I'm 18, living with my mom. Can't move out yet, she's still a control freak like when I was 15...

I'm 18, living with my mom. Can't move out yet, she's still a control freak like when I was 15. She put something on the wifi, idk what or how. The wifi is still on, but my Xbox one can't go online. I can't sign into live. How to fix this? What did she do? Something to do with modem??

blocked the device in the router/modem maybe
would be really easy to do and fuck you up for good unless you know the login for the router/modem to remove it

>be 18
>can't unfuck a router

no wonder she's treating you like 15

you act like you are 15

Man I just wanna know how to unfuck the router like I wish I could unfuck my guinea pig

sounds like a system32 problem

your device can't connect to your router/modem anymore.
unless you have the login for it, you're fucked.

Maybe take the hint and get your own 4 walls.

he's fucked regardless. if this is really his mother's doing... what the fuck is he gonna do? unblock it? she'd find out very soon and maybe lock him from using wifi at all

just kill yourself. only solution in a situation like this.

Honestly you're 18 and suck at simple technology such as a router. You're going to live with your mom forever.

>Can't move out yet
virtually nothing is holding you back from flipping burgers or work in a store.
Get your shit together and move out, else you'll head straight for a wizard-tier lifestyle.

There's usually a modem login reset button on your modem. Put a pin in the hole to reset it (usually push it in for 7s) log onto the modem gateway (Just Google how to get onto (modem name) gateway. After factory resetting it, the username and password are usually both admin. Then you can change them so your mother can't do it again or even be a spoilt little cunt and block her shit. Have fun.

follow this route to get kicked out by her.
Could actually teach you a lesson, and force you to fix your pathetic life.
So yea, go fuck with your mom's property, kek.

It's Mother's Day, you fucking asshole. Show your mom some respect, at least until your balls finally drop and you start living on your own and get your own goddamn wifi.

All hail the Tech Jesus. Seriously tho, thanks!

future homeless OP confirmed.
Next thread: how to read hobosigns.

fucking apply to mcdonalds, look online for someone looking for roomates. pay like $500/mo and do what ever you want nibba

>being retarded enough to actually consider doing this

Np my dude. My dad did the same when I was like 14. He was proud of me when I pretty much matrixxed everything by myself in like 5 minutes aha

You need to login to the routers admin page and take your Xbox off the blacklist she put it on. Jesus fucking Christ kids these days.

Do some googling. Learn how to fix whatever she did. Grow as a human because of it.

There's a reason she did this, maybe you should take a hint.

Or maybe your xbox is just fucked

my guess is that OP will be kicked out, or has been asked to find a job or leave.

what if that's written by a jew though