Do they really show this on TV in Bongland?

Do they really show this on TV in Bongland?

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>that black cock....
so unnecessary kek

>skincare regime

holy fuck did you see that there were like 20 different ointments and shit

I've been using a bar of soap for 15 years

Don't worry, the new mayor they elected will make sure this filth never airs again

That's "Show the Midwife," isn't it?

Honestly I wish we could just transplant Islam into the minds of all white people without importing billions of shitskins. It really is the cure to the degeneracy of the west. Fuck praying 9001 times per day though


>I wish we can transplant Islam into the minds of all white people
>I want all white men and women to get circumcised
>and we can't eat pork anymore
>and you have to fuck your cousin and marry her
>and worship an asteroid
Yeah nah


Of course there's a fucking nigger.

Animal testing

>sees a naked woman and thinks "degeneracy!"
You neo-Nazis are a bunch of closet faggots, aren't you. Goddamnit.


Man, I was gonna make a joke about the "soap Jew" but tracing the history of soap manufacturers back, it's all white guys. English, Dutch, German, Swedish, all those folks. Even the current CEOs, Presidents, and Chairmen are all white.
I guess soap is pretty fuckin redpilled




She allowed herself to be filmed for this pornographic video that is degenerate
Also shaving your pubic hair is disgusting

Anyone who says nudity is worse than violence is either trolling or retarded.

>i can't read the description
OP is retarded.

Violence teaches you not to be a namby pamby pussy, all nudity does is normalize sex to children when it's shown on TV

Sup Forums has really fucked up your guys' brains. You're seeing nigger dick everywhere now kek.

>shows BBC relaxing like a king while spokeswoman admires in silence
>cuts to pregnant white woman getting her needs and wants taken down on a clipboard by a submissive white male
Definitely no agenda there.

Good joke.

>all those saggy tits
It's like bongs are trying to look more like african tribeswomen more and more every day.

Damn, all those guys are packing.

Would you say the same if it was your mother, sister, or daughter being paraded around nude for everyone to see?

This has nothing to do with hating the female body.

The human body is inherently sexual.

Accepting it, beyond the intimate confines of a loved one, would be hypersexual decadence.

maybe watch the whole video? there is literally a nigger


I feel like they had like a half chub going on.

>That white dude with the pregnant lady

No ones dick is that big completely soft

Since when has youtube had nudity?

Sup Forums automatically assumes any moderate to large penis must be black.

Th-those guys fluffed beforehand, r-right?

Since Jewgle.

they could've chose better looking bitches


this. I'm a solid 6 hard but a 2 soft and I'm legitimately not lying.

They're British. What else were you expecting?

Bongland why?

>basically all white women and nonwhite men
Thank god it's not MALE, PALE, AND STALE!

>all showers
>no growers

>how can American men even compete?

Maybe the niggers where always there and its just berenstein universe

are they trying to brainwash people to think
>if you got nothing to hide, you got nothing to worry about :^)
>now prepare your anus

You're onvoously not gay

Look up the bathmate review videos. Lel

neither nudity nor violence is bad desu

I'd ban communism and socialist ideas on the telly though

Showers are better

Oh fuck me.

And they didn't even pick jewish guys to do them. Another lel

what the fuck Europe?

They've always been like that. We're the prudes

>never been in a public shower
>never whipped it out and did the watch gag to a friend


Ehh, maybe a quarter chub

There's more to the boner scale than soft-half chub-boner

1. That's not a big dick
2. That's not the black guy
3. The black guy didn't have a big dick either

Europe is a hot spot for degeneracy

she stops right in front of it to check it out
literally no attempt is made to cover that with some purpose for that shot. Like they are saying yeah we know we put this in just to be dicks and we will straight up tell you.

Lol you're funny. Maybe 23 of my friends over time have done this


That is a hot as fuark statement

Speak for yourself tiny tim.

Except they were all homos.

Not the best penis ever but not the shittiest either

European always have been pretty relaxed with nudity, particularly Germans

dunno man, it doesn't bother me.
you'd have to be a frustrated virgin to be bothered by a pair of tits

soft-half chub-chub-low quality hardon-rager-boner pill boner when you dont have ed

>all this penis talk

Why is Sup Forums so gay? This place continues to disappoint.

Party van time.

Americans fucked with a hole in a sheet.


>no black women


I fapped.

Diamonds on the end. Gotta love the ones that point to ceiling :P

I dont think im small, but i get my dick wet either way, so fuck it.

I guess it works, her skin looks good for her age.

It's all the foreskins in the face creams

The violence seen in television and movies are fake. The nudity isn't

No. It's a barbaric and savage religion fit only for niggers. Any merits are drowned out by its overwhelming vileness.

That's why they're importing so many Muslims they need more foreskins

lol wut

am i a pervert for having a boner ?

Why is there a BBC in the commercial and why does the white woman stop to stare at it?

>Mandatory bbc included

fucking mudshits, mang

>all nudity does is normalize sex to children
If sex wasn't normal you wouldn't be here m8. Maybe you're thinking of trivialize, which is doesn't.

There was a good one on dailymotion reviewing all kinds by spanish guys but it's gone



>implying this is for anything other than ratings


keked so hard the fucking vanity of it

she is fucking hot


is there a name for these things?

yes but having no growers is not realistic

What does it matter though? If we had no growers we'd know what all the showers were like in any other state. Now, if you're a grower you can't strut a huge flopper around

Yeah, disgusting

>that moderately hairy prime asian pussy
me gusta

Showers vs growers.
Some guys dicks are smaller but they get much bigger when they get erect.
Others are bigger but when they get erect there's not as much difference.

I'm just curious about who the author is

Wanna bet the name ends with stein, berg or witz?

bookmarked, downloaded