Did Trump break another politician?

Did Trump break another politician?

>Literally who

She's one of the top Dems retard

Mexicans are rapists, muslims are terrorists.

Stupid timber nigger...

Not for much longer.

>claims Donald trump is hateful
>she's the only calling him every buzzword in existence
>she's the one who promotes the "protesting" and assault of trump supporters

But no, trump is the hateful one.
Why are libtards so backwards?

That goofy warren! Newly Branded

ToP Kek She really is butt-hurt!

Elizabeth "All Talk No Action" Warren is about as Native American as a cheeseburger.

She is attack dog mode which means she will be Shillarys running mate

It's beautiful. He's painting a picture of shrill feminists shrieking at a strong man.

I hope he keeps poking her!


So she can prove she's native american then? Because she's obviously not beyond the "ey yo I have .0023% native american blood in me" probable amount.

Dongald is going to be "poking" a lot of liberal female politicians soon and they'll be begging for it


Wow look at the sequence of buzzwords that every libtard spouts!

I think they should get together and smoke em da peace pipe


every time he mentions her, she chimps the fuck out

scroll down, most of her tweets that you'll see are about Trump

Injun Liz

but Donald has branded her Goofy Elizabeth Warren


As much as I like when Donald picks fights, I don't think this was a smart one to pick. Warren is influential and well-liked. He can harp on the "not a real native american" thing but I really don't think anyone but Trump fans care. I don't really understand what he gains. Bernie supporters will dislike him for this.

All talk, no action

He's baiting her into chimping out. Hillary tries to play it cool but he'll get to her.

I agree.
This is one of the few people I think he's better off leaving alone. This is who all of the people that hate Hillary have been wishing would have ran.

She just got TRUMPED

>Bernie supporters will dislike him for this.
They hate her for supporting Clinton.

>implying trump gives two fucks about bernie supporters
>implying that making fun of fauxcahontas is the last straw for drooling libs

Warren is deeply flawed, and never been taken to task for it.

Donald just demolished numerous republicans, but so far hasn't taken down a Democrat. He's targeted Warren as an easy kill. After he draws first blood, he'll have the DNC running scared.




>picks fights
he's a counterpuncher.
She's released numerous ant-trump tweets.

also: you really think the Trump Train is going into SAFE territory? If this makes you nervous the next 6 months are going to give you a breakdown.

gon be hilarious tho

Trump knows what he is doing, he wouldn't just attack Warren out of the blue for no reason

....and GALLANT

wtf thats possible?

Get elected as a 1 issue candidate
>muh women
It should be illegal to blatantly serve only 1 half of your constituency.

She's an absolute cunt.

As someone from MA, I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

you could do that too, if your torso was comprised entirely of abs, you ate only lean protein, and worked abs 12 hours a day

Oh yes, Trump is more than capable of destroying Warren. Also snakes are basically one long muscle.

Why does Sup Forums hate the only senator that stands up against big banks and corporatocracy?

>How, my fellow native Americans!

Lol, she hasn't. She's a sellout. Endorsing Hillary and corporate interests, instead of Bernie who aligns closer to her STATED beliefs.

Most of her fans are Bernie voters, so they are quite sore at her already. Her fanbase is already upset with her, so she is vulnerable. Trump senses the weakness, and is circling in for the kill.

She has yet to endorse either candidates m8


She's in the bag for Hillary fool. This is common knowledge in bernout circles. Ask your loser leftist friends, they'll tell you.

haha oh fuck

>gets called out by Trump
>goes full damage control
sasuga dems

Oh ok

>racism, sexism & xenophobia.
Can't believe people still uses this shitty argument.

Warren jr. says I want free college and I want it now

all of them ?

I think the strategy is to bait her into being Shillary's VP, and then Trump makes them both look like crazy women.


Can we find a picture of Warren that is less "crazed cat lady" and more "goofy"?

dumping some proposals

Chief spreading bull



>hate-filled lies
every time one of these no-math retards says something like this I am reminded of what a sham the whole show is

Feminists scream about how they want a strong woman as a politician. All I've seen from these women are how easily triggered they are into rages. Not strong at all. They can't play the game of politics without tears.

>top dem
You are a moron you confuse being loud with being important. How many of her issues made it past the senate? Ya none Gtfo


A phony "anit-wall street" fake who is in their front pocket. She is only relevant now as a Clinton/Biden mouthpiece.

Hahaha this is good I'm keeping it

So much butthurt in this thread

Walking Eagle- She is so full of shit, she can't fly.

Or when they just pepper the word "RACIST" or "XENOPHOBE!!" to give validity to whatever retard thing they're exposing to the kike press.



Enough to count


wonder if he's trying to goad them into doing a clinton/warren ticket instead of clinton/sanders


>You just triggered my trap card

including me ?

A real alpha male treating them as an equal competitor and they'll get BTFO every time. Trump is going to turn Hillary into a female Jeb, but worse.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump troll Hillary into a coughing fit until she collapses on the stage at the debates.

What an idiot, when will these politicians learn to not feed Trump's trolling? I can't believe these are the people in charge of the USA.

By all means, take. Take this one too.

bitch senator from my state that makes me want to go on a rampage

scott brown come back to meeeeeeeee

"top Dem"
They talk about her a lot in the MSM

>I do NOT get $ from casinos
>I am a Native American

Pick one.

More than likely

>Her new native american name

Mad man

This guy here.

idk why this got so many replies

i rarely post on Sup Forums. also i hope trump destroys warren


She has gone completely bonkers, ahaha! Keep 'em coming, Don!

das racist

You tell me user

she took the b8 again

>call me out for being a fraud? well youre a meanie faced jerk



Goofy Liz is better


What, is she 1/128th native? What a joke

I like this one. Seems pretty goofball.

dont worry, hes smarter than you

you guys are such faggots. this was literally perfect

Zero percent, I believe. I think she claimed 1/32nd, but isn't even that.

(found this on google images)

well, i'm not. but do you expect me to be ? do you want me to rape someone ? in order to prove your points.

they all take the bait
now we wait for the hook

Goofy Bull?