/vocaroo/ thread

thursday whoresday edition

>Official Unofficial Rules

1. Post something in you're language or request something in someone else's
B. Go to vocaroo.com/ and record yourself
iii. Post your recording and receive criticism, and critique other's.
四. Must post at least one (1) OC vocaroo to participate in this thread


"Je lui dropkick la geule puis je lui brise les doigt et la mâchoire inférieure ,ensuite je ramène génie Bouchard ,je l'égorge devant lui puis je lui fout un bâton de dynamite dans le cul et je lui passe l'hymne anglais dans ces oreilles en allumant la mèche et en regardant son cul exploser"


Other urls found in this thread:


>Obligatory English

"Again, I would like to say that I am not suggesting that you are autistic. As I said previously, I couldn't possibly know whether or not that was the case. What I was referring to as "autistic" (or rather having certain defining qualities pertaining to the diagnosis) was the particular line of comments that you and perhaps others made. These comments were not relevant to the topic and as such constituted an injection into the discussion with the purpose of ultimately changing the topic."



sure vocaroo.com/i/s040yT9XxI52

>tfw no weird accent

do you know german?


i'll be the judge of that.

i mean do you know more than just "fick! ich habe kein geld. hast du geld?"

what do you want?

nothing i just wanted to make that job 2bqhwyf



9/10, you might is a little wonky at times so some things were difficult to understand but overall your accent is almost native-tier

>you might is a little wonky
meant to say "your mic is a little wonky"

here you go


7/10, your accent is breddy thicc desu. overall you just didn't quite enunciate crystal clear. i could understand most if it though. one thing specifically i noticed was that the way you said "comment" was a little off. you used a hard O, but it should be softer.

here's my reading:


frenchies pls r8

good, it's supposed to be Russian American.

in that case it's spot on. i actually thought about writing "russian/10" kek

your greek accent is still visible i bet my russko amerikanski iz better

no way, I even lit a cigarette , I gave a solid performance right there

It's a shitty laptop mic, so no worries

Thanks tho

Rate my bait.


pretty much flawless/10
you don't sound at all German

Im brazilian, r8


Fuck, really? But how do I score with American chicks now that I have lost my exotic accent?

well i guess you'll just have to woo them with your german personality...............yea you're fucked 2bh

great job dudu. 9.5/10, better than some of my coworkers from alabama kek

krauts need to be sterilized

I'm just kidding man. Wooing them with my mad language skillz works just as well in my experience :DDDD

you are really good. how long have you been studying english? do you have a native-english parent or something?

Lol, not really. My mother is completely monolingual and my father only speaks shitty decades-old school English.

In fact, I've only spent a single day in the US(and one week in London), actually less than a day.

I was in Quebec on a shoe-string budget visiting someone and crossed the border to Vermont with a greyhound for a day. I had a hot dog and some Ben and Jerry's and went back to Canada, haha.

I've studied English for a long time, though. I had a decade of formal English education in highschool(like all Germans) but coupled with being a news junkie and Consuming English-language media I reached this level of proficiency.

If you want to know the single biggest obstacle in language acquisition and accent reduction after lack of practice and habit formation skills I advise you to read this very interesting paper on the influence of the strength of one's personal identity on the learning process.


you still have an accent
it's just not strong enough to be distinguished as german

Phew, I hope it's enough to be exotic.

>I had a hot dog and some Ben and Jerry's and went back to Canada, haha.
topkek that's awesome

I'll take bookmark that pdf, thanks. It actually sounds pretty interesting.

I'm disappointed I never learned a second language. Most Americans don't. I tried studying German for about a week, but then I lost any real motivation lel

>it's just not strong enough to be distinguished as german


Most Germans I've listened to in these threads never really have a thick German accent, it's always just a general non-specific Euro accent.

It's never too late, man. Don't get discouraged. Try to turn it into a habit. Cut your goals into little chunks, i.e. 'I'm going to study a bit for about 30 minutes today' instead of 'I will learn a language'. It's better to study for 30 minutes to about an hour a day than to binge and stop doing anything for a week.