Hey guys. My friend Kayla here is going through a rough time right now...

Hey guys. My friend Kayla here is going through a rough time right now. I was wondering if you guys could draw her or create a cute little comic of her. I can't draw, and I know she draws so I thought maybe if someone drew her something it would cheer her up.

Tits not nobody cares

you want to go to r/redditgetsdrawn for anything serious

In /b you'll just get cum tributes and crudely shopped photos with her topless




is she missing her legs?

Will she appreciate me photoshopping her gay fucking face on a niggers body

Do you really think she would appreciate you posting her picture to a bunch of cucks online?

I think you need to reevaluate your crush you idiot

Pretty sure she is a NEET like us, user

Isn't that the trap kid from the post where the father posted a message on tumblr on how to get into contact with him?

>I just want my son back


>I just want my son back

i want to fuck it so bad

Wouldn't know. I'm not autistic enough to go to Tumblr.

Id fuck her(?).

tumblr is for women

Me neither, but the picture was posted on Sup Forums that's how I found out. Just can't find it.

Found it

behold faggots
Thanks bro

Pretty sure that post was just bait, though

you actually went on to tumblr? was it worth it?

I now have a stomach ulcer but I suppose


kek i needed a laugh, thanks user

I did find this, though
t. Autist
