
are sadiq edition

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fuck humans and FUCK humanity desu


this guy comes up to your gf and slaps her ass
what do you do

my name jeff

Is Kitnermitchell a U.K. born last name?


Need a dutch gf


do you remember Technoviking

drop him like a pack of bricks

Just eaten avocado and quinoa salad

Turning into an insgagram babe haha xx


Are there any blacks in The Last Kingdom? If not I might give it a watch.

Britain is on the verge of a civil war, the Brexitmongs and the radical centrists will soon engage in battle most foul.

yeah why?

cant be doing with turtlemongs ugly face staring back at me each time i open the thread

NEED a deranged short haired gf who will castrate me in my sleep for talking to another woman


is the person on the right a girl?

if phimo never posted his tiny deformed disgusting phimotic penis then he'd be completely anonymous still. what a retard

stop posting my waifu

i finished it. is this short for popular games or the norm?

If you are Korean please tell me how I get a Korean gf

When does a town become a city?

>27 hours

no that's not short unless you're a weeaboo who players those shitty jrpgs that take hundreds of hours to complete

are lasses at the aintree races

fucking HOWLING at this post hahahahahahaha



well played lad

you sir are a gentleman and a scholar

just knew he sued the guy who took the video clip
and suddenly i feel so old

I heard the phrase "go easy on me, i'm a child of divorce" somewhere and i can't remember where

i am still anonymous

If you want long games play the witcher 3

The NHS is clogged up with sickly and bored old people who want joint replacements and a chat, not young healthy immigrants.

When the population goes over 250,000.

I would bash the bitch on the left

most overrated piece of shit game ever. boring as fuck


was conceived while they were seperated haha

Really want to buy some branded beer glasses for my favourite beers but feel like spending £38 for 5 beer glasses might be a bit fucking stupid

drastically tired


i can give you a good tip be good looking and gentle


no you're not. you have an identity that people here recognise you by. that is not anonymity.

If it has a cathedral it's technically a city no matter what size it is

when it has a cathedral

thought this was me looking at the thumbnail haha :/

when the queen decides it

t. she made my town a city in 2011


brits idolise Australia but there's plenty of absolutely grim places

fuck off

pooing out of my anal orifice


Pick your side lads

Centrist Soldiers - radcial centrist Eurofederalists
Monarchist Militia - centre-right Brexiteers
Loyal Legion - fascists, anti-EU
Civic Company- liberals, civic nationalist, pro-EU
Revolutionary Republicans - socialists, Eurosceptics

>tfw 120 thousand
>got a cathedral
Exeter CITY wins again


best orifice for it lad

Finished The Sopranos lads, is Tony dead?

fuck off reddit

>le reddit bogeyman

delet urself


disgusting makeup
christ that pale one is minging
what are they wearing

women are disgusting

Go 'round the charity shops. Loads of beer glasses in those sometimes, never more than a quid each.

common misconception but untrue


What a stupid rule, new towns will never build one anymore

Cool, what city?


i choose allah (swt)

>good looking
i have had korean girls call me a gentleman though

not gonna post anymore

here are the rest


fuck off you pseudo-intellectual QI-watching reddit factoid twat

My credit card bill was due today

So time to start spending again
Looking at about 100 quid on skin care products from Amazon

Bought myself a pastie and I'm gonna eat it by the river hehe

Wish I had friends

No the point is I want specific ones for my specific favourite beers

Sick of drinking good beers out of plebby Carlsberg or San Miguel glasses

lmao they probably thought you were a right beta, lad

yeah, the places we're we form ghettos


Don't engage it

The reason I know it is because my city has a cathedral and only became a city officially in 2011 because the queen decided you twat. It's not based on having a cathedral

desu I was with my then gf at the time they said it so I'm not a megabeta

The paki builders are smoking inside the house and leaving their fag ends about

Oh right. You'll probably have to get it online at a premium then, or visit a brewery. What beers in particular are you looking for?

fuck off porridge

Who /lives in a non-white neighbourhood/ here?

Literally have to walk past a massive mosque to go to Tesco and they hardly stock anything with pork in and have a massive halal section.

Cucaracha Cucaracha hoo hoo hoo hoo
Cucaracha Cucaracha hoohoohoohoohoohoohoo

That's it yeah, they're German and Belgian beers so I'll have to buy them online and they're expensive :(

Leffe, Franziskaner and Paulaner

don't EVER tell me what to do

alri lad haha

I have not seen a single attractive woman in the thread :/


Doing some tibia exercises


I'll fix that




the new xbox is just like the new ps4

bring out the gimp

you cant exercise bone

yeah lol

Working on your pk skills lad?

why the fuck would you live there? disgusting animals

exercising my bone right now lad aha