I am going to be trying marijuana for the first time tonight

I am going to be trying marijuana for the first time tonight.

What is the best album to listen to while high?

Other urls found in this thread:




Pink Floyd S/T


Prepare for disappointment. Most people don't get high the first time.


>Most people don't get high the first time.

What do you mean?

If you're into mind bending electronic music try this.

This was my go-to stoned listen for the better part of a year.

the THC receptors aren't developed until after first exposure

this is bs
just make sure you inhale properly dude

you have to listen to "Planet Caravan" once


It's a meme, just inhale the smoke and don't hold it in your mouth and you'll get high

try bjork

with this you'll fly in other dimenssion

nice pics, but what's the name?


spiritualized has some classic weed tunez. check out "ladies and gentlemen" or "laser guided melodies"

stoner user confirmes

He may be right. The first time I got high, it was only for like 5 minutes.
After that time it wasn't that short.

I fucking hate people who just post an album cover and expect you to know what it is.

Long Season
Holy Mountain
Since I left you
Velocity design comfort
Sung Tongs
Songs of Leonard Cohen
The Psychedelic sounds of the 13th floor elevators
Piper at the gates of dawn
Person Pitch
I'm in your mind fuzz
Obligatory DSOTF

Hello mr.redditor why are you so angry? Before you get even angrier at me for calling you a redditor and pretend you are not one, it's all cool, I don't hate you guys at all! This 4channer is here to help you, I'm glad that all you guys are migrating here! Redditors welcome! :)
Ok now just click the arrow on the top right of your post then choose the option that says "Image search" ! Such a cool narwhal bacon feature, right?

wtf I love Sup Forums now

Whatever you already love. It'll make you love it more

you need to leave

Unironically this:

i love that album, underrated

Took me like 3 tries to get high.
It ended up being a gateway for me. I quit drugs in general but apparently my brother smokes meth now

Just listen to your favorite album OP