
Havin' a scream edition

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Terrible edition

it's alright though they give you happy pills that disable your libido when it goes tits up so you can continue to participate in the workforce and yet not pass on your sensitive genes to the next generation of workers xx


having spaghetti lads

*takes out my chopsticks*


not a weaboo at all. despise anime and the like in fact. love noodles and noodle bars, though, and i'm not a complete mong so i can use chopsticks easily

Is the Southern Hemisphere a meme hemisphere? What actually even happens there besides Australia and New Zealand? Nothing, I suspect.

>americans have no problem with the spelling of noodles but they have to change litres
doing a big think.


>taking anti-depressants


you silly nitwit

Gonna have some lasania noodels for dinner tonight.

nice job on outing yourselves as jobless idiots by not knowing acting-up has multiple definitions. why do you actual retards think its appropriate to butt in on things you clearly know nothing about?

>fellow brits can't use chopsticks

Nigel Farage is a porn parody Enoch Powell

spics, chinks, island chinks and a few nigs

but I want to be happy

Upon hearing news of the coup in Yugoslavia, Hitler called his military advisers to Berlin on 27 March. On the same day as the coup he issued Führer Directive 25 which called for Yugoslavia to be treated as a hostile state.

Hitler took the coup as a personal insult, and was so angered that he was determined, in his words, "to destroy Yugoslavia militarily and as a state".

On 3 April, Hitler issued War Directive 26 detailing the plan of attack and command structure for the invasion as well as promising Hungary territorial gains.

The same day, the new Yugoslavian Prime Minister, Teleki, killed himself.


need a gf

nice job on outing yourselves as jobless idiots by not knowing acting-up has multiple definitions. why do you actual retards think its appropriate to butt in on things you clearly know nothing about?


Australia, Hurt Feelings Of.jpg

>copy and pasting your post from the end of the old thread to the new thread

utterly runtish

don't care

you should be the one that's embarrassed desu

then fix the actual issues and don't just supplement things with pills

lol triggered

>copy and pasting your post from the end of the old thread to the new thread

utterly runtish

In the past 6 months dad's threatened to kill himself and now sees a counsellor regularly. Two sisters on antidepressants. Another sister about to be hospitalised for 4 weeks because of anorexia. Mum's just sent me an email telling me how she feels so sad all the time.

Safe to say we're NOT a happy family at the moment haha. Don't think it would be good to do a reveal that I've actually been depressed for the last 5 years, they think I'm a happy normie desu


nice job on outing yourselves as culture-less idiots by not knowing how to use chopsicks. why do you actual retards think its appropriate to butt in on things you clearly know nothing about?

When did Frankie Boyle go from being a comedian whos known for dark comedy to a lefty cuckboi who writes for the guardian

finally took a cheeky pic xx

>the act of fiddling with chopsticks burns calories while you eat

sounds like you all need to be medicated x

t. tae kim

just go outside more



has your family tried just being themselves? x

Don't really have any obvious issues to fix, that's the thing hahahahaha

I am going to therapy though, don't you worry my lad


he does (((their))) bidding now if he wants his next TV show

going to make a big batch of wonton noodles soon. wont be eating them with chopsticks though.

nice job on outing yourselves as jobless idiots by not knowing acting-up has multiple definitions. why do you actual retards think its appropriate to butt in on things you clearly know nothing about?

just wanked to this


don't understand how this happens

Wouldn't you realise what was happening by the time you got to a quarter of that size? Obesity is a mental illness. A form of self harm. That's the only explanation.

Don't think so, I'll pass on the advice


check out this moron who doesn't know what acting up means

>go on holiday with mexico with dad and bang hookers and do cocaine

>tell your sister anti depressants are a meme and tell them to get out more

>tell your other sister to eat more


life IS the issue

LOVE kink.com have been torrenting their stuff for years now.

cooking some supernoodles in the 'wave

got my chopsticks ready

gf took out a life insurance policy around 3 weeks ago that came in the mail without telling me should I be worried. We been fighting


grow up

fuck off yank

'mocide imminent


why mexico?

nice job on outing yourselves as jobless idiots by not knowing acting-up has multiple definitions. why do you actual retards think its appropriate to butt in on things you clearly know nothing about?

>niggers trying to comprehend history
ahhhh yes

tell her to stop acting up

this plays in my head every night when I wake up at 3am with a panic attack

>yank centric history

how is that yank you fucking dumb rasheed

fuck off you literal commie runt

go worship your god soros

a daring synthesis

state of the yankified youth today. depressing.

been acting up in greggs again

it'd be 'micide you twot

me on the right

I know this is just edited audio of people screeching about normies as a joke but it genuinely stresses me out

especially the ending bit
good editing desu


>Royal Mail

homocide because he's a bender haha

me on the bus avin a gander

>state of the yankified youth today. depressing.

is there actually parts of london that have muslim patrols

he literally just wrote an article about the far lefts treatment of jews not being good enough

>A Prime Minister that no one elected is about to start a Brexit that no one voted for because of a referendum no one wanted

The absolute STATE of British Politics



we aren't so different, you and I...


oh i don't need long m8

just popping down to the mail office.

It is literally could royal MAIL you fucking autist


>thinking people elect the prime minister

the fucking state of how pakis dress


>Brexit that no one voted for
I did
>because of a referendum no one wanted
I wanted it

*tells you that you don't actually elect the PM in a general election, and to stop being a fucking yank*


dont reply lads

>>A Prime Minister that no one elected is about to start a Brexit that no one voted for because of a referendum no one wanted
>The absolute STATE of British Politics