Mfw your country is the only important one in Europe without any terrorist attacks

>mfw your country is the only important one in Europe without any terrorist attacks.
It's good to live without the fear of getting raped/killed by rapefugee

truly a patrician feel, my aryan brother.

Your country is a shithole going down the drain and already brown arabic so that is why terrorists don't care about your dogshit nation.

Knock on wood

Portugal is pretty important too :3

Nah no one cares about poortugal

Italy isn't aryan. Italians belong to their own italian race, according to Mussolini.
"Aryans" are dumb enough to let themselves be enslaved by others, the italian race is smart and found out the perfect balance between work, family and free time. It remains pure.


and Spain???


and touch metal
true. nationalism has nothing to do with the delirium of race

sigilia :DDDDDDD


we do and we are bigger than any european country

shitaly has mafia


Calabresi are faggots
well meme'd

Roman Empire

Bigger =/= important


get out

and you have the capo


just cause your president tries real hard to get into the news doesn't make your shithole relevant. The world would be better of without you.

Wtf I love Russia now

>not proto-turks

If you are relevant then you should include us too. No terrorist attack (yet)

>allowed to have an opinion
go suck Shlomo dick, you managed to ruin europe again

but your women are getting voluntarily raped by BBC

>be piedmontese

March the 11th 2004

Im having a sudden urge to visit Italy



lol ok I guess?

Italians disgust me, they leave their countries to spread their criminality and corruption to good white nations. Consider for a moment how many of the Italian immigrants in your country are involved in organised crime, how many of them don't work, how many other gangs have copied their ways. The Italian male is an infamous lecher, his greasy brown skin glistens at the site of any white woman to harass, they're essentially arabs who happen to be Catholic. The Italian woman is a whore, a prostitute, a vixen, if there is a dick available she will gleefully take it, happily mixing with the Moors to create the human sewage that is the modern Italy. Is it any coincidence that their culture is full of infidelity and cuckoldry? I think not. Every manner of sexual perversion in Europe was spread from the Italian, his whole culture is built on lies and deceit, Catholic guilt and corruption.

no u

don't be rude

>ninety-five percent, at least
idealists everyone

>Consider for a moment how many of the Italian immigrants in your country are involved in organised crime

Leave greatest ally alone you smelly Italian bastard

Pretty funny coming from the UK

>tfw Etruscan master race

You aren't though
Can I see your family tree tracing back 2 millennia?


>be piedmontese
>bow to your french masters like the pleb you are

suck my dick you barbarian degenerate
you used to live in mudhuts when we were building the Flavian Amphitheatre

>r-rule b-ritannia


Italian women are whores, like your mother

>le ebin righteous anglo meme

No you didn't
I bet I've built much more than you, what's your job? Time travelling brickie?

Theo van Gogh.

you can do better than that

< ?

England was part of the empire when the Flavian Amphitheatre was built

Yeah, good job being the bridge that brings niggers to europe.

Anyway, don't tell like that, it invites bad signs.

If it was important it would have been attacked.




>B-but Italian women are whores
BITCH PLEASE! Every time I see an english cumdumpster here I instantly know that I'll dip it in tea an milk tonight. Your women are so loose that one doesn't even feel the challenge anymore.

Also, great way to project, abdul. Your women cucked you for years, england is a brown shithole more than Italy nowadays

t. triggered italian cuck

>the only important one

never been a great power

QT women?
t. pasty anglo Cuck

all this talk about who's women are the bigger whores and you still have no gf

looks like a negro

There have been attempts, but our intelligence gathering is actually effective, unlike the French and Anglo ones

parla per te zio :^)

Here's a drop dead gorgeous anglo women

We haven't had any terror attacks yet

everything south of the danevirke was a mistake

ragazzi dobbiamo disintegrare il nuovo ordine toscano

If we need some weed we call you, thx

>83 million people
>Real germans are 64 millions

Lmfao and you're still talking

150 anni che ve la mettiamo nel culo e ancora vi sparate le pose. Zitti napulegna e sucate, vi abbiamo inculati alla grande per secoli.

that guy who was shot on street by a crazy muslim ?

Theo Van Gog killing

quando cominciamo la guerra di t*rroni?

I'm no commie, but CHe really isn't wrong in this one

Cant wait for the second italian civil war, or "War of t*rr*n* extermination".

you better leave italy alone you porridge slurping bean eater, or else

we all know who would win ambringino


For Europeans "civilization" is synonymous with "Italianization".

Stupid brits didnt even have enough sense to wear more clothes when it was cold, and instead slathered themselves in bear fat.
All of eueope was basically a white africa until the noble Italian spread his wisdom and seed over the continent. "Civilized" indeed. You shits didnt even have a word for it

There is a girl from Ancona at my uni. Is Ancona already terroni land?

fuck you, but that was fucking funny.

do Italians have gun rights?

and come tu vincerai, quando i t*rroni del sud degenerates hanno violenza nella sanguine?

It's in a weird position.

T*rroni for the North but still not recognize by the true t*rr*ni

they know better than to attack the Lion of Europe.

In the buffer zone. In that region (Marche) traditionally they speak galloromance languages in the north, central italian dialects (strongly related with standard italian) in Ancona and southern italian languages in the south.

Mussolini should have won

Why do you all hate the t*rr*ni?

aha ahem

because they have a good time and dont afraid of anything and the others are jealous

>t. terrono


that guy got OBAMAED tho.



Italy is 2nd world
It is not important
It is Slovakia tier (soon to be Romania tier)
Italy is a P O O R country that couldn't even handle the Euro
Implying your coastal towns are not full of immigrants
Implying the south of Italy is any richer than forma Yugoslavia states (the shit ones)

I have never understood modern Italian pride. They have gave nothing to Europe or humanity for hundreds of years.

You've been writing post like this one all day, what made you so extremely butthurt about us?

pick one
you don't even have a functioning government
why would a terrorist attack somewhere worse than where they come from

i've just logged on and saw this what are you on about?

people just don't like shitaly

ISIS has explicitly singled out France, Germany, the UK and Italy as potential targets. Only one of these three hasn't been hit yet.

If the next attack isn't in France (again!) it will probably be in Italy.

Why do Argies hate Italians so much?

They're always the same two autistic trolls from /lat/

>"E' bello vivere senza la paura di essere stuprati/uccisi dai Rapefugiati"

Veramente ci sono stati un po' di casi di stupro da parte di migranti negli ultimi tempi. E anche se non ci sono stati attacchi ancora, non significa che siete immuni (Brigate Rosse?), fortunatamente la vostra intelligence e le vostre forze armate sembrano essere più competenti dei crauti e delle rane, il che è paradossale visto quello che dicono di voi il più delle volte. Alla fine finisce che l'Italia verrà vista come il modello perfetto di un paese che sa accogliere i rifugiati senza però dare alcuna possibilità ai terroristi nascosti tra loro.

A proposito, se andassi ad iscrivermi al partito della Lega Nord dopo che ho preso la cittadinanza, riuscirò a tornare a casa intero (o semplicemente tornare a casa e basta)? :^)

Okay seriamente però, qualcuno di voi è di Rimini? Non vi sorprende che ci siano così tanti albanesi in questa città in specifico? Io stesso sono un albo, però la cosa mi concerne un po' se devo essere onesto. E un po' mi spaventa, perchè se alcuni di loro (ri)cominciano a combinare cazzate, la colpa sarà estesa anche a me, a prescindere dalla mia fedina penale.