ITT: Write your deepest thought about anything

ITT: Write your deepest thought about anything

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Morality is a human construct.
Life is void of meaning, and trying to create such is a form of weakness.
Love is all about power, despite good intentions.

There is no spoon.

Also moist child cunts are the best thing in the universe

When I was young, I lost myself in books like The Hobbit. Worlds of magic and fate. I'm starting to think that some important part of me never came back.

Nah, grotty.

Yeah, pretty much

How can reading and enjoying books lead to you lose parts of yourself? I don't follow. If anything, I believe that would build new parts of yourself.

do fish get thirsty

5yo girl pussy pounded by gigantic dildo, deep penetration, blood everywhere

I remember when I was 18 and thought I knew everything...

Here you go this should get you back on the right path. You're welcome.

you are all brains in vats somewhere in a lab having this experience.

some of you are getting unplugged soon. thank you for your contributions to our understanding of our past.

Firstly, nice psycho analysis
Secondly, I've seen him. I simply tend not to agree with the majority of what he says.
Thirdly, there is no correct path, stop being so self centred

What if, we are all aspects of God, like in this metaphor:
>God is the source, the lamp
>we are the specs of light on the wall shining through the lamps holed shade

What if, to use a more modern metaphor, reality behaves like a giant mmorpg:
>we are all playing in our own client
>although all are connected go Gods server

What if reality behaves like an OS.
>open up the developer console, get a glimpse at what hides behind the UI.
>try to unlock cheat codes
>deamons will keep popping up keeping you in check
>you wouldn't want to crash the system.

t. a paranoid schizophrenic

By literally doing any one thing enough times you can die from it. Anything

Peterson is one of the very few people that has ever really made me sit and examine my life after listening to him speak.

If kids didn't want to get fucked then they wouldn't be so sexy

"The right path" can mean simply the right path for You. Stop assuming that you're correct about everything.

Exactly this.
Fucking sexy dumb kids


Then perhaps that should of been said?
Plus, I don't believe there is a right path for anyone. I believe the path we lead through life is a path of self creation.


Psycho how? I went through that phase of hyper-logical nihilism. Around 18. And you know what happened I matured more and developed a more sophisticated world view. Trick is to not be convinced you know it all and stop learning/asking questions. Because when you think you've reached the pinnacle of all that could be known cause you got high a couple times and consider yourself of superior intellect you're most likely experiencing the ego talking. And it wont be good to be so arrogant to not consider being wrong.

We all die, and that's it.

The universe is undergoing entropy and any exercise of sentience after the fact is pure optimism.

Smoke, laugh, fuck who you want. Enjoy life while you have the chance. Smile at death.

black ape XD

holy fuck ignore this thread & visit
> Snαpchαt
as soon as you can lol

Probably that everyone consciously or unconsciously plays a role that they want the world to see them as and morphs and adapts this role to the situation to a wide degree meanwhile their true self is there all along unchanging without anyone ever seeing it. Pretty sad but most likely a good thing if its so natural to do.

Psycho, short for psychological.
It's true, I would say I have nihilistic beliefs, but just because your beliefs changed, doesn't mean mean that your prior beliefs were any less mature or valid, even.
That's a pretty big statement, assuming that I no longer want to learn or have my beliefs change. Merely a few months ago I considered myself an antinatalist, I no longer feel that way, because I began reading the Art of happiness, by the Dali lama.
If you think my beliefs to be wrong, please tell me why, rather than resorting to ad-hominens.

Kek, either I'm taking undue glory or I made ions happen on the chan.


Last night I was a cam whore and now I feel bad.

I believe there is something chemical in weed that we aren't currently aware of that affects the way that others act in your presence. My wife is way less of a cunt when I'm high, and she doesn't even know that I use. I drop medicinal oil.


What is the true self made up of, then?

>too plebian to think of any deep thoughts
I don't read history or philosophy, heck I don't even read nowadays cept for uni textbooks.


They're not less valid they just become a piece of what is your whole worldview and perspective sort of. This I do believe matures with age and experience especially. And im not attacking you im just taking a guess based on what you're saying and how i can relate to those thoughts. I said don't stop learning and think you're finished as more of a warning not an accusation.

Our true gods are aliens. Who destroyed the dinosaurs knowing that we, long after they are gone would evolve in their image and carry on intelligent life in this galaxy.

Im glad there's no afterlife

Thanks for re-explaining your point of view, sorry I took it as an attack.
I appreciate the advice and I will keep it in mind.

Maybe not true self I guess a better word is their true desires, motivations, beliefs, thoughts. Basically what you might be like if there was no one else in the world to judge you.

Self control is what separates humans from animals

This guy gets it

Concerning the OS thing: do you know the kabbala? jewish mysticism, trying to understand the greater system and actually searching for cheat codes in form of rituals or letter/number-combinations

Niggers stink


lol are you waiting on the last chapter of UNSONG

Big 'ol titties.

Death does not matter, we should not fear death but just accept it and move on. Death is another path, one that we all must take. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. We should stop caring what happens after death, we will never know. All we know is that we will die eventually, we need to spend our time wisely. No more petty conflicts over religion, politics, money, and etc. We are all humans and will all follow the same path of life, who are we to decide to end someone else's life? That is their path not ours. We are all humans and we should accept that and move on, no more conflict, no more hate, no more unneeded death caused by us. Also yes I am high as fuck right now.

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

if you feel pleasure in sliding a thick log of shit out of your rectum, you're probably gay

which god?

I heard about it. Never read much into it. I've read more into christian and islamic mysticism, into Gnostic and suffi texts and such.

During my psychosis I went deep down the rabbit hole, and tried to unlock cheat codes with rituals dictated to me by the divine. Still not sure if I accomplished anything back then, or what the fuck it was all about, psychosis like this is very hard to make sense of in hindsight.

God as in just God, the All, IT, you and me and everything together. maybe.

Nah, a quality poop is a thing of beauty forever. I barked out an absolute BOMB about 18 months ago. I still think about it fondly now and then.

Every god ever invented is fiction, mate.

If hermits and philosophers of ancient times had connection to the internet, it would be indistinguishable from the modern day's basement dwellers bickering

I thought so too the longest time, I was raised as an atheist and was very sure of my atheist believes, but then I got psychotic and now I'm pretty sure I was mistaken. It literally took the divine or whatever name you want to use for it to take me personally off my high horse though and take me by the hand and walk me through it though, so I'm not the one to say that it's a simple thing to get.

Interesting posts user. Mind explaining more of your "rituals dictated to you by the divine"? What rituals, and how were they dictated to you?

that's a tiny horse cock and a couple of those dudes are lining up to suck it

Kek, they would be called faggots. Especially Nietzsche.

A girl can have sex and actuality like it
The human body doesn't comes with laws of any kind
The society chains us in that rules

Dictated by me in the way that it felt like telepathy, like loud thoughts in my head that weren't my own. I also got clues on what to do from my surroundings sometimes.

There were different kinds of rituals, but the system was the same. There were three levels of language, a highly abstract symbolic one, one in between that served as catalyst, and our human form of language and understanding.

One form of ritual was to test reality for bugs, to use a metaphor. And it involved speaking to my future self and past self, as well as selves of me that could be or could have been.

These were very abstract and as said, hard to make sense of in hindsight. It felt like I accomplished something back then, but something on different level than this earthly plane.

But I really can't be sure. It was just something so otherworldy, out of my ordinary imagination, something I would never come up with or imagine, and it was so vivid and lucid, happening in real life, that it's hard for me to put it down as something that was simply me. But that's schizo for you.

I think life is a lesson, I've thought about it a lot and for me, it makes the most sense. We may even live out multiple lives, with the ultimate goal of becoming enlightened of sorts.

It's yin and yang. I think if god were to create us and shower us with only the good aspects of life, then we'd just be empty vessels, devoid of any kind of real emotion and just living for the sake of it.

I believe that by experiencing life, and all the up's and downs, the harshness of reality, etc. I believe that by doing so, you gain knowledge of what it really means to be happy, and you come to know yourself.

And then, when you do go to the next level, the afterlife, then you'll be able to experience it to it's fullest, and appreciate every single moment.

Do potatoes dream of potatoes?

Sounds hardcore dude. I gotta ask have you ever taken psychedelics? I have several times, and especially through mushrooms I have learnt identical things as to what you're saying, us all and everything else as a certain "oneness". I like your thinking of there being "glitches" in reality to see through it all. Would you consider psychedelics or meditation as a cheat code to see into the greater system?

It's not hard to be yourself. What is hard is to be yourself while adapting on society.


Never taken psychedelics, because it could potentially trigger another episode in me, and it's just too exhausting.

But from what I read from trip reports of shrooms and acid on high dosis, it's really very similar to what I've experienced.

And yes in that metaphor, I'd describe using such substances, or extensive mindfulness meditation or whatnot, as "opening up the develper console" of life.


We are a life forms living on a big rock in e middle of aa vast vaccum waiting for our inevitable death while thinking the world revolves around us in our own mids created to have ego. Im starting to truly hate the way humanity has turned out. When it comes down to it everyone is in it for themselves. We are meaningless dont care take advantage of every oppurtunity you see and vision youself achieving what what you really want and you will find what you are looking for is you strive to gain it. Either way it doesnt matter in the end you will die and be jus a piece of matyer in a couple billion years.

>what's my purpose
Pass the butter

now I'm sad, thanks user

Why does anything exist? Something cannot be made out of nothing.

"War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other."


moot scammed us into being here and now we are stuck

"Like many of the plants that mankind has found particular useful as medicine, Cannabis was seeded here on Earth. Planted, for mankind’s benefit."

Morality has a strong genetic component. Ants use morality to enforce their social structure. Morality is why animals have family units and can forge social units.


shhh just let them be overdramatic af

>ITT: Write your deepest thought about anything
ITT some thoughts that are so shallow they would make a puddle blush which have been written by morons who are convinced they are smart (or sociopaths, or "alphas", or have a high IQ - delete whichever does not apply)

"Self control is what separates humans from animals"

lololol is that why 35% of america is obese? fuckin hate when apes try to act like theyre "higher" than other animals

If you're in uni but aren't thinking deep thoughts then you're wasting your time there

>Pass the butter
Bertolucci, is that you?

thats the ultimate question. why is there something rather than nothing?

life is literally nothing but appointments, everything is set in a time based system
from something as obvious as going to work/school where you have a set schedule and a time/day that you have to show up, to the not so obvious, such as eating, which is something you must do at certain intervals so that you dont starve to death, or sleeping which is something you must do in order to rest and recharge
everything you do, in some way or another, is based on being "on time"

Our lives our own universe. You think it you are. You're a neck beard too bad. What the fuck are you going to do about it?

420 DMT 2.2 MB/s wifi

this website has prevented thousands of people from reproducing, effectively killing a fuckton of gene material.

thanks moot

This isn't you silly

Actually true

What should I do today?

>Dumb nihilists think life has no meaning
>they're right
>But they also forget that means they should just enjoy themselves and do what they can to better the lives of others to improve life while they exist

I started dating an asian lady but now I'm feeling more like I should advance the white race and date a white lady.

How do you function as a person?
My gf is schizo, does it get better?

People are secretive, life's an intelligence test, no one's going to help you.

That's not my deepest thought, but the deepest one I'm willing to share, which illustrates my point.

Tfw To Smart

Why dont you write your deepest thoughts user. Seems like you have alot of pent up anger. Dis others but cant contribute your own what a pussy faggot.

If shorts are called shorts because they are short, then why aren't pants called longs?

Stupid stuff buddy, where did ya get that from?

You're not in love, you're horny.