>actually makes sense in context (international flight) >never felt forced >characters have actual depth beyond MUH ETHNICITY >ideological and class diversity as well as racial diversity, leading to conflicts that never felt like the writers were just trying to lazily push some agenda
Post more examples of diversity done right
Lucas Foster
Carson Peterson
Nathaniel Harris
Vice Principals
Colton Morris
Lucas Green
>Yellow ranger is Chinese >Black ranger is Black >Pink ranger is a qt grill
No chance this passes through diversity and equality control nowadays.
Xavier Morgan
Note that the only Iraqi main character died by suicide bombing. The African character was mercenary. The black guy was a terrible dad. The main white guy was a successful doctor and an alcoholic.
Benjamin Harris
>>actually makes sense in context (international flight) >non-whites >able to afford an international flight
Aiden Martin
>diverse cast of blacks, hispanics, gays, even a few asians >shows concern for and discusses serious social issues >nazis and racists are rightfully seen as horrible villians
This show should be an SJW paradise.
Lincoln Myers
Also it was pretty much the only show in its time to have sympathetic Muslim characters
Nathan White
>white people >in prison
Anthony Diaz
honestly i miss the one white girl with blonde hair. (the one who got together with saeed?) she was fucking cute. has she been in much else since lost ended?
Brody Cruz
tfw no other show will ever come close to what lost achieved
Eli Ortiz
Daytime soaps accomplished everything lost was trying to achieve and then some.
Jordan Bennett
>Diversity done right No, diversity cannot be done right. Anyone who says otherwise is either a kike or has drank the jewaid
Andrew Thompson
why must there be a thought process just for having a mixed race cast? you look wayy too into it
Jose Wilson
That's because its a stealth Sup Forums thread. Polkuks literally can't watch media where the characters don't conform to their 1950's world view. So they cherry pick shows that do and use it as "some of my best friends are black" type of argument.
Parker Rodriguez
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
Hudson Parker
imagine not being able to enjoy a series because you look out for all the agendas and question why a black person is in the show unless theres a completely solid justified excuse for them being there
i think these Sup Forumsaks need to get the sand out of their vajay-jay and loosen up a little. its only entertainment
Parker Rogers
>Yes goy, we need less of those awful whites and need more diversity. It's 2016 after all.
Ryan Bennett
Ethan Peterson
That isn't how I remember Sayid dying. In fact, I don't remember Sayid daying.
Mikhail suicide bombed somebody, but he was a Russian.
Owen Rodriguez
And yet not a single damm sjw watch this show to keep from cancelling even though it was Africakino.