Political test

My guess is that Sup Forums is filled with young outsiders


I got this


Seems right

well op is wrong


am i allowed here? i think most of you are faggots.

4 in a row not bad
why do you spend your time hanging around people you think are faggots

Steadfast Conservative


I'm a steadfast conservative and my views are all over the place. Stop picking the choices that have you on your knees sucking black dick.

Socialism + Fascism = Win

the trump memes. and if hilliary is the elect i'll probably be voting for our great leader.

Steadfast conservative

The memes are pretty good


Steadfast conservative 4 me

Can I be saved?


Every time

>God tier coming through

Datamining thread?

Who /welleducated/ here?



thanks for reminding me there's "people" out there who believe in moral responsibility and free will

Obviously not you.



Results of a beaner

So i guess i'm a fag like OP?

mah niggas

Cortana, search My Little Pony Clopping

I got Steadfast Conservative. The only places I branch from conservatism is
Big businesses and the rich should be taxed more
The environment is more important that business' rights.

steadfast conservative although in a real quiz that isn't just 20 questions I get a right leaning moderate

I don't actually dislike this answer more accurate and reasonable than some shit with 200 questions

Stead fast conservative here, these questions are kind of shit though, there needs to be more options

Steadfast conservative, Russian immigrant living in America


I didn't know we had so many faggots and mud people sympathizers here, this place really has gone down hill.

Seems like a more biased but less "fiddly" version than Political Compass.

Got Young Outsider

My problem with the quiz is that many of the questions had equally correct answers for both so I had to just pick one. Last time I took it I think I got Steadfast Conservative.

Well okay.

According to the compass, I'm pretty much a centrist.

But here
I'm a steadfast conservative.


That's what I meant with 'biased', freedombro. Compass gives less than no fucks about foreign policy, but if you so much as sneeze at Typology it'll immediately ship you off into DUDE WORLD POLICE N SHEEEEEEIIIIIIIT-land.

Also got way too many questions about the economic or general money-related questions.

Compass is pretty meh, but they went ahead and tried to make mistakes to balance out Compass mistakes.


>no neutral stances
not everything is black and white

My Result


Steadfast Conservative

my compass result

Not everything is gray either.

Ehh, not surprised given how 2 dimensional the questions were.
I've seen facebook quizzes about what my spirit animal would be with more depth.

This is such a piece of shit post. Every single one of those questions create a false dichotomy. That shits political pegging, and yes I do mean fucking you in the ass.

There's so much wrong with it, I don't know where to begin.

I mean piece of shit quiz. The post is alright.

I got "Steadfast Conservative"

wrongo boyo

Questions were worded really poorly for these types of quizzes, but whatever.

Completely agree.

Every question is either 'the poor are lazy' or 'the poor are oppressed by society'.

So silly.


I would call myself a right winged libertarian though

Fug I fucked up
