My eyes are bleeding

My eyes are bleeding.


Shredder? Or predator?



That isn't Ultron?

It's megatron. Back from the dead again


He's had his spark rips out, dropped to the bottom of the ocean, and was decapitated. How does he come back? When can he do a Unicron movie and end the fucking franchise already?

ok that HAS to be Ultron

I don't believe it's made by another company

It doesn't matter. China's going to eat that shit up.

Pretty sure that's Ultrons final form

This is what he looked like at the end of the movie, so I assume this is.

he was brought back in the marky mark transformer movie as galvatron but he gains his megatron memory

Just do him some fucking justice already and kill him off forever and i will forgive all.

Megatron has been a joke for the entire series, but can be redeemed if Bay ever gets his head out of his ass.

But we're getting a TF cinematic universe now