black boys are a blessing edition
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i hate slav noses
Why are most leftists physically weak and like things like GoT, MLP and table top games?
australian study abroad girl is staying around mine for a few days
gonna fucc and succ
>GoT, MLP and table top games
all me
>census results came out today
>muslim population increased 29% since 2011
Bet OP's the one with the dead uncle
how can they even compete
im a rorke and enjoy GoT (the books mainly, show is meh) and tabletop gaming - by which i assume you mean boardgames and such?
mental that one of our former left party leaders is now a right-wing political commentator
the problem is not Muslims.
It is white people have stopped breeding.
>Americans PAY for this
Doing a howl
Nice going OP. Now we have 3-4 threads on the go. We should've migrated to:
>australian politics
Sup Forums said it was fake though?
Why is the president buying this I thought he was against globalism?
housemate brought home one of her coworkers last night and I somehow managed to catch feelings for her
starting to think brexit is not going to be as bad as everyone thought T_B_H
our former nationalists are now pro immigration pro multiculturalism blah blah blah..
its JUST tier desu
Burn Dublin to the ground. Demolish all mosques. Force Gaeilge onto all Irish people. Remove citizenship from non-whites.
says the one party nation
Why is Jaden so short when his father is 190 or something.
i've given up on reality
hulk smash haha XDDDD
Yeah like dungeons and dragons, all the leftists I know like that shit and hate sports
I argued with my brother about the word "genocide" for a few of hours once. He insisted there was such a thing as cultural genocide, and I said cultural genocide doesn't exist because the "cide" in genocide is literal. You can metaphorically refer to things as cultural genocide, but they aren't literally genocide until people are being physically killed.
I was completely right, but he wouldn't drop it. He wanted to prove me wrong when he didn't know what he was talking about.
bit cold out
Because someone sat him down and explained geopolitics to him very carefully.
Mainly the part about Assad and Russia being our rivals.
just like my marvel superhero movies!
irish weather
>Progressives want to raise my taxes to pay for this
havent you ever watched a spy movie?
hes pretending to be a globalist and a zionist to infiltrate their ranks and take them out from the inside
its called 8d chinese checkers, look it up
It's not all bad news.
>The total number of non-Irish nationals fell slightly to 535,475, or 11.6pc of the population.
Admittedly, after having a dander through Dublin or Galway, I have no fucking CLUE how this is possible.
how many times do newfags need to be told Sup Forums ceased to exist years ago
Those shills now couldn't get something right if they were given the answer
and for some reason the entire planet is captivated by UK politics.
cant say the same for auswholian politics. boring nothing country.
You should have told him to do a 'cide haha
hinduism increased 35%
Catholicism dropped 3%
Protestantism dropped 15%
Atheism increased 70%
movie idea: rorke and rasheed. two unlikely people with seemingly polar views get a job together working at lidl. they soon realise they are not so different after all and start their own far right political party
mostly Europeans going back I reckon
the nonwhites are a pest. They dont leave of their own free will
percentages are meaningless without a raw number
horseshoe theory la
im a 'rorke' and am not far-right. i just hate pakis.
sun is out though
Schools are not "indoctrination centers", OK? Our education system gives students the finest academic experience possible.
You don't want to be branded as a conspiracy theorist nut job, do you?
Hello lads. How are we all doing?
The atheism and Catholicism results are a phase. A reaction to the coverups that went on in Ireland on behalf of the Church. Biggest mistake the Church ever made was not publicly hanging those queers at the first hint of noncery.
The Hinduism one is a worry, as is Islam. History shows us that those don't stop growing once they've been given a foothold.
Ah yes, the thinking man's special brew
i get accused often because i enjoy riling up padraigs but im not him, don't even know the full uncle story
Ah yes, the thinking man's special brew
one of my co-workers saw the OP and now probably thinks I'm a cuckold
fucking aussie shitposters
the pinnacle of kino
I'm in
i didn't google "horseshoe theory" i swear
i just didn't care
Ah yes, the thinking man's special brew
We are doing just fine thank you
50,000 muslims up to 63,000 muslims.
was unironically a story another aussie made up to rile up the taigs.
>in Waitrose
>browsing the beer section
>noticed the had special brew
>with fucking tasting notes
Girls prefer black bfs for the same reason they pick a dog over a cat for a pet.
How the fuck is "my uncle's a spastic who got himself killed by poorly trained, barely armed farmers" a dig at taigs?
>atheism results are a phase
you can't seriously think christianity will ever be big in the west again?
7 upvotes and 9 downvotes on my first ever comment on a BBC news article
*makes a beastiality joke*
australians are the most powerful posters on Sup Forums
*makes a weak post*
>13 replies already
>crossboard posting
just makes the potatoes look foolish for persisting with it when its not even real. stupid irish cunts.
why do rorkes always make an exception for chinks?
Atheism is already on the decline again in the West, you mong.
just like my animes aguu
Here's a meme.
That's only because of the rise of Islam though.
>You're taking a chance, risking it all
For the thrill of the moment
Taking a stand, but you aint gonna fall
You've always known it
They're dying to shake you,
They're trying their best to break you
And though the going is rough, you're going home as a hero
PINNACLE of lyrics
east asian countries are generally more conservative, and east asian diaspora in western countries are also brought up with conservative values
wonder what muslims would be like without devil worship. if they were christians, hindus, buddhists etc etc instead
would they still want to slaughter all those around them. what im saying why are those people so murderous, is it a result of devil worship or is it genetic
t. uncle also got killed by taigs
compare them to blacks and muslims and you'll have your answer.
fat fuckin' lenny
the tom platz of abs
they're still not white or similar
tbf asians are legitimately attractive
black people are mostly ugly and smelly
If atheists are converting to Islam the second it's introduced to their country, then that's only further proof that atheism is a phase.
just like my chinese cartoons
not quite but you're proving my point quite nicely 2bh. keep up the good work. you're providing lots of laughs for everyone.
is it me or is it UNSEASONABLY warm
Both. The devil worship steered them down that barbaric genetic path. Same way the constant warring in Europe led Europeans to being the most incredibly destructive people on the planet, if provoked.
>tbf asians are legitimately attractive
all part of the conspiracy to make you believe in global warming lad. step 1 is to make it warm.
Girls here are usually the cat people or they get a little bitch dog.
>not quite
>someone in his family actually was killed by taigs