How tough are ya?

How tough are ya?

Other urls found in this thread:

I tuck myself into bed... after turning the lights off.

I fucked OP's mom, with the lights ON

I masturbate furiously...
with no lube.

I get in the shower before testing the temperature

> ok ok you can go in

i´m peeling my eggs from the dull side

I leave the toilet seat up... when she's not home.

fucking circumsized fags


I have your IP address! I'll will find you, kill you and the rest of your fucking family and relatives you fucking piece of shit I have skills that men don't have and it's skills that require patience and determination! You will die motherfucker I will see you in hell dirtbag

I get doubles. Im salty af.

I eat bananas with brown spots, and leave behind the rest.

I typically roll dubs in each post I make

>implying i have a penis

I buy womens panties at the store without using the self checkout.


not sure? but i'd love to give a nice uppercut tho! i watched the entire video....sober

This morning I ate nails for breakfast...without milk.

I binge watched all of leafyishere's videos

I'm dreading the rest of my life because it means I'll never have time to even remotely normify myself because I fucked up everything in my life so far and now I gotta compensate for it