What are gas prices like where you live?

What are gas prices like where you live?
I fill up in Wyoming usually though because it's 2.15ish


They usually hover around 120-130c a liter

wtf does 445 and nine tenths mean? Is that in pesos or grain or something?

It changes by a small amount of cents often but last fill up I paid $2.21 per Gallon

Means nine tenths of cent.

Drink less tea and maybe you can use your brain to figure it out.

I actually take issue with criticism of month/day/year because that is the spoken word order. So it makes at least as much sense

Agreed. The metric system is objectively superior and our defense of imperial units is just a dank meme at this point, but there's nothing wrong with our date convention.

you do realise it isnt that hard to say 14th of May. Like you do on 4th of July. Not. that. hard. typical american faggot.

I live in Venezuela, so cheaper than water. Around $0.05 to fill up a small vehicle tank.

NO dumbass it mean that the stated price is for 9/10 of a gallon of gas

day < month < year >> hours > min

Yes, the "rest of the world" is so logical. ISO standard for the win. 2017-05-14.

I live in Wyoming :)

but you have to live in Venezuela

What's that like?

Are you retarded?

Never said it's a good thing to live in Venezuela.

And drive a small tank, apparently.

>What's that like?
Better than Texas


OP here, I live with the Mormons.

Portlandish OR, USA
$2.74 gal

$2.13 a gallon at BJ's in Florida

2.45 at costco in burbank a few days ago.

like $45 to fill up.

1,5 eur / litre

Italianfag detected

not even close

1.85, Norway.
For some gay reason prices change every 2 minutes, so by the time you park by the pump prices increase by like 10x, then one minute later go down again I swear there's some fucking conspiracy against me every time I park. We're also a oil nation, but we sell gas for super cheap to poor people countries so they can hike prices here.

Actually since this is an amerifag thread, thats $7.57082 per gallon

$1.85 in mn
>feels good living in a state that doesn't need federal assistance if they cut off funding

It's Obama's fault gas is so expensive

>diesel most expensive
it's way cheaper than in other countries
or does the price shown not include taxes?


lol lol

Oklahoma here just filled up for 1.99 a gallon

1.70 something a gallon


>mfw v-power is $4.66.9


Venezuela -
gas $0.05
food - can't buy