uglycute autistcore mentallyillfu ittybittytittycomittechairwoman

Can someone tell me why this unfunny shit is going viral?

>All those White knights in the YouTube video comments

Why does this happen

Is there a link to this meme?

tumblr snowflakes have infiltrated and taken over social media, thus giving them the power to dictate which artistic developments are successful through proliferation of the internet

it's over, feminists won

ITT: triggered capeshitters.

Cause normies think people shitting on bad movies is edgy

see RLM


awww she triggered the DCuck manbabbies :(


hmm, really makes you think

>IQLET girl knows more about film making than IQLET capeshit drones from Sup Forumseddit and /r/movies
Holy shit
/film/ now so /lit/ and Sup Forums don't laugh at us please

wtf i hate thinking now

It's not funny but she is extremely cute. I imagine that's the reason for the number of views.

She has something I can't really explain. Like an autism mouth? Just the shape of it looks autistic somehow. And simultaneously kissable.

that mlp history tho, yikes

She's kind of right, on film the justification of the Suicide Squad was pretty flimsy and stupid compared to the comics which make more sense.

>hiring a guy who shoots good and the Joker's girlfriend in fear of the next superman


Can someone please explain to me why Le Reddit decided yesterday that this was something to hyper-spooge over? It isn't even that good, the girl isn't even that attractive, and on a normal day that would have been enough.

Did all thirsty neckbeards coincidentally sign onto the internet yesterday, happen across this video, then sperg their collective shit? It make exactly zero sense to me. Is she connected in some way? Is she a Clinton? Is she a famous person's daughter or cousin? What's the deal? There is literally no real reason THIS went viral yesterday to the degree that it did.


SS was full of plotholes.

>she is extremely cute

Manipulated YouTube algorithm.

>I'm going to shoot all my staff so they don't talk

No, it was posted on Reddit and received a lot of upvotes so it inevitably went viral

I don't care if she's "right," wrong," whatever. She's just another nobody who will never create anything better than this video. She'll become a soccer mom and die in a suburb. Also autistically picking apart movies that clearly require the audience to suspend disbelief doesn't make you clever. If anything, it makes you look slow and retarded...some would say autistic.

>autism mouth

Holy shit thats a perfect description

she's a cute


In a endearing sort of way.


At first I though that one in the glasses is representing fans/audiance and black dress represents writer/director/company that made Suicide Squad. When I watch it with this in mind it made me crack a smile at her attitude "I don't know. Whatever. Who cares, you make something out of this, you're the fan."

she's super cute.

would study in the library with/10

>soccer mom

Pretty sure her offspring wont be anywhere near athletic

No, she really isn't. You need to go outside more. She looks barely 25 and already has jowls.

>suspend disbelief
We already using that with the people with powers, goddesses and gods part, having a normal human girl with a wooden bat, a dude who throws boomerangs, a dude who clims stuff, etc as a mean to stop motherfuckign Superman is too much suspension disbelief.

u gay?

LoL is a sport in some Colleges.

> yfw a white female is speaking

God, all the fucking blatant mysogoiny in this thread. Girls rule, women are funny. Get over it.

>She looks barely 25


whats wrong with that you old bastard


thanks. I hadn't heard about this unfunny thing before and now you just made me support it with a view

You can shit talk all you want and act pissed off at female comedy because her video didn't make you roll on the floor laughing.
But you have to take a step back and appreciate that this girl is comfortable in her own skin enough to post this video, funny enough to make a lot of people laugh, and smart enough to come up with the whole video in it's entirety. You're on here debating how cute she is (I personally think she's incredibly cute in an awkward nerdy way) but I'm sure the people who know her well are nothing but proud of her for making a viral video that the majority of it's viewers enjoy.

She obviously liked the movie. She said she saw it twice. Similarly, Little Kuriboh likes Yugioh and WWE, even if he makes fun of it.

Gosh user.

t. white knight

Better comedian than those from ghostbusters that's for sure.

The point is if she's 25 now, in two years she'll look 38, given her projected facial trajectory

Holy shit who let the DCucks out of their cage

I don't support misogyny-memeing either but wew, calm down user.

>But you have to take a step back and appreciate that this girl is comfortable in her own skin etc.

No I don't. Just because a bunch of thirsty nerdbeards came all over it doesn't automatically mean everyone else has to suddenly "give it its due." She had no idea nerdbeards would viral the video. She's not some brave hero that we all suddenly "have to respect." Tip your fedoodoo somewhere else

thanks for your input r*ddit

she has legit points and Sup Forums virgins hate her because she is a woman. that's it.

is she the nostalgiachick replacement now?

>she has legit points guise

found the underage b&

You sound bitter over something.

Why you gettin so pissy over a youtube video?

No, she didn't have abortion yet.

How old is she? 60's? She looks like a granny. Could it be the lack of sun and nutrition?

Why didn't Enchantress have like 10 neck things? She can clearly be hurt by human weapons.

Because she is going to personally fellate every one of their penises

> It isn't even that good, the girl isn't even that attractive
> It make exactly zero sense to me.
>Is she connected in some way?
>Is she a Clinton?
she is none of them. she just made a video about how suicide squad is a huge steaming pile of shit and she is right.
if you watch the video, you'll understand.

Are you butthurt because Trump is losing?


>being this salty
>being this neckbeard
>being this DCuck
holy shet

B-But the polls are rigged!

video summary

>"hey this silly movie has silly elements in it that are silly and nonsensical, i'm so clever for pointing them all out in an air of incredulity while using tiresome Youtube-esque jumpcuts and 'multiple character' strawmen that all sound the same."

This would be something reddit and other associated nerd scum would wank over.

someone liked it and it's getting it's 15 minutes of fame. It will be forgotten tomorrow
Jesus Christ not everything has to be a conspiracy. It's a forgettable 3 minute critique of a forgettable summer movie, calm your shit down

>everyone I don't like is a Trump supporter

if you close your eyes she sounds like amy adams

What do my eyes have to do with her voice?

>There is literally no real reason THIS went viral yesterday to the degree that it did.

Do videos need reasons to go viral? Half of them are cats playing the piano or kids who just had a tooth pulled and are doped up(so glad my parents never did that to me when I was young)

I wasn't saying that, just piggybacking off this guy


>"B-but that could NEVER happen again!"

you guys gave this idiot 1.4mil views and counting, good job.

the same reason I had to close my ears to read this.

Wasn't bad for a self-made video. I mean I didn't laugh out loud, but her delivery was good.

Oh I didn't realize a poll taken online or otherwise was public.

It's not about film having silly things. It's about having silly things that doesn't make sense in movie's universe.

Look at fucking Brexit too

All the way up to voting day the polls way ahead then the gap closed and THEN the silent majority won

How is she an idiot for pointing out flaws in a silly 3 minute youtube video?

Just like Anita Sarkeesian all over again tbqh. When will SJWs fuss up to the fact that they only get any real play when their enemies are a factor?

>Farage/Daily Mail supporters

Why you guys hating? It was kinda funny no?

>found the underage b&
found the DCuck.
all of things she said in the video is plot holes of suicide squad. how can you refuse this?

The point is polls are meaningless, and also that if you don't see the parallels between now and post-hippy America, you're a fucking moron. Enjoy your fuzzy safety bubble while you can tqhfnfesadfan

Because women can't be funny, haven't you heard?


unlike anita, she has fair points and legit critism. are you a DCuck?

>polls are now meaningless
I'm willing to bet you wouldn't say this is Trump was actually winning in the polls. Fuck this is hilarious. It's funny because on Sup Forums idiots will cite realclearpolitics only when Trump is winning.

>Why you guys hating?
/r9k/ and Sup Forums took over Sup Forums

Is this what being in love feels like?

>"remember guise i said '/s' so you know I'm just bein sarcastic pls no remove me from the kewl kids klub of social justice tee hee XD XD XD XD"

Jesus this is terrible. How are they so devoid of humor.

this was actually funny

Trump was ahead in the polls for about 2 days during the convention and Sup Forums was filled with Trump shill threads declaring the election over because of the polls

muh identity politics exists outside of reality and Trump supporters will flip their argument on a dime to claim they're winning, just like feminists will use contradictory arguments to claim they're oppressed

I didn't want to get down voted because people didn't realize I was being sarcastic.

kind of girl you just face fuck rapidly and cum without letting her know

then feel bad about it afterwards

I don't follow polls, and honestly Sup Forums only does that to rub it in and trigger people like you. Anyone who isn't a complete drooling lemming knows that polls are ultimately meaningless.

I always find it funny how people like you think that just because a thing went in your favor once or twice that it will be your destiny forevermore. I mean It's REALLY funny to me.

Meh id date her

But my 9 inch cock would kill her

I'm so glad her being cute is going mainstream.

Suicide Squad the film is the punchline.

Ah so they were merely pretending. Rest assured I'm not "triggered".

Is there some sort of contrived problem that only throwing a boomerang can solve?


Eh, it was sort of funny. Lot funnier than I expected it to be because, let's face it, women usually aren't that funny.