Ask a bored 7/11 night clerk anything

Ask a bored 7/11 night clerk anything

show boobs

Tits or gtfo

Ye show tits

Also poke holes in all the condoms

Its simple, Tits or GTFO

I'm a guy you twats

do you make the food?


Yes I do, every morning

The statement still stands

We actually have a turbo oven, its pretty much a microwave oven on steroids

where do you guys see fucking tits in the pic? samefagging?
it's a dude btw

do you guys keep a gun under the register?

kek so beta you get mistaken for a bitch?
How does that feel?

same applies

No we have a tire thumper

Just no.

has anyone died in your store?

Not that I know of

Fuck you

This is the tire thumper, its got a lead rod in it

Shove it up your ass

Has a girl ever had to "pay you in some other way" in the store?

>timestamped tits.or gtfo

>tits or gtfo... sven man tits and time stamp or


yeah your mom sucked me cause your foodstamps were out

What's it say under your finger?

How do I find, and hit on the cute female night staff (I'm a night owl)

They don't exist where I am but... then again it's all circle Ks here.

Also damn your name is long