Anyone do LSD here?

Anyone do LSD here?

I have too much respect to take lsd


Long time ago fam. Mushrooms these days.


yep. it's fun. and I've had some pretty profound experiences. AMA

Safe, reagent tested LSD, yes. Any random blotter I'm given? Fuck no

Do watch some gore vidz ;)

almost impossible to buy it here...

Same. Acid is awesome. Easily my 2nd favorite to Weed.

The chill, happy feeling when laying in the grass under the trees is hard to compare to anything.Pure bliss. Ween sounds amazing too when on lsd.

>what is research

LMAO You can literally buy it on the clearnet nowadays too.

every couple years. I have 2 tabs in my drawer now for special occasion

So how's bible study

Fucked me up good for atleast two years where i had panic attacks, crazy anxiety, jitters, no fun, couldn't taste food all that well anymore, spent my time bawling my eyes out whilst watching old vhs tapes from my youth.

It gave me a profound moment for a while before shit went down though, it was nice. But for the love of god do research if your family is sensitive for psychosis and don't mix it with weed. I'm still not fully recovered.

got 'emmmmmmm

Had my first LSD trip this year, exaclty one week ago. Was a nice expierence

wtf? did you take like 7 hits or are you just a pussy?

This guy did something that wasn't LSD. I mix with weed all the time, it's great.



Nah. I'm an experienced psychedelic user now, done shrooms 6 times and acid 5 times and my first experience was similar. Had lots of anxiety and panic attacks because it was so intense after and I felt a bit off even when smoking weed. It took a few months and I got over it. It's pretty common if you don't have much experiences with psychs or acid. And anyone can have a bad/overwhelming trip. And anxiety can get worse.

That's why I don't do it often. Had some amazing trips though for the most part.

I watched Fear & Loathing and Alice in Wonderland on acid and it was...intense as fuck but also hilarious and weird. Very entertaining at the least but some parts were a bit much.

Listened to tons of Pink Floyd, Tame Impala, Ween and other psychedelic stuff and it was great. Giggled a lot. Got crazy visuals on 3 tabs. Everything warped a lot.

Definitely my favorite drug and prefer it to shrooms for sure.

When i smoke to early on LSD it just makes me stupid
cant follow any idea in my head

I love acid and have only had great experiences, done it about 6 times.

Did mushrooms 3 times when i was younger, the last 2 times were terrible bad trips and haven't done it since. Will stick with acid.

Anyone similar?

I also did dmt once and that was the shit.

And 2ci, which I feel like is mixing a low dose of acid with a low dose of E, pretty fun

i watched tv for 3 hours straight and then i noticied that the tv was not even on. I was imagining my own movie there. With dialogs and special effects and whatever.
After this i know that LSD is to crazy for me. Never took it again.

That's basically me. 1 good shroom trip, other two were bad and weird.

Acid was all just amazing. Acid is def my favorite. Love the goofy, happy, inquisitive's so cool. Nature is the best on acid too, I plan to trip and go camping soon and I can't wait to stare at the trees and stars.

Music too...oh man music is the best thing ever on lsd.

That's a psychedelic beginner at best. And Shrooms is way more intense than acid, which is much more mellow that shrooms. Most people think it's the other way around, but that's how you can tell who knows their shit.

Actually just did it for the first time about a week ago, was great.

I bought my Lucy from a well-respected vendor via darknet. Was convenient, safe, etc.

I got 900ug. Took 150 with my roomie (so 300 total, 150 each). We were certainly tripping but at a border.

Excited to do 300ug next time. Acid is sort of tiny.

I have an aunt who started who started getting more and more psychotic and the generation before it apparently dealt with depression often.
The aunt is doing okayish now and lives on her own, but she's definately a bit off. It was never really mentioned in my family so i never realized. I kinda got kickstarted into both of those. I don't really remember it but my friends told me i was consistely uttering all these crazy negative things they never really specified. At one point had a knife in my hand.

Xtc speed alcohol are all fun and games for me but even weed on its own is downward spiral shit 99% of the time.

I still need to be carefull in what i expose myself to, but fear and loathing in lasvegas was the funniest shit to me.

I really wanna do DMT. I've done DXM, shrooms, acid, weed, pills, opium but I hear DMT is really good. How does it compare to acid in your opinion? I can never find the stuff either but I hear the trip is shorter but more intense.

Hallucinations are common on LSD man. I had some auditory shit before I could sleep and the closed eye visuals were crazy.

I did it twice. each time i changed into different person . I felt truly mad . wasting everything around, Ran naked through streets and taken by police . Generally bad feelings about LSD . I'm kinda scared . I couldn't take any control.
I prefer another drugs ..

About 7 times. They were always beautiful experiences. However... The last time I did, I had a horrible trip at a bluegrass festival that flaired my chronic pain and caused a trip-long anxiety attack that landed me in the festival infirmary shaking and crying on a cot and occasionally getting to piss and puke in a bucket they provided me. It was better than losing my mind on the floor in the darkness of a disgusting porta-potty while my body tenses and voids itself for 8 hours.

Life has been weird since then. Vulnerable, mostly. But it was a low point that has perpetuated a new way of living for me.

Anyone with good acid/shrooms stories, please share them. Either terrible trips, amazing trips, funny as fuck whatever, share em.

Prone to bad trips never touched it.

Ive taken acid about 20 times. Average dose being 4-6 hits. Its a very unique drug. The lsd world is strange to say the least.

i'm taking 2 gel tabs tomorrow. this will be my first 'real' trip. i want to learn about myself and improve any advice?

What triggered the bad trip?

I've tripped about 4 times and every trip was good except I had 2 moments in trips where I started getting paranoia and thought loops and it was so intense I got CLOSE to a bad trip but kept pep-talking myself and saying it was okay just be positive and move on and that helped.

There is only 3 notable trips, because one trip I only had half a tab which still lasted about the normal time but I did have considerably less visuals and I just remember my friends and I all walking through the woods and playing music on a bose speaker for a few hours, time went by so fast, thoughts were quick and talking became weird, we were constantly giggling and everything felt different. I felt super high. We also all jumped off of a bridge into the water...except me since I was a bit too scared to do it lol but I threw my clothes off and swam in my boxers near the edge of the water and nobody cared. I did what I wanted to, and I have jumped in the past but it's intense as I'm not a huge fan of heights. Anyway, so then we got dressed and our trip sitter went to grab us some ice coffees and donuts. They tasted amazing. We even all got a turn to drive at one point and we all actually did okay. That was a fucking rush. Overall a fun trip.

The second trip we had was a lot more intense because we all did 3 tabs. We started off by watching Rick and Morty and funny YouTube videos and played lots of music. It was very intense and the peak was crazy. Tons of laughing at dumb stuff and spouting off all of our weird, connected random thoughts at any time. We didn't have much of an appetite but I did sweat a decent amount and drank a lot of water. The visuals were by far at their strongest on this trip. Every time I'd look at the carpet it'd change and warp to geometric shapes, when I looked at my friend's faces they'd change and get distorted and look like some weird Snapchat filter. We went out to smoke and drink a lot (1/2)

y? as in y would u post that question here? Do u have something to say?

And when we came back I remember looking at Rhett & Link's video on the YouTube homepage and laughing at how Rhett's face looked like a fucking alien and I kept laughing at it. My one friend who played guitar also kept bringing it out and we'd strum and the sound sounded SO cool to us. Even when I'd just strum random stuff. The funniest thing happened where my friended started strumming a little diddy and I had a song to go with it "Nipples, nipples, nipples, nipples..." and it'd repeat. We all started singing and laughing. Overall it was great. We also sat at a football field on the bleachers and looking at the sky just resting was so chill and peaceful... I loved it. The only bad part was I got a bit of paranoia when walking away from the field and seeing the road, worried we'd get caught by cops but once we returned home I felt better to just rest in my bed. Was hard to sleep but yeah great trip.

The other trips were similar, lots of music and movies and talking. Pretty fun stuff. But I take long breaks now because it is very draining and intense and time consuming.



Where in the world do you get LSD. Dying to get my hands on some.

I never done this before and was quite shocked that it took out my reality so hard. I only smoked weed before and some mushrooms. But LSD was on a different level.

Its a type of drug that induces psychosis you jus believe the effects havent worn off yet and it has somehow changed you as a person. Done lsd dmt mushrooms multiple times sometimes while heavily abusing speed and not sleeping for days now those where some strange trips but really it doesnt change you as a person like everyone hypes about now on the internet or atleast not for me. Ive had many drug induced psychotic episode but always returned to reality.

I used to must of taken it 100 times or more. Used to take at least 3 or 4 tabs at a time 15 is the most I took at one time. I would still being tripping but very become dyslexic due to this drug i also can't drive a night I get sent back into a flashback every time it sucks. It's fun don't get me wrong but don't abuse it it has lasting effects

Holy shit why so Often? How old were You? Any good STORIES? What EFFECTS?

>Fucked me up good for atleast two years
It wasn't the drugs. What you described isn't psychosis

Yeah, acid fucks with your brain way too hard. Shrooms put you in real fuckin touch with the world. Lot safer and more enlightening.

I was about 20 at the time I'm 25 now and at the time I was selling it getting sheets at a time and I wouldn't give anyone anything I haven't tested. A lot of the people were scared to take it and being experienced with it so I would trip with them there first time so they one would have a good time and two come back for more which they always would. I see Vapor trails in streetlights hear things that are not there and have a hard time reading words at times which I didn't have before. One time I was at work and I went into a full on trip and almost got fired I got sent home. I said it feels like I have a fever and forced myself to puke to make it seem like i was just sick.

Taken over 500 hits of acid in my lifetime ama

Have you also seen a light being. A entity entirely composed I'm nothing but light unseeable in the natural sober world

It was about 30 feet tall and I thought it was an angel

Was it also scared of you aswell? Mine seemed almost shocked I could see it

Not scared, but surprised.

It's weird knowing someone else has seen one of these things what the hell could it be I thought it was god


i only ever tried half a tab of lsd , so around 60-75 µg.
i was alone at home and have no experience with psychs. planning to take a whole tab at some point, because half the tab wasnt a decent trip.
i had no visuals at all, only my thoughts were weird and i couldnt sleep for shit.

i tried some lower doses of dmt. and even then the visuals are intense as fuck. good thing it only lasts 15 min

I've done too much acid for now. I'm completely unable to enjoy it as my life currently sucks. I could see myself enjoying it in the future, though.

I had four hits. This is maybe 95, there way really good stuff going around the east coast. after experimenting with this source quite a bit I figure each hit was 250+ug.

I took 2 and offered the other two to my girlfriend, she declined, didn't want to trip that day. So feeling bored I decided to walk home.

Home was miles away, well over an hours walk on normal circumstances.

About 30 minuets into it I decided I wasn't feeling anything so I should eat the other 2 as well. This puts me well over 1000ug.

I look up and have no idea where I am. I've walked over an hour past where I should have turned. Streets bend and twist as they stretch into infinity. There is nothing but ghetto around.


I start making random turns. Find a cemetery and jump the fence. Traveling into the core I find what I need, quite and a place to sit and think where no one can see me being all fucked up.

I spend maybe half an hour sitting there, watching the stars shift color and dance about in the sky. They seem to be dancing around a beam of red light shining though the air.

Wait, there's a skyscraper that is lit up red by spotlights all night long (owned by the power company of course). The beam of light is coming from that. I know what direction home is.

I begin to walk in that direction but I know I'll have to walk through the worst parts of town. I do my best to seem sober and like I have a destination. Of course I end up walking down 7th st, the biggest drug sales highway. You would think I'm walking the silk road.

Every block at least one person would offer me drugs.

"no thanks, I've had enough"

keep walking. through the ghetto, aiming into the home stretch now. It
s late but I'm not really sure how late it is.

Almost home. Fuck, I'm still tripping face and my grandmother might still be up. Two blocks away there's a school ballfield.

Okay, another place to sit down. I can just lay here a little.


This ground feels so good. I'll just lay my face here a little. Let the roots start to grow out of my face, my chest, my arms and legs. Digging deeper my roots continue to stretch for water deep in the ground.

My back starts to rip and pulse and the trunk bursts forth reaching to the heavens desperate for that warm glow of sun. Every leave sucking of solar energy.

Wait a minuet what happened to my clothes. I'm sitting in a middle school ballfield. What the fuck am I doing, theres my clothes get dressed and get the fuck out of here quick like before someone reports a crazy man at the school.

Okay, I'm okay. It's only two blocks to home, I got this. One foot in front of the other. Pay no attention to the way the ground is melting around my feet. Leaving ripples in the sidewalk.

Just keep walking, theres my door. Dig in my pocket, key found. Okay try to be quite going in.

"where have you been, I haven't seen you in three days"

Fuck. my grandmother is still up.

"Tired grandma. I need a bath."

I can only assume I was dirty enough that I pulled it off. Straight into the bathroom I went. Lock the door.

Turn on the water in the tub for effect. And oohh look, a mirror.

Lost in the mirror I almost overflow the tub. Just catching it I drain a little and climb in. Now I'm watching the hair on my arm grow out thick like a wolf, that bend and dig into my flesh. Like snakes coming in and out of caves waves of hair dig in and out of my flesh.

I'm really not sure how long I stayed in that bathroom but eventually i risked it and went back to my room to finally smoke a bowl and calm down.

One of the most intense nights of my life. one of hundreds of trips total. I've logged some hours, that's for sure.

She blew a mailman.

Used to all the time and would again if I could find it.
360 area code, anyone?

>360 area code
shit should be easy to find there. Look for weekend campout music festivals.

I've done shrooms about 20 times, acid at least a dozen, mescaline 5 or 6, and mixed all three once.
I was still a beginner.
I smoked DMT once.
I am now an OG.
You are a beginner.
This is not negative.
But you must recognize this.


It was SO easy to find when I was in college.
Now I'm 25 and look about 40, so the kids at Evergreen think I'm a fucking cop

I'm 40 but I look 25.

It's around, maybe it just isn't the right time for you.

Or maybe you need to be waiting around the seatac airport tuesday June 5th around 6 PM.

Look for the really talk guy (6'6") with weird bright colored clothes on.

I always get a fucking headache that las 24 hours afters shrooms. Any idea why? Never happened to me on lucy

I know you're trolling me but I am seriously tempted to show up anyway.
It's only about 5 hours away
I'll look for the shirt.
6'6 doesn't stick out to me as I'm 6'4

that's gonna be a wild trip :D