Lets say tomorrow EU goes to war against Russia. Ignoring the casus beli, speaking from geopolitical viewpoint: Who would join who from there?
What would Trump's USA do? How would Britain, considering their issue over Gibraltar, react? How would Islamic world react? How would China or Japan react? (desu it seems everybody would just join the rapewagon against Russia, but for funs sake, try to use your imagination)
As a Czech, i can clearly say, that everybody here would 100% join the fight against Russia.
Jacob Fisher
>join Your most safest bet is the rest of the world watching with glee preparing to get their piece of the pie once both sides are destroyed. >Gibraltar Blown completely out of proportions by the media
As for the rest, safe for Zimbabwe and Venezuela most countries on earth have better relations with the western world and rely on them much more. China especially cannot go without.
Benjamin Young
>tomorrow EU goes to war It would take them at least 3 years to negotiate the terms of the war and then 2 member states would veto it in the end an another one would fail on a referendum
Christopher Carter
Drumpf is probably going to start a world war by doing something stupid in North Korea or Syria t b h lads
Juan Moore
As a russian, i can clearly say, that we will 100% win you fucking gaylordpeans pussies lmao You wouldn't even hold 5 minutes
Grayson Ross
Half your army would betray the motherland for a BMW and an iPhone.
Luis Johnson
I hear a lot of shit that he is pro-Russia, would he join the war here?
Wyatt Clark
Why betray if you can fuck you up easily without any risk and get much more free bmws
Jose Myers
Haha no, european males are too weak and faggy to play in a war. Russia would just blitz through the whole thing and reach the atlantic ocean in 2 weeks
Bentley Roberts
No idea to be honest mate. It's hard to tell who's really pulling the strings in his administration, and what the true extent of his Russian connection is.
Christopher Perry
Lonely, celibate males are very dangerous. You may laugh at basement dwellers now, but you really don't want an Interahamwe / Khmer rouge / Kadyrovtsy situation with armed, bitter, unrestrained males.
Austin Roberts
>the Russkie fears the incel
Jack Gutierrez
I'd like a war started by Turkey.
Jaxon Rodriguez
>everybody would just join the rapewagon against Russia not really, China is kinda in a military alliance with Russia (SCO) >also implying WW3 hasn't already begun right now it's the cold war 2.0, and Syria is basically already a WW3 battlefield now
Brayden Ross
>being this delusional There are two possible scenarios: 1. Nukes are involved and the human race cease to exist. 2. After an initial Russia offense, NATO and EU forces overwhelm the Russian armed forces. The enormous military and economic capabilities would result in a unconditional Russian defeat.
Juan Hall
We would be demanded to help the US economically and with force labor as a sign of friendship.
Luke Russell
Cameron Garcia
>Lets say tomorrow EU goes to war against Russia Please do. We need to end this already, both Europe and Russia can't exist simultaneously. Btw, we are totally wiping you out.
Michael Rogers
Jason Gray
We all join, sure... then agree with Putin he can keep what is and has been, ultimately, Russia influence zone. All Eastern Europe and Balkans. Next war is against the Turks and Arabs, so might ass well have the Southereastern flank covered.
Adam Ramirez
There is no possibility that Euro and Russia will ever have a war against each other.
It's a lot easier a regional war with EU and Russia against Turkey and its allies
Jacob Gomez
Go back 2 eu4 underages
Jaxson Foster
Watch your teeth Gokhan
Lucas Thompson
WW3 would be hard mode for Russians then without all the massive support they got in WW2 from US and others
Brody Martin
You realise that with a average of 20% thats 100 million against russias 83 million?
Christian Rivera
>As a Czech, i can clearly say, that everybody here would 100% join the fight against Russia. I wish
truth is that we have THOUSANDS of armed pro russians shills. Fucking fifth column. If war ever breaks out we have to kill these guys first
See Neklan on fb,all """"patriot""""" groups,that cunt ex soldier with big ass beard and other traitors