Can we please have a serious conversation about this movie?
Can we please have a serious conversation about this movie?
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Sure. It's an extremely flawed movie that should have been left on the shelf after Ledger died.
it's better than the tim burton one desu
kek that's the spirit
Makes me wonder what would they have done with Joker in this movie if Ledger was alive, or he even would have agreed to return at all.
It's better than Batman Begins, which was pure shit.
They probably would have had him take over Scarecrow's shit, and he probably would've stolen the show. It certainly wouldn't have fixed the film, but having an actually interesting villain from Batman's past would have been more compelling and provided a better threat.
Would he have agreed? Probably. His performance was so lauded (and his mind had snapped so bad from his method acting) that I can't imagine he wouldn't.
It sucks, every movie sucks. Full of plot holes. Lack of content. Terrible story. unoriginal. Terribly thought out. Waste of a budget. Overhyped.
What did I forget to include Sup Forums?
>It sucks, every movie sucks.
- Sup Forums
He would have returned for sure. I could see him escaping from Arkham in the very beginning and CIA would be the prison warden.
Miles beyond everything in the DCEU
This place was celebrating Nolan's departure when he was replaced with hacks and spineless executives.
+Bane fight #1
+Bruce has to come out of retirement. Get rekt then comes back stronger. Inspirational as fuck.
+Catwoman wasn't totally shit
+Batman's return like an hour into the movie
+That bombing scene before Bane takes Gotham
+The ending when Alfred sees Bruce, I know everyone hates it but it gives me shivers and I loved it. I watch that scene on YouTube sometimes just cause.
-The entire plot involving Banes plan
-The post 9/11, post 2008 recession horseshit
-The big plane scene
-The big shitty fight at the end
-Bane vs Bruce 2
-Bane death
-Alfred storyline
-muh Rachel
I love this place
It aspired to be more than a superhero film and it failed. Could have been the best in the series with a tighter, less conventional script.
Spotted the pleb. Batman begins is the best out of the three.
In terms of how solidly made it was, yes, in terms of how entertaining it was, no.
Shit, I read that as BB being better than TDKR.
Lmao, BB even better than TDK? Kill yourself.
>-The post 9/11, post 2008 recession horseshit
I feel as if the movie could've been quite GOAT if they would've dwelled a ton more on that.
Don't ever crash my or my son's plane again
Of coursh!
The movie in it self was great. However Batman's look is horrid. Especially when you make a side by side comparison to Ben Affleck's
rushed incoherent meme flick
it's seriously an awful movie
One of the worst movies ever made and it kills me that people are too stupid to notice.
What did he mean by this?
This. Very much this.
>also liked the Robin becomes Batman storyline.
He learns lessons throughout the film. Don't use guns (accidentally kills guy before he can interrogate him) Wear a mask when fighting (Bruce explains) Law enforcement is not always right (won't let bus full of children pass)
Worst movie of the Nolan trilogy.
Who's this boner loaner
I liked Bane, and the opening scene. It was one of the few movies I left the theater wanting to watch again. Then this fucking board ruined it all, and I can't even watch it without giggling like a madman.
It's genuinely bad. Jonathon Nolan wanted to write A Tale of Two Cities with Batman characters, and forgot what he was doing halfway through. And of course Christopher Nolan has no business directing action sequences.
TDKR is dogshit and God help you If you think otherwise.
>Let's introduce a fuckload of stupid new supporting characters even though we have plenty that needs resolving already (Matthew modine, JGL, Catwoman)
>Bruce's legitimately retarded arc (retired cuz Rachel died even tho his loved ones dying is what made him want to be Batman originally)
>Bruce being effectively crippled, only to get a magical knee brace that lets him kick through concrete, only to fight Bane and get crippled again, only to meet a magical fuckface in a middle eastern jail that punches him a few times in the spine to cure his paralysis ( seriously what the fuck)
>Juno temple why the fuck are you in this
>JGL knowing batmans identity just because
>abysmal fight choreography and fight cinematography (holding wide shots during a fight scene only works when the choreography is fucking ace, Nolan you retard)
>Banes entire plan is contingent on Gotham sending its entire police force underground at the same time (Banes plan makes the Jokers plan seem straightforward)
>Batman flies a nuclear bomb away from Gotham and somehow doesn't die in the process even though it explodes just moments after he apparently ejects
>Bruce Wayne sitting in a cafe in broad daylight and nobody caring
>batman barely in it
It's the best movie of all time
>Batman flies a nuclear bomb away from Gotham and somehow doesn't die in the process even though it explodes just moments after he apparently ejects
>Bruce Wayne sitting in a cafe in broad daylight and nobody caring
Batman dies in the explosion. The cafe scene is an Alfred hallucination, and the autopilot scene with Fox is a red herring
>T. Zack Snyder
Go back to film, let the real Auteurs who went to film school make masterpieces.
If you think the plane scene sucked, you're an idiot.
It was likely the best part of the film - tv meme's aside. It was like something straight out of a bond film.
>Bane fight #1
You have got to be fucking kidding me. Batman is supposed to be a master of stealth and manipulation - installing fear in his opponents and using that to his advantage. Exploiting his enemies' weakness to find his own strength.
But apparently all that goes out the window when he fights Bane. He just walks up to him and starts punching. Oh yeah and I guess he haphazardly throws a few smoke bombs at him at one point.
THE ONLY WAY YOU COULD ARGUE THAT FIRST FIGHT IS GOOD IS IF BATMAN LEARNED FROM IT. Alfred warned him that he didn't know enough about Bane. That he was rushing in with too much confidence and that's why he got his shit kicked in. Fine, that works (even though Im not sure why retired Batman would be so confident)... BUT ONLY IF BATMAN THEN LEARNS FROM HIS DEFEAT AND APPLIES WHAT HE LEARNS IN THEIR SECOND FIGHT. That. Does. Not. Happen.
Instead we get their second stupid head-on fight, which occurs in broad daylight with absolutely no strategy or planning from Bruce. He does not learn from his mistakes, he does not apply what he learned, he just runs up to him again and starts throwing punches - and inexplicably wins because he happened to land a shot on his face.
The plane scene has been dissected and it's bad.
If you sincerely believe that then you are beyond help
imagine how crushing the ending would be if It cut back from Alfred to Bruce and its not actually Bruce but just a guy that looks like him. Suddenly Alfred's smirk fades and the camera pulls out slowly as he looks down and sips on his liquer alone
Every third word from Tom Hardy's character on Peaky Blinders sounds exactly like Bane and it makes me smile.
>Batman barely in it
That's all you had to write.
It's an ok to meh movie... But it barely, BARELY counts as a Batman movie - if at all.
Not him, but I like BB better than TDK.
TDK had too much shit going on at the end that it got nonsensical.
Anything else is objectively wrong.
91/100 Critics' Choice
TDKR Cinemascore: "A"
88% RT, 8.0 average rating (8.0 Top Critics)
78/100 Metacritic, 10 perfect scores
>The Dark Knight Rises was crowned by Forbes as the best modern comic book superhero adaption on screen, outranking both its main summer blockbuster competitor, Marvel's The Avengers, and the trilogy's previous installment The Dark Knight.
>The Telegraph granted the film a maximum score of five stars, stating that it is "a superhero film without a superhero," comparing it with The Godfather Part II and praising Hardy's performance as well as the film's intricate plot and narrative.
>The Los Angeles Times thought the film was "potent, persuasive and hypnotic" and that it was "more than an exceptional superhero movie, it is masterful filmmaking by any standard."
The American Film Institute ten-best films of 2012 list.
Southeastern Film Critics Association best films of 2012
TIME magazine best films of 2012
Rolling Stone best films of 2012
Los Angeles Times best films of 2012
Paul Thomas Anderson Admires Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dark Knight’ Trilogy
RedLetterMedia: Emotional visceral poetic epic, only batman movie about batman
I hate that dumb shit when it's in any action/fighting movie.
>character A is thoroughly outmatched by character B and gets their shit pushed in
>character A later kicks character B's ass not because of a new technique or an effective strategy but simply because character A tries harder or is in a better emotional state than earlier in the movie
>it's better than another capeshit movie, so it must be good
>I can only see images
It was obvious that Nolan wanted the Joker to return, after TDK he constantly said that he doesn't know if he wants to make a third movie.
Then he made this phoned in shit we know as TDKR.
>muh critics say it is good
>can't refute a single point from
Go ahead. I'll wait.
Why does Sup Forums just focus on the plane scene?
There are other meme-tasctic scenes Bane was involved in. For example, his short and pathetic death.
Only good things about TDKR are Ben Mendelsohn and Bane memes.
Shit movie and if you'd hop off Nolan's cock for five seconds you'd realize that he didn't even try. It's clear WB made him do TDKR in exchange for carte Blanche on Interstellar
Some of the laziest writing around.
That second Bane Batman fight is legitimately one of the worst fight scenes I've ever seen in a big budget blockbuster. The sound mixing is a fucking disaster in that scene too.
There were memes about the other scenes, but the plane one stuck because of the irl plane crash and because there is just a shit ton of material in that scene to make memes out of. The scene almost feels like it was created for this place.
The sound mixing in TDKR is embarrassing. I took a movie sound class in college and the teacher played Bane scenes as a perfect example of what NOT to do in a mix. >Bane comically louder than everyone
>Sounds like he's in stereo
>But muh muh test audiences!!
Fuck off. There are ways to make Banes voice clearer without making it sound that fucking ridiculous. Post must've been rushed because nobody in the industry would put their name on that unless they had to
Because Nolan ended up creating a convoluted mess in an attempt to top the bank heist scene from TDK. It's not that bad of a scene if you don't think about it, but the intention was to make some super smart well thought out plan.
Baneposting is basically a religion at this point
that's a big post
For you
>he went to film school
No, I went to films.
Normal college but a minor in media studies
I unironically thought the plane scene was fantastic when I saw it in the cinema.
Grow up dude.
First post best post. Saw it in theatres so fucking excited and by the end I was so goddamn disappointed but worse I was kind of annoyed.
Boring as shit
me on the left
>tfw not allowed to like Burn Gorman anymore because Sup Forums said I can't
Unfairly underrated movie because of how monumentally good it's predecessor was. It was still a solid film under general standards.
The choreography of certain fights and set pieces was pretty fucking bad but I agree overall.
This. Fuck. I remember coming back to work after opening weekend and all my co workers being like yeah it was cool it was sick. I really like TDK , but I hated TDKR and I remember just feeling pure hate for my coworkers. I know that's stupid.
>retired cuz Rachel died
Stopped reading there. Type like a real man.
hey man, FUCK YOU, Green Day is GOAT Pop-Punk.
nolan already gave an interview where batman was going to sacrifice himself to save the joker... and some themes of redemption blah blah blah blah blah
Let's just wait till they remake it ten more times and then compare all the remakes to one another. People will think we're big movie buffs.
I went in without even seeing a trailer or reading a review and I thought it was terrible.
It was the last capeshit flick I've seen (unless Deadpool counts?).
ur so kool
It enabled drunk people around the world to impersonate tom hardy's bane voice.
>yfw they remake TDKR and leave out or in some way change the plane scene
Of cours(h)e Deadpool counts you fucking faggot.
bitter human beans
Metacritics and Rotten Tomaroes means shit just looks at a complete garbage called Star Trek Beyond for an example.
Watching it after becoming at least a level 4 Baneposter is such a bizarre experience.