
Footy memes ed.

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>hanging rags

wtf that can't be england

first time of my life cancelling a post actually worked

bloody hell don't show the scousers this

shan't be yanking up this thread

will you die alone, /brit/?



Why is it that the first thing politicians and the media do is blame Russia whenever something bad happens in Syria?
Not try to be edgy nor say russia dindu nuffin he was a good boy goin to college, but why is the first thing always to attack Russia?

if your team hasnt won by at least 8-0 recently its shitt

Who is this little stinker?

its Juve fans making fun of Hillsborough because of Heysel

Doing a poo


This is the official list of JFs approved in /brit/

Out you filthy scum

hopefully not, but its probably likely

dont most of us die alone literally though, in hospital, its always a heart attack in the night, or if not you probably just have a few doctors, not the people you love, if you have them

do it again bomber harris

well that makes sense

lefty scapegoat

only thing about cooking sausages is it makes the room all smokey, if you forget to open the window the fire alarm goes off sometimes haha banter

because they are anti-globalist

soros funded and ordered the attack in syria

why no nz? nz are bros we are exactly the same


My butler is here. Tata

everybody dies alone

don't understand this meme

gonna go totally mental if my balls aren't drained into a fanny soon

Proof god exists

What's your favourite LOST episode? Mine is

Live Together, Die Alone

Holocaust demonstrably happened.


This old thread is full of historical evidence. I recommend you read through it

So irrelevant no one thought of them

soros must be pretty busy, planning and orchestrating everything the alt-right doesnt like

Play Wonderwall on la guitara

cos they pretended it wasn't assad?

What is there to do as an adult in society if you don't want to drink alcohol for a while?

We are desperate to go to war with them for some reason

because they're rightfully australian clay and are a state

hope not but its looking that way. done all the normal things people do to garner female attention (improved confidence, improved physique, active social life etc.) but still women aren't interested.
not everyone is supposed to be happy otherwise happiness wouldn't be a valued commodity.


> old clock tower remains unaffected

How is class not part of identity politics?

fuck being the PM Tbh

too much pressure

think you're just shit at cooking mate

I fart curry. Do you want to smell it??

it's not literal

me and the bf

Which one of you lads broke into a house, stole a computer and drowned a puppy?

happiness isn't a resource so i don't think it works like that

just order virgin gin and tonics, nobody will know

don't bother, Sup Forums doesn't read anything that doesn't fit their agenda and that doesn't come from Sup Forums



Would definitely be given a white feather if I lived back in the old warring days desu. Don't mind though really, there's no way I'm risking my life to support (((national interests))). Literally no more cucked profession than the armed forces.

your jaw won't be literal in a minute if you're not careful, sunshine

it was this guy

i didnt say it was a resource.

The BBC is more biased than Sup Forums

>grown men choosing images from a series of children's books for their bedroom decoration

We live in a generation of wo/manchildren

From last thread:

Liberal Patriot.

I took an online political test that gave me that label. I'm in favour of socialised/nationalised healthcare, education, housing, public transport, maybe the national grid and telecommunications too, in pursuit of equal opportunities for all. Banking too, in pursuit of better control of the economy in the interest of the country. But I also think immigration should be strictly regulated and our national culture, sovereignty, and secular liberal values should be preserved, and foreign policy should be isolationist and self-interested.

The label "Liberal" would be accepted by the left (who generally aren't liberal at all these days but love to think they are), and "Patriot" would be accepted by the right, who would reject the "liberal" part until it's explained it's not what "progressives" are pushing, but actual equality and freedom of speech for all, like 20th century liberals pushed.


Anti depressants are a meme

yes and /brit/ is a normie general

nah mate. sausages are a high fat food, very smokey when grilled or fried. and i have very sensitive smoke alarms

>The BBC is more biased than Sup Forums

The Aeropress is kino

loved it when trump blew the fuck out of that BBC reporter

he was a stuck up little cunt who thought he was something

i meant to specify limited

what did he mean by this

Labour governments introduce things better and Tory governments manage them better.


can't understand a fucking word

the state of scotland

you're literally just a shit cook. turn the temp down next time.

seems likely
pushing 30 and never had a gf

>my fictional literature is better than your fictional literature

>Harry Potter

on the cross

need a lib dem majority

its clearly limited otherwise everyone or no one would be happy. its only valued because some people dont attain it.

>spend your final seconds on earth plummeting towards the concrete at hundreds of miles an hour ready to be literally smashed into thousands of little pieces upon impact

may as well put your feet up and enjoy the ride

When i try to make an omelette it either gets too burnt or too runny help pls

Gays are all paedophiles. It is to lure young boys into their lair so they can rape them.


don't overcook it but don't undercook it

Flying off on holiday by myself in a few days lads.

mm i don't know, i don't think about other people being happy when i want to be happy


Where to?

just give up on cooking for good.

>he doesn't reply

thats irrelevant to my original point.

fucking gay cunt

no mates? no bird?

hope the plane goes down in the sea you fucking pathetic parasite


Away from you haha.

Nah I'm flying off to Bali for a month 2bh.


How can white bois even compete?


have you got your daily dose lads?

>Gays are all paedophiles. It is to lure young boys into their lair so they can rape them.

wish i was normie enough to do this

isn't your point that i would only want happiness because others value it?

blud the smoke alarm didnt go off this time. i cook them on 1/3 heat and they smoke. youve obviously never lived in small flat with your smoke detector right above your hobs

happiness isn't a commodity or a zero sum game
everyone could be happier

flying to grimsby on the weekend

wait does the alt-right accept pizzagate isn't a thing now?