>stupid hat
>disgusting beard
>hook nose
>mind focused on profit
how did george get away with it?
>stupid hat
>disgusting beard
>hook nose
>mind focused on profit
how did george get away with it?
Other urls found in this thread:
My guess is either it was subtle enough to get past the board or they assumed anything george thought up was a brilliant idea and just said yes to everything. I heard nobody had the guts to shoot down georges ideas during production.
>owns white slaves
George is redpilled as fuck.
He got away with having a literal golliwog in the movie, I think people were willing to look past a friendly merchant.
The abominations on the left look like typical Brits rather than Germans.
Pretty sure those are pictures of Chavs.
I don't remember there being a golliwog
He used the force on Spielberg to help him get it through, that's also how he added aliums to Indiana Jones 4.
>redpilled as fuck.
>Spielberg's shabbos goy
>Asian sounding Slant eyed folks
>My lord... is that Legal...
>forms blockade, keeping human rights violations silent.
The retard that spoke like an old timy movie slave...you know..
And why did they have to make Finn such a racist nigger stereotype?
My wife thought the Finn character came off extremely creepy.
He's constantly trying to grab Rey when she wants noting to do with him.
And what's with this shit?
> unnnhhhh ummmmmmm Uhhhhhh
> You got a boyfriend at home?
> hungh? hungh? do ya?
> ya got a sexy boyfriend at home?
Why did they write Finn as such a greasy perv?
If Finn were a white guy SJWs would have been outraged at his creepiness and white knighting. He was an embodiment of the "nice guy" stereotype.
>And why did they have to make Finn such a racist nigger stereotype?
- Incompetent at work
- Runs away from the only job he's ever had
- Meets a white girl and immediately tries to hit on her
- Depends on white guys to bail him out
- constantly telling Han "I dindu nuffin."
It's likey Star Wars has free reign to be racist as shit for some reason.
There is something so obviously racist or playing of an offensive stereotype in every prequal. Kind of amazing.
>> unnnhhhh ummmmmmm Uhhhhhh
>> You got a boyfriend at home?
>> hungh? hungh? do ya?
>> ya got a sexy boyfriend at home?
Seriously. WTF was THAT all about? They might as well just have Finn the nigger try to rape Rey.
"Finn the useless Nigger"
"Watto the Jew"
"Nemoidians are blatant Chinks"
So.... Who supposed to be the mexican stereotypes?
>rape ray
No that's gonna be the evil white dweeb. He'll turn elliot rodger before the end
Why did Finn wanna fuck Rey so badly? She's not even hot. She's actually kind of ugly desu
Critics did take note of it back in 1999 but it was a happier pre-9/11 and pre-social media world so it wasn't as big a deal.
I always thought he was more like an Italian
No that's this fat fuck
this. It didnt go unnoticed but nobody cared.
The clones of clone wars
>work without asking
>betray his masters at the end
it's not racist because in mexican
But who is the aussie stereotype
I've always thought jango fett was kinda aussie. He's easily the most laid back character anyway
I don't think I would want to eat at this guy' s restaurant
Wasn't the actor who played Jango Fett an Irish man?
He was a Kiwi
He's a Kiwi you dumb cucks.
>literally called "sand people"
>live in the desert
>wear robes from head to toe
>shoot at civilians during a holiday race and known to attack hard-bargaining and sneaky Jawa merchants (Jews)
>kidnap, torture and murder women
>assault Luke and try to steal his stuff
>highly superstitious
>unintelligible screeching language
>generally savage and belligerent
Was this George at his most based?
But who are the poo stereotypes
>Star Wars will never have glorious space vikings
>Spielberg's shabbos goy
But that's fucking wrong, retard. Spielberg always envied George for making Star Wars. That's really the only reason he collaborated with him on Indiana Jones. He was trying to get a piece of George's pie.
You are. You're head is so fixated on poo, obviously you have shit for brains.
how does he shave? and why does OP's pic depict him with a full beard, while in the movie he has a 5'o clock shadow?
Is Spielberg the most overrated hack in Hollywood? He hasn't made one legitimately good movie. The best he can do is "fun" popcorn family movies.
wtf I love jews now
>giant goofy coward in rags whose catchphrase is one letter away from "massa"
This is so unbelievable as an adult. As a kid the references are so old they're meaningless though, so I doubt it really came across as racist to children.
Jaws? Best film about suppressed homosexuality there is.
>Jaws? Best film about suppressed homosexuality there is.
Wait, what?
Beard is from the second movie, stubble is from the first.
he was a french formula 1 racer
And checked
>Close Encounters of the Third Kind
>Schindler's List
>Empire of the Sun
>Minority Report
>Saving Private Ryan
The "Spielberg is a hack" meme needs to stop.
I will admit that I haven't seen all of those movies, but the ones I have seen are kike faggotry
He made (((schindler's list))) which cancels out any greatness Spielberg did
Based Fiennes is entertaining as fuck in that movie though, if you ignore the fact that the whole movie Jewish propaganda
>tfw just realized that the Indian flag is a butthole
Looks like your average potato to me.
Those are the Mandalorians
>can never be unseen
He rocks the bass
>no footage of All That Jazz at the end
Really dropped the ball
>a white gentile singlehandedly saves the Jews
>Jewish propaganda
Meant for
He didn't. The Jews forced him to sell the franchise to them.
Who is on the top right?
Screw you, India jokes are funny. Sup Forums always has time for a poo in loo pajeet or a java joke.
DESU I grew tired of them first on Sup Forums. I liked the pajeet meme, nut poo in the loo is boring.