/sino/ Chinese Thread

Xi-Trump meeting edition

>Resources for learning Mandarin:

>Resources for learning Cantonese:

>Resources for learning Hokkien:

>Resources for learning Wu:

>Resources for learning Uyghur:

>Smartphone dictionary (supports both Mandarin and Cantonese):

>read classical/pre-modern texts

aforementioned resource credit goes to 一路順風

>set strokes straight

>check canonical corpus

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Why don't the PRC just dissolve and make the New Republic of China following the 三民主義? Then they can have Taiwan back and pretend to be the new leader of the free world.

The CPC would have to give up its power which won't happen.

Also one of the Three Principles is democracy, which many Mainlanders believe, at least currently, the PRC is not ready for, and which people see as inefficient (as they point to slowing economic development and political gridlock in Taiwan, or ethnic conflict and economically undeveloped areas in India, for example) in contrast to the efficiency of an authoritarian government like the PRC's, which has steered the Chinese economy in a direction favorable to the Chinese people since the start of 改革开放

Excited for the asswhooping

trump overestimate china's influence with nk
he will be dissapointed

Isn't China going to sleep soon, thread will die quick.

My prediction is that Xi offer him some guanxi for his businesses and in exchange Trump gives them hegemony on the South China Sea.

Once again our """"President"""" will show how utterly inept he is at negotiating. He's such a fucking moron that he has his son-in-law doing much of the diplomatic work as oppose actual experts.

It's called nepotism, everyone does it.

That would be fine if Kushner were not also a clueless putz

>tfw Xi will agree to "put pressure" on North Korea in exchange for Taiwan and the entire South China Sea, and Trump will call it a great deal

They'd probabbly result in a Authoritarian democracy anyway (Aka singapore but with more space)

Also have some chinese cartoons.



I recommend the fox one

仍然自由自我 永远高唱我歌

>Authoritarian democracy
You memeing?

It's happening

you have a choice in who governs, but the government will still fuck your ass

sounds like American "democracy" to me

There's better Chinese cartoons.


How pissed would Xi be if Trump forces him to golf?


probably not at all, he'd take advantage of trump being out of breath and make him sign some funny deals

Xi's wife is kinda cute for an older lady, at least standing next to Tillerson's wife

Why would he be mad?

What's so degenerate about these cartoons?

>Why would he be mad?

Because Xi can't golf and the CCP has banned party members from joining golf clubs.

>Xi's wife is kinda cute for an older lady, at least standing next to Tillerson's wife

It really is a shame that Peng Liyuan has had to go from being a famous singer to just another first lady. It would probably help Xi's image even more if he would just let her sing in public every now and then.

Tillerson is already bending over, let's see if Trump follows

what is the habbening in sichuan?





A middle school student died and his families thought he was bullied to death by several 2nd-gens of officials. Raged people in the county went demonstrate but then got cracked down by the police

Chengdu restricts real estate purchases of nonlocal residents

>Western journalists struggling to pronounce Xi Jinping's name

It's not even that fucking difficult.


God I hope to never go to any 3rd tier and worse cities in China... I mean I love it there but those nong places just seem like India-tier shitty.


You got it!

3rd-tiers are still fine tho and the wild level or lawlessness also depends on the distance from the closest regional economic and political center

this is why Pinyin is objectively worse than Wade-Giles.

>Xi Jinping holds all the cards ahead of Mar-a-Lago meeting with Trump

>Xi Jinping Will Be Negotiating With Trump From A Position Of Weakness At Mar A Lago

Who is right?

Trump is already calling Xi a friend. Why is Chinese diplomacy so effective?

>implying things like
>Mao Tse-tung
>are any better than their pinyin versions

ching cheng chong shung ping pong pee pee

>tfw having difficulty remembering chinese characters


you understand korean?

Though WG makes Chinese name butchered more than pinyin, I'd say it renders syllable "si" better. Think about how you actually articulate "si", it's indeed sssszzzz~, right?

sumida park geun hye kim chong eun

The Sino-Century is upon us.

I feel you when I see Egyptian hieroglyphs bro

Trump looks so beta hunched over like that

While it may render the pronunciation better in the eyes of a linguist or someone who at least understands the rules of the romanization system, 99% of people in my experience completely pronounce Szechuan the wrong way (usually Americans pronounce it like "say-chwan, or "say-shwan" because they have no clue how the Sze combination is supposed to be pronounced) and the other 1% who pronounce it correctly are people who speak Chinese

You're right, there is no such consonant combination in English, so people hardly pronounce it correctly. Also I thought it has something to do with Poland the first time I saw it.(;´Д`)

more anki erry day

Pinyin is better for Mandarin learners (though for this purpose bopomofo is the best), Wade-Giles is more intuitive for people who have no interest in actually learning the language and are just trying to say a person's name properly.

She also sang for the PRC military in Tienanmen square in 1989

So whose dick is this Chinese chick from Skull Island sucking to get cast in all these big budget movies? Can someone please send her to acting school, or at least take an English class?

When Trump visits Beijing he will be forced to play xiangqi

>It would probably help Xi's image
More like people would be even more inclined to believe that he's trying to start a personality cult.

xiangqi isn't forbidden in america though

>Now you're probably wondering what I'm gonna need all this power for

Ain't Xi's romanisation comes from maXImum?



No twitter tirade about Xi yet wtf

More like MaSSImo

Everyone's talking about how he shit rockets at Syria in the middle of dinner with Xi.

I think the closest English approximation is how Englishmen say "sir", because the English accent drops the "r" off the end.

>mfw Trump's plan to scare Xi backfires too

Probably would think he's more fucking insane than ever

I didn't get this but then I realized you were implying golf is forbidden in China. I played it at my public university and they had a team just last year. I think this is exaggerated.

jesus christ keep it on the down low

It's good but just 3 days ago he said he was going to not pursue regime change in Syria.

I don't know man are you sure this isn't one of those 95% fake things that blow up in western media

Didn't some other Chinese leader marry a famous entertainer...

I dunno, China seems to grasp the Trump administration quite well. Remember the whole one-china fiasco? In the end China got what they wanted.

That's because it's not up for debate and Taiwan also got freaked out because these stunts are all theater

oh shit

so the rumors were true


>implying she hasn't already helped China & Russia relationship a lot
how could Melania ever compete?

but it is up for debate that's why it's a dispute

Bump, still waiting for Xi Trump news

>Chinese President Xi Jinping urged cooperation with the United States on trade and investment on Thursday, inviting President Donald Trump to visit China in a cordial start to their first meeting likely to broach sensitive security and commercial issues.

>The two sides should promote the "healthy development of bilateral trade and investment" and advance talks on a bilateral investment agreement, Xi said, according to a statement on China's Foreign Ministry website.

>"We have a thousand reasons to get China-U.S. relations right, and not one reason to spoil the China-U.S. relationship," Xi told Trump.

>Trump accepted Xi's invitation to China later this year, state news agency Xinhua news agency cited officials as saying on Friday.

It's really not. This is a wrongheaded mindset that's encouraged among rubes and why trump thought it was some kind of bargaining chip and you thought Xi made some kind of deal with him. The one China policy will not and cannot be debated.

>my amazon wishlist for china-related books is up to 200 books


The one-china policy is a core interest of the CCP but it doesn't mean it can't be challenged by the americans if they want to go all out.

Have you tried looking for digital versions? I used to order books in bulk but then I discovered torrents and IRC book channels.

but do you read them

>tfw been talking to a qt after the terror attack, then she wrote this

plus a kissing emoji in the end




no bully guys, she's very nice :3

she is using the situation to posit a condition on the external world that no matter how much effect it may have on a person as long as that person is honest in his life he would have no regrets

this is the same absolutes fundamentalists teach their jihadis

yes i am sure she is very nice

top kek

Digital is all right but I prefer physical since I already spend too much time reading China-related articles on my computer/phone

Tell me about China

Yeah I do. Science fiction mostly.

Physical books cost so much though

Used ones on Amazon are sometimes reasonable

Here i go...

selat ma pagi




It's a big country