"Race mixing is wro-"

>"Race mixing is wro-"






You're already a monkey. Fucking a Chink would be an upgrade.

Fuck? Yes

Breed? No

yes it is, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't fuck her because I would gladly do that.
wanting to fuck and to breed are dif things

But someone has to breed with them so we can have qt hafus

I swear half-jap half-br girls are some of the finest mixes I've ever seen

Literally whiter and smarter than you boyo

i want to kiss and lick that ass all day

I would literally never stick my doodle in an asian vagoo. Maybe because im not a stupid weeb, but they all look so fucking ugly.

This user has it right.
Nonwhites will continue to breed like rabbits, so there will always be nonwhite qts to breed with.

thats white genocide

whites are dying off

We need more white babies

blame white women for fucking black or being degenerate

Fuck the wh*te """race""" t bh
Asians are the future and my offspring will be Asian.

I second this asians are fugly


I must feel really good to put your dick in that stinky meat tunnel

>Typical brazilian

>Muh white race
We are all mongrels
Embrace your Jewish overlords

Good posts
Abhorent posts
Brazilians truly are the most powerful race of Sup Forums


Men could have babies with both Asian and White women tho

I honestly wouldn't like my sons to have asian eyes tho.

>Muh we are all one race.
Fuck off shill
Some asians get into uncanny ally. They have eyes just like us. I think they are mostly euroasians and happas though.

>I honestly wouldn't like my sons to have asian eyes tho
like this?

A white seed in every Japanese womb. Banzai!

Ah yes, the amerindio posting a pic of an amerindian and pretending it's of some other race.

>muh conservative and submisive waifus!
this is conservative and submisive for you? lmoa

you wish macaco

>posting a pic of an amerindian
lmao, amerindians don't look remotely close to him

I think this is honestly the best way to pass on my Y-chromosome.

It's every white mans duty to breed with every attractive woman he finds, no matter her race.

native americans >>>>>>> mestizos

It's also every white womans duty to breed with every attractive man she finds, no matter his race.

women can't bleach or black anything

native americans were abhorrent, maybe you could find a qt from time to time, but they're ugly, and mestizos really need to have their native genes washed to look remotely good

>Asian girls aren't thi-

>this thread




>asian women aren't cring-


jesus if yellows can achieve thick then what's the point of nonyellow women?

What does my mortal enemy have to do with this?

the abos destroyed forests and sheeit, if it wasnt for that, pic related could b you rite now


its actually because white countries cant afford a good quality of life while having children. People would rather not sacrifice their quality of life for kids whereas most brown people kind of know they won't make it anyway so they have shitloads of kids anyway.

Quebec fixed the birthrate overnight by introducing subsidized daycare and SURPRISE white people bred like everyone else.

But everyone is clueless to cultural engineering so we will continue to die out desu.

I've been saying that for years now. Why does nobody believe me?

wtf i love America now

I would feel like a cuck if my kids were to look like chinks.
I don't know how people deal with having children that look nothing like them.

I can't help it they just look better

This. You don't want to father the next Elliot Rodger by accident.