ITT hair of Sup Forums

ITT hair of Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off . this is a datamining thread.

Who'd be stupid enough to post their hair? Eye colour is completely different.

piss yellow

*blocks your path*

now i showered

I need a haircut

Kek, is this actually you? Reverse imae search gave nothing.

Fuck, all of you really look like chinks, don't you?


hello joni

I should probably have my hair cut asap

Does ananas belong on head?



the only good looking person ITT

Sometimes I feel like I'm one in a million for not looking like a Lapp

pic related

I have the same haircut

very cool

I cut it but this is my only picture with hair

you're in my "typical finnish anons" folder now

yea. i like my hair, but sadly barber fucked up my back



Am I white?

I'm starting to be really thankful i don't look like a sami.

this probably the most typical face you can find in Finland. especially in central and eastern Finland.

Yeah, just trim the tops.
Also don't let the mean anons get to you. You look fine, just lose weight and train, next you will beat the finns who call you ugly.

what? here's me with my old haircut


It's pewdiepie...






No toi Hissun aasialaisempi veli tuskin on mikään bull.


my hed is bald

no. don't associate me with those whiny faggots


Thread theme:


Finns are the most powerful race in the world

herd u were talking shit

is this you?


>airsoft toy

heres mine


hey johann i was just about to force my meme but you went and posted it

I saved it because it was funny. I also saved some funny images finns made :DDDD



I'd say whoever cut your hair, you need to sue them, but it was you wasn't it?

cute and underaged

fuck you for saving that image and fuck that ausfag.
i said that in 1500s someone from my mother's side married a swede and after that my lineage has been finnish only, which makes me less than 0.1% swede

you look really cute ;3

but image is funny :DDDD
No need to be upset, you look good and you will easily get women so fuck off :DDD


it was 8 o clock when i posted that
not everyone is an east coast chink

why so

damn, how long is your beard?

Yeah just bugger off you useless cunt.

You're not funny nor very good at memeing so just leave it before you become too stupidly obsessed.

seeing this absolute asspain from fennoswedes anytime that image is posted is always a good time

Shaved in this pic

Ginger or strawberry blonde?

Dunno, you say

>mfw the occasional posting of an image is an obsession in a swede's eyes


>Look i don't have much in life so i spend it trolling on a mongolian fabric knitting forum.

Just got haircut fáms hows it

Maybe it's just lightning. Well don't know which one. Strawberry blond tends to be common around beard area for peopl who have dark blonde hair.

You are 2/3 Gypsy and 1/3 Russian

Are you gypsy?

You look like the romanian beggars desu.

Stop insulting Russians reeeeeeeeeeeeee



REEEE im not object stop nationalizing me

It went from cute and feminine to very.....basic. Bland.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't think short hair is ugly, it's just that on you it doesn't look very flattering. Your delicate bone structure is better highlighted with long hair, but who knows maybe I'm wrong it's just one picture.
I mean, unless of course you wanna look more dude-ish, because you're FTM trans or something, ain't nothing wrong with that. But even then I'd recommend something different.

Try an undercut perhaps on one side, if you're looking for that edgy look?

Well, are you?

is ananas an instrument?

>tfw my hair is getting out of hand

Need a haircut asap




>not black hair


i'm posting this on behalf of my best friend, Kunkku

post feet


>not asian

>swedish underwear

Looks like mine except mine is a bit longer and straight, also dark blonde.


>tfw bald at 22

hold me Sup Forums



>mfw everyone here has nice hair


It's okay

Can't be always bad, Bruce Willis is way better bald