2d girls are the ultimate redpill edition
/balt/ /ausnz/
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Good thread.
fast and on point as always i see
How I do loathe that I'll never get to dress-up as a girl and kiss other girls.
Yes hello good evening
Drinking a beer right now lads
Which beer?
"Volfas Engelman IPA"
It's pretty good for the price of less than 1Eur, similar IPAs from America or the Scandinavian countries here can cost anything between 5 and 20 euros
Also trying to find an answer to this issue
what comic is that
delet yourself
What's there is to visit in the Baltics? I'll be visit your countries in the summer so I've been wondering what would you recommend me to see?
Coastal cities
parks , museums
Sand dunes
You could just stay at sweden and don't visit balts.
thread theme
for the authentic Kaunas experience
Riga is the nicest of the Baltic capitals imo, it's also the biggest one
Besides that Latvia has a nice beach resort called Jurmala. In Riga I would recommend buying a ticket for the sightseeing-platform of the TV tower, also visit the market halls and the Palace of Science. Jurmala has some very nice old architecture, but is mostly good for some relaxed walks on the beach.
In Lithuania you can obviously visit the three big cities, Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipeda, although Trakai is also interesting if you have the time (it is a huge tourist hotspot though, so it's always overcrowded, especially in summer)
I've only been to Tallinn and Saaremaa in Estonia, both were pretty nice, although Saaremaa was pretty boring. Forests, beaches and some old Soviet architecture is all it has 2bh. Tallinn is worth a visit though. Make sure to check out the Orthodox cathedral, which is probably the most interesting building in the city.
Balts are cheaper though
I went to Helsinki a few weeks ago and a burger at Hesburger legitimately cost twice as much as here
the hill of crosses,trakai castle, gediminas castl.. never mind lol I'm not sure if it will be open when you visit since its collapsing and they are trying to save it,Nida, Church of St. Peter and St. Paul has amazing architecture inside, also the vilnius cathedral.
That sounds tasty. Enjoy, dude
I didn't mean like that, I said that he shouldn't go because he might be a real cuck and cuck around, well he can do that and hopefully someone kills him, yeah that sounds good
define "cucking around"
Being a swede who goes around dressed like homo idiot and talks about feminism
>vilnius cathedral.
It's pretty bland to be honest, almost looks like a protestant church instead of a catholic one. Very little decorations and just simple, white walls.
Fug man, I worked hard to make him work hard.
Put all my hard work to waste.
The big clock makes up for it.
Thanks lads would be nice if Latvians and Estonians too would recommend something
The only Latvian in this general is an autist called Mikoto, who apparently isn't here at the moment
Cringestonians are autists, but I'm sure they will show up later. Just be patient, or check the thread again in a few hours
because swedes = bad cucks idiots
Also is there anything to see in Kaliningrad? Since it used to be German is there anything to see there or is it all destroyed?
They named their local university after Immanuel Kant, so I'd imagine that they haven't destroyed everything. Expect a lot of military facilities and subpar infrastracture though (although you can find the latter one here as well).
I am from Iceland you fucking cuckshitter. Worst choice for me was to accept internship here, it's total trash in stockholm.
Nah man, it was just some banter.
Yup its all gone
Cпapтaк здecь
Динaмo здecь
stealing this image btw
wasn't there an anime of that
Stop masturbating to cartoons
I guess then I will take Kaliningrad off my list.
Get the fuck out off my country Viking rapebaby
make me
I will after the shitty internship is done. Enjoy your future islamic nation lmao, already more than 30% of the people from 0-40 are immigrants, kek.
>that guy with the camera getting removed at the end
hm, I guess he hasn't heard about built-in image search function
How would you visit Kaliningrad without visa anyway?
You'll regret this moment.
p-please no bully
>How would you visit Kaliningrad without visa anyway?
This is a legitimate question.
Tallinn & Tartu are the only cities worth visting. Pärnu is nice only for its beach and weekend festival. Anything else is meh
is this in moscow or did they go to some other city?
Pay your respects here.
haven't seen that vid for ages and it's still funny
stole this image like, a week ago
(i'm not into bullying or beating or anything, I just like it)
Salty loser, wait when SD gets elected you'll be sucking Swedish dick again
Not important anymore
missed all the weebs in this thread, Sup Forums is depressing
Haapsalu is good for a daytrip.
pol is gay lol
pol is gay lol
You stay delusional and enjoy your "new swedes"
Эcтoнcкий нapoд нe cyщecтвyeт. нeт тaкoгo вeщи, в этoм миpe
Perhaps, but I've never found it very interesting myself
Tea > Coffee
Beer > Wine
Vodka > Whisky
>Tea > Coffee
>Beer > Wine
>Vodka > Whisky
all shitty
Wine is garbage
Never tried whiskey
Beer is meh
Vodka is degenerate
Tea is great
Coffee is meh
Убить вceх эcтoнcких жив, бpaт
I agree with every single one of those statements.
this is why estonia is the best and most superior baltic country
>Never tried whiskey
How old are you?
>Tea > Coffee
So much good taste
Get ready for the gulag
I don't think so.
There is one with the same name about two brotheres who look like girls and dress like girls and start humping each other.
Never tried beer, vodka or whisky :)
very rude
estonians are very handsome
what is it like to live in belarus
(medieval game meme)
>Never tried beer, vodka or whisky :)
>pretends to be russian
yeah alright kek
abdulbek ivanov please leave
Tell me about my country
literally all 3 are wrong
my wet dream is to get haked, stalked and doxxed by sexy hacker like Snowden :3
yes hello that would be me
hate when that happens
19, not an alcoholic
wow nice meme
put yourself in Recycle Bin.exe
>american tastes
fresh blood in this thread i see
better take good care of yourself
ja sinu sõstramustad silmad...
>americans in /balt/+/ausnz/
Full of medieval Lithuanian palaces and castles, Akropolis and Ozas both are filled with belarusians all the time, they also make some nice tractors and that american from shitty action movies visited it once and met with Batka
>tfw no Estonian bf
hate drunk bydlo desu
especially when they ask for change