Stand up against the whites!

stand up against the whites!

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Kill yourself, nigger.

WHITE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Black Panther is a pretty cool dude.

ok so i need advice, yesterday i farted on my friends dog and now he hates me, please help i honestly dont know what to do because i have an exam tomorrow and its bring ur friends dog to school day and i dont want him to still hate me does anyone know how to fix this problem? i was thinking about pooing on my friends cat to make it even but that might just make things worse, please i am crying bc i am so stressed and i havnt farted ever since so i feel really sick because all of my farts are in my belly, pls reply quick or else my dad will hit me



crushed by the patriarchy

> stand up to whites
> immediately start to starve

nice fake news sources.

The Big Black Cock will DESTROY little, racist white boi
kneel before the Black Mamba

You wanna go back

Here's a trillion dollars, buy yourself some ice for the burn. Oh wait, a trillion Zimbabwe dollars doesn't buy you an ounce of water. My bad.

Elephant gun

Why black people are so racist, nowadays they are just like nazis. Shame on you black race, shame on you!

I actually thought it was a pile of shit till I saw the nigger hand

DJ Hi-Tech, will fuck you in the ass.