Post your favorites, tryna fill out the rest of this chart. Thematically only, nonviolent albums with violent backstories or bandmembers do not count.
Other urls found in this thread:
Deathpile - G.R.
Sutcliffe Jugend - When Pornography is No Longer Enough
Good calls, added
Rectal Hygienics
this delightful collection of toe tappers
I swapped Time is Money for Public Castration because it's rapier, thoughts?
violence =! angry right?
also pic related
I was thinking less ! and more glorifying violence itself, especially fetishizing it
>more glorifying violence itself
Well if it is like that I'm taking an obvious one out
Maybe Rapeman instead?
Also, I don't know anything by GG allin, which album should I add? Open to anybody
pretty good chart so far. add anything else?
i nominate this
This is the state of it, but I dunno if Trent is genuinely violent enough
It's rough sex vs. "blood mixed with shit mixed with blood, rape her and fucking dominate her"
Ladies and gentlemen: The only good horrorcore group.
idunno if you can really compare the two. theyre both different kinds of violence. but i'll respect your opinion. what about this
Replace Jazz Greats with 2nd Annual Report
put a bunch of death metal on there
I post the obvious one.
Any complaints so far?
Well, the first album isn't music.
any violencecore desperately needs Drunkdriver - s/t
also yeah, adding any metal at all like acid bath slippery slopes into death metal
Please add The Money Store
>20 JFG
oh my god you fucking pleb. put The Second Annual Report on instead. Also Mummy and Daddy is waaay more "thematically violent" than Bird Seed
replace Time is Money with Cop
this is retarded. A lot of it is vapid garbage, I bet youre an edgelord in person, like its visibly evident you're demented mentally and you're caught up in yourself entirely. I'm insulted you have Doll Doll Doll listed up there with all this shit.
I did, and I dunno, domestic abuse is great and all, but "what do you want to be when you grow up? certainly not raped" gets me every time, thoughts?
Can I get a little info on this?
>calling an edgelord demented mentally
youve played right into my trap, you small-minded pleb
>what is Three 6 Mafia
>what is Gravediggaz
>what is Insane Clown Posse
Nick Cave - Muder Ballads
Foetus - pretty much every album but particularly Thaw
>Can I get a little info on this?
The album is arguably one of Scott Walker's masterpieces. I've never had such an overwhelming reaction to an album before. I was trying to catch my breath for good 30 minutes after listening to it. And the second track Clara makes you feel like Mussolini's corpse getting mutilated, spat and urinated on. The album is best listened to at night and I would recommend it to anyone. And what's more, Brian Eno loves Scott Walker's work:
Shit, man, it's 3 am, I'll listen to that
Thanks, user
It's on the chart
Have this opened and enjoy.
I know it's a lot different, but this kinda feels like the first time I heard Swans
Should I listen to his old stuff first
Amazing album. I'd argue that they invented a new subgenre of music with this album. And Pat Mastelotto of King Crimson is in the band. You need to experience this.
Listen to Tilt and Bish Bosch. Other albums are mainly from his baroque pop era.
bet you wont
You can start with The Drift, no problem. And by the way, be prepared for one of the most unique and powerful baritone vocals.
atrax morgue
they're shit.
malevolent creation - envenomed