Why do Whites look like exact the same way with Jap cartoon charactor?
Is this the power of milk consumption?
Why do Whites look like exact the same way with Jap cartoon charactor?
Is this the power of milk consumption?
Britain decided to be Asian during the '70s
Don't ask
>Britain decided to be Asian during the '70s
is he John lenon?
nah, K-pop singers and K-league players exactly look same as anime characters
Because we east asians arr rook same
he is jimmy page
Japanese hockey player
Anime about cute girls doing cute bodychecks when?
That's not my curiosity, fucking Jap.
I am thinking its their Christian god's bless to make them like some kinda fantasy cartoon charactor. They do look exact the same way of 2D cartoon charators.
Can't figure it out what the fuck have made human being differenciated so much from this
It's very easy to understand actually
"that" was in transition stage between tree and land
ie, it can't stand as long as we can
most of human physiological change comes from adaptation to running on two legs
apes can't do that very goodly
Patriarchy and rape culture body-shamed hairy women out of existence
god asians are so ugly
I think a typical anime face has features of little child more than race
average japanese girl
I wish Japanese girls had pointy SEA-style jawlines instead of great big round faces. Still qt though
wow it's almost like all japaneses are insecure about their appearances or something
>asians with the same haircut
oh no
I feel you know nothing about korea-japan relationship
It took me quite a while to realise the bottom half was the women's team
actually there would be literally no weaboo in the whole world if Jap anime was drawing the Japanese people as just itself not depicting it as whitey looking
We still lack the blue, purple and green hair.
they didn't for obvious reasons in cartoon each character need distinctive features so that you can recognize him instantly and it's easier to do if you can also change color of hair and eyes.
indeed, kpop singers are much closer to anime girls desu
Do you honestly think they try to look like whites? I'm not sure 2bh
OG anime was copying the conventions of warner brothers and disney. Japan being a culture of convention and tradition, the held to those standards even when attempting to depict more "realistic" characters.Obviously this was not always the case, but as shows like Atroboy and Tetsujin 28 were more successful, studios tended to emulate their likes more consistently as the years went by. Would-be animators and manga makers in turn emulated those companies, and while that distinctive anime style has certainly evolved over the generations, certain conventions; such as large eyes and clump-hair, have held through in most cases.
maybe I was wrong, looking your picture, I thnk they try to look like single testicle with pubic hair
Except in Spain.
anime is trash
Jomon is looks like a anime.
Yayoi is shit like atypical Korean before plastic surgery desu ne.
Jomon is the anime desu.
Yayoi is shit.
I mean the Japanese used to try hard to imitate western culture but now most of us stopped for some reason
and then a large amount of mixed weird stuff or garbage left
Jap san.
Why don't you post your proud Jomon nation face in this thread then?
I heard that your nation is 90% Yayoi already, pretty suspicious if you could be proud of your Australoid Jomon gene.
and in my personal guess, They are not Jomon kind even, They are seeds of dutch who visited your country centuries ago. You devoted literally tons of women to flatter them, didn't you
why don't you post your proud no-plastic surgery face in this thread then?
I heard that your nation is 90% plastic surgery, pretty suspicious if you could be proud of your no-plastic-needed gene
>to intellegence to judge people based on looks
But Ping Pong is one the most loved anime in the west and they all look asian
not him but that kind of face is not so rare in japan
most of them are not as buautifull as har though
Where the 90% number came from?
Why Korean is always lier? Here is DNA map of Jomon and Yayoi.
Jomon is very common things in japan.
And Anyway Korean is full Yayoi gook people desu.
Just enjoy the thread and watch people shitpost and soon post their haplogroup mememaps
Courtship in Asia is removing clothes, to discover what genitals lie beneath.
Like unboxing a present!
This is full Yayoi Korean face.
Korean is mix of Yayoi race and Manchurian mongol. So no doubt korea has only Yayoi face without plastic surgery to make Jomon face.
Weren't jomon living in mudhuts though?
Why are you proud?
Jomon is ainu
You are yayoi also all japs are yayoi
Right is Korean. Left is japan.
The point is Korea has only Yayoi face without plastic surgery.
But japan has naturally mix of Jomon and Yayoi face. Regardless good looking or not.
Japan has diversity of face while Korean is only Yayoi. Hai.
Look at DNA map of Jomon and yayoi.
and stop your lie.
You typical shit wine Korean. Here is DNA mapWhy Korean change your own Yayoi add Manchurian face by plastic surgery?
if you said they are Japanese students, I totally believe it
jomon face
Japan has kawaii Jomon soccer player as well.
How about korea?
Oh full yayoi Kim desu.
This is normal Japanese student desu ne.
Pls post some Korean normal student who look not a yayoi.
would fuck/10
Japanese student is kawaii desu ne.
This is Korea desu.
Why Koran has big face like PSY?
Korea is Yayoi add Manchurian.
it's the other way round
anime characters look like whites
I dont know senpai, they try to look more like the main character of yu gi oh.
and none of those is handsome at all, i dont get the host bussiness at all.
i need more info about this jap kun-t.
Korean beauty.
>whitey looking
das racis no?
This again?
Anime is abstracted. The simpler the face, the more people it can belong to. For example, two dots for eyes and a line for a mouth is everyone.
Basic eyes, square head, thin lips, black crop top would be hundreds of millions.
Archer could be a couple thousand people.
A realistic drawing of someone can only be one person.
Jomon and Yayoi
Jomon were indigenous to Japan with Australoid features.
Yayaoi came later from south china and Korea with Mongoloid features.
Though the Yayoi genocided the Jomon, they also mated, mixed and modern Japs (Yamato) were formed.
Ainu the native people in noth japan Hokkaido have more Jomon blood in them.
Even today in Japan some people have a more Jomon face than others.
Modern Korean is much near the Manchuria people.
For example PSY. He looks like a more Manchurian mongol.
Even Korean president Park Geun-Hye is looks like a Manchurian mongol.
Also you can see tha face of Asashoryu, mongolian sumou wrestler. He is kind of similar of PSY.
If we study the history of korea and location of Korea then we can know why Korean and Manchuria is similar.
Even ancient Koguryŏ is noth Mongolian equestrian. And ancient koguryo people is became Manchurian and noth korean. Capital of koguryo was at noth Korea.
Also here is a test of DNA..The very point is that the Japanese have facial ”diversity” that is a mix of Jomon and Yayoi.
It's not saying who is look more better. And who is more ugly. It's matter of diversity.
But Korean is full blooded Yayoi people, so useally Korean has only Yayoi type of face.
Lol, this is whats look like in anime.
i honestly wouldnt mind fucking the left corner one.
i would only fuck like 2 of those 5
but in this one, i would only leave like 3 alone and fuck all of the rest.
and honestly i wouldnt fuck almost anyone of these niggas here, there's like 3-4 at most, and they're japs.
is that Undertale 2?
Korean beauty kpop before plastic surgery.
What is this, a picture for fucking ants mate?
Why Japanese posters are so autistic
whats wrong with their eyes
Because there are many netouyo.
I hate both Japanese netouyo and Korean netouyo.
When will nork attack worst Korea?
So thats why gooks usually are ugly as fuck and thats why the plastic surgery, gotcha jap kun.
So, would you say that i should actually visit hokkaido if i want to fuck cute jap girls, right?
or are they more racist than your average central jap.
Really makes you think
>I hate Japanese netouyo and Korean netouyo
>So both of us are bad!
Hell, sometime Japs are so sneaky that they freak me the fuck out. There's hardly any
'Korean netouyos' here.
w-what does this mean senpai.
I only know that empathizing with cartoon is easier for anyone
what about Okinawans?
Just visit japan and see well. Jomon is not rare face at all more then your imagine.
Especially Okinawa is mostly jomon.
Okinawa keeps Jomon very well but they mixed with SEA.
And Hokkaido is ok but tohoku AKITA has more Jomon face. There had big residence of Jomon at ancient times. It's call Emishi people.
It's just two of us and your friend.
But I hear about Korean netouyo from news.
And I like Korean except historial problem so I hate Japanese netouyo in internet.
Why are they so stupid?
Netouyo(ネトウヨ)is fucking online right-wingers who hate Korean(and China) storongly.
Japs are world most ugly racist people.
Korean is the most beautiful and smart people in asia. Korea is only one First Nation is Asia.
We never forgive jap war criminals. Jap must compensate and apologies from the heart as soon as possible...
>"everyone who criticizes muh glorious japan and me must be korean!"
oooohhh right wings, gotcha
why would you put akarin besides that cunt tho.
why do Koreans have such flat noses, while Japs tend to sometimes have higher bridge and overall nicer shapes to their noses?
Not nordic but scandinavian my mongol friend
>oooohhh right wings, gotcha
That's right.
There are many netouyo who insult Korean because Sup Forums is displayed their flag so I think they wanna apeal how wonderful Japan is.
I hate them.disgusting
>colored hair not allowed
it depends on the school, though