Who has more money then me in there bank account

who has more money then me in there bank account

>not having 0 trips
are you even trying?

please reply to this post with your insurance information. i injured my neck attempting to read the image you posted.

if you are not insured i fully intend to recoup all of my medical costs in court if necessary

sorry i dont know why it did do you except visa or mastercard

all major credit cards are accepted


Do you care for a pooptruffel?

>has 200k in bank account
>cant even spell correctly

What a world

just goes to show that mistaking their and there is not that big a deal in life.

>No punctuation

Op can I have $10,000
My life is a mess and this would really really really mean a lot to me

Fake af, I can do the same thing. All it takes is literally like 3 seconds.

mine is not fake how did you even do that?

Give me 2k man

Not him but F12 does wonders.

more proof since everyone says everything is fake

The only way you can prove that is how much toy have in your bank, you need to provide us with your ip address

bro cmon give me some money please I was born disadvanted

Give me $7000 and I'll pray to you every night like your my God.

my ip address is 5

wish i had a bank account

David Hudson, 5 years in the Army and a 12 month deployment in Afghanistan.

nicely done



Nice trips

thanx XD

nice single

are you black?

nice you smoked me lol.. do you invest in bonds and equity??


No I make that from working in McDonalds. Of course I invest in those you fucking retard.

1 / 2

stock market isn't the only way to make money

2 / 2

eh, not bad... i had more but am down a couple hundred grand on a bad investment. working on getting that back.

how long did it take you to acquire that?

maybe 8 years? the ball was rolling from some inheritance, but i made like 3/4 of what's here through a few different businesses i started. sold two of em. still have one. will probably start another soon. working for yourself is the only way to go.

oh and i should mention this is after my ex took half in a divorce. now there's a mistake i won't make twice.


OP here..Damn she made out like a bandit huh. ya i'm gonna try and invest mine in stocks and some real estate

Hail Satan

i've already met with a investment firm a cpl times and got a condo i'm working on right now

Company has been going for 6 months now.
Still owe 28% to tax. I have no money personally, only assets

What businesses do you recommend getting into/ investing in?

damn straight she did. but worth every penny to get rid of her lol

kill me

My old man got out of real estate when he was in his early 30's
He believes if you have a good idea about how to invest in the stock market. You will make more money

all of my businesses have been online. one i got lucky and things just kinda steamrolled along the way. that's the one i still have. the others... i got jobs working for small companies that did some pretty basic things online that made a lot of money. learned the ins and outs of the business. quit. served my non-compete time. then turned around and launched my own version of the same business. easy cash.

it doesn't really matter what you do - it's if you know what the hell you're doing. you just have to be smart about it.

good to know

Stop complaining you fucking piece of ungrateful shit! Like an hour ago I was doing some research & I found out the average income per month after tax per person in Venezuela is $32, which is the lowest in the world. 32 fucking dollars a month! People are so ungrateful these days, upset that they don't have the latest Iphone or Nikes or Levis. All just a bunch of bullshit when you compare it to how the majority of the rest of the world lives.

My friends and I are working on an app that I firmly believe has potential to be be great. I can't go into too many details about it but I think advertising is the most important thing for success, and I say that based off the shitty mobile games that are on the top grossing charts. They advertise A LOT yet the games absolutely suck. Do you think advertising is one of the most important aspects?

absolutely. doesn't have to be paid ads though. today there are so many ways of spreading the word about things for free. get bloggers / "influencers" to write about your stuff and share it. use content marketing. etc etc.

but yeah, one of the businesses i sold relied solely on adwords. plunked at least $300-500 a day down on ads, but made back 5-10x that per day on average once it was really up and running.

I Dont live in a shit hole country faggot. I grew up privileged white community, lived my whole life as an under achever. im now a mechanic that cant afford to live on his own in one of the most expensive cities in the US.

also the jews did 9/11

Holy shit, you say you're ready to make it big yet you're asking question they'd ask in Business 101.

This is the idea we had. Try to partner up with YouTubers and other high traffic mediums. Thanks for the advice.
It never hurts to ask those who are more experienced than you. Different people have different ideas and I want to hear them all. I'm a programmer not a business major. I knew advertising would be important going into this but if he would have came back saying something else is more important I would have given that some serious thought.

Did I say you live in a shit hole country? I said you need to be more grateful of the life you was born in & given.

>cant afford to live on his own in one of the most expensive cities in the US

Boo fucking hoo. So most likely it's one of the most expensive cities in the world. Do you have any idea how many people can't afford that? Billions. Stop fucking complaining when you could be a lot worse off.

I have more in cash

Rich user, can you donate money to a poorfag like me
My mom is a junkie and my dad has schizophrenia
we live in a one bedroom apartment.
Please donate me some money


money can't buy self respect.

>My mom is a junkie and my dad has schizophrenia
we live in a one bedroom apartment

Holy shit they should make a sitcom about your life.

All you butfuckers with over 200k in bank account. Prove this shit by making a 20k donation to the red cross. Prove that you don't even need that money.

Holy fucking kek


I hate you


Why does someone who doesn't know the difference between there and their have that much money?

Forty keks

Because he doesn't wasn't time of formalities. I've never seen a rich English teacher.

daddy, was it you'res time to make food or mommies?
well, today we will eat grammar, the word is yours, have a nice appetite.

because knowing the difference between their and there is not gonna make you any money