Is what I want even going to happen?

Is what I want even going to happen?

Will I get a promotion within the next month?

Are traps gay?

Is it possible to date her?

Could we end up dating?

Tell me... Yes or no

Will they go down together

Should I tell her how I felt?

Are we going to end up together?

Does she like me in the same way I like her?

Tell me

Are we going to date ?

Will i hear that song at the show?

Will I marry the woman of my dreams?

Are we truly meant for Each other

Will I date gym girl?

Is she the girl from my dreams?


Is she the one I will end up dating next?

Is she my next girlfriend?

Is cat a flavor

Will we date?

Is DANIELA a Whore?

Should I leave her alone for a while?

Should I have kissed her that night?

Is she worth going for?

is this post a false prediction?

Will we kiss?

They always are


Go public

will I quit boot camp if I go?

Is this entire post a lie?


Is this where kids come to collect false hope?


Tell me Yes or no

Should I fap

Will I get away clean?

How about now?

Will m and I duck?


Will I die in a tragic industrial accident?


Is Lindquist on his way out

Should I get back together with her?

do i need medicine for my foot fungus

How about now, faggot 8ball?

is whitney really an m&m?

Is there such a thing as a dream girl in the real world?

Asking again, faggot 8ball