Has Morrissey ever been wrong about anything?

Has Morrissey ever been wrong about anything?
I can't think of a single instance of Morrissey saying something that was wrong or untrue.

Other urls found in this thread:


'I am more talented than Johnny Marr'
-Morrissey being wrong

Agreed - the man is infallible.

Literally nothing


This man might as well be the voice of God on earth

judge their solo careers then come back


He compared meat eaters to child molesters

Based Mozzer

Is there supposed to be something wrong with what he said here?

I agree with this, these politicians are full of shit.

Based Morrissey, still wish The Smiths were instrumental though.

Fucking based

I posted it and Hell No. I broke out my old Smith's albums when I read that.


Hey I saw this thread yesterday.

Is Morrissey literally Hitler incarnate?

>both far-right
>hates Canada
still fuckin love him

the fb post that saved Sup Forums

youtu.be/FsbySLj1eBo .

hates Canada?

I would let morrissey shit on my chest desu

then while he's doing it I'd pull out the stick of beef jerky I hid in the pillowcase and eat it in front of him

He doesn't like the Cure

>Politicians are never the victims

What about Jo cox, or any of the other MPs that have been assassinated? He needs to eat his lettuce and shut the fuck up once in a while

Didn't he and Robert Smith end that feud ages ago? IIRC Smith invited Morrissey to one of his private parties and they made peace there.

there is a handful of politicians among thousands of people killed by terrorism

One politician has died in a constituency where thousands and thousands of children and young women have been raped by gangs.. to literally no outrage from politicians. It's almost as if it could have never happened.

She was totally naive and let the atrocitys go on outside of her bubble with no regard of how HER and HER peers decisions effect us the people. Yes this was one political victim but its just blip compared to the amount of pain her and other Westminster politicians have spread in this country because of this touchy issue. Think of the family's from Manchester trying to identify there poor children.

>politicians are NEVER the victims

That quiff-sporting, sexually ambiguous frog-loving nonce has probably been affected less by terrorism than most politicians have

He grew up in a working class Irish family in the UK through the 70s so he probably does mate...

>thousands and thousands of children and young women have been raped by gangs

[citation needed]

Hmm so what should she have done? Shipped all muslims out of the UK? Even if you truly believe this and you are exposing yourself as the Sup Forums shill you are, you must recognise that it would never happen and even if it is your dream, it is a pipe dream at best.

also see

Oh yeah and how likely do you think it is that he specifically was affected by the single terrorist attack that occurred in manchester in the 1970s?

not him but maybe just not let them in in the first place

they have no right to be allowed entry to any country other than their own

here you go: pmclauth.com/sentenced/Grooming-Gang-Statistics/Gangs-Jailed

most in the are in the Yorkshire area.

>Shipped all muslims out of the UK?
Never thought of that before to be honest, sounds like a interesting idea though.

He was from a working class Irish family, is that nor clear?

Same dude deja vu innit

classic Sup Forums with the dubious source that doesn't tell you where they got those figures from a website that has definitely doesn't have an agenda.

> He was from a working class Irish family, is that nor clear?
no it isn't clear, how does being working class and irish born and brought up in Manchester equate to being a victim of a terror attack?

moving the goal post? wasnt it affected before?

>classic Sup Forums with the dubious source that doesn't tell you where they got those figures from a website that has definitely doesn't have an agenda.

Not really, Just google the name and location listed and numerous credible news souses of the individual cases. This is just a collection of all the arrests and convection, i thought that was pretty clear?

>no it isn't clear, how does being working class and irish born and brought up in Manchester equate to being a victim of a terror attack?
Victim? you said affected first no?