i really liked your track and think it sounds good, but i honestly don't have a fucking clue about mastering man, im sorry, i dont want to speak out of my ass
My oxygen 49 is broken. What's a good replacement, /prod/?
Samuel Powell
Is there any way to use a regular keyboard as a midi?
Camden Phillips
kick and bass are occupying the same spot...
I like it but you've got problems with the kick and bass sucking up headroom to get a decent master. (too loud)
does it have midi out???????
if not then no
I really like the nuances in the first half of the song (like before 1:15) ... and those whirs (drills) around 2:15
I don't really know what to say about this one, not my vibe, but I think paying more attention to the details like you did at specific parts will help the rest of the song.
fuck off
i'd say don't skimp this time- i'm wanting a kontrol but it's a lot for something so simple. maybe get an older digital synth and just use that if you don't care about knobs