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what is the musical equivalent of stanley kubrick?

keep this in mind
>mostly enjoyed by plebs and patricians alike, critics and the public generally agree it's good
>intricate and innovative aspects for its day
>the material is deep without entering far into pretentious territory

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Pet Sounds era Beach Boys probably

this or brian eno


honestly these guys is first thing that springs to mind

radiohe.. upss, i didnt read "entering far into pretentious territory"


how's your first week on Sup Forums going

Isn't it just classical music, the same stuff he used in his films?
>mostly enjoyed by plebs and patricians alike, critics and the public generally agree it's good
>intricate and innovative aspects for its day
>the material is deep without entering far into pretentious territory
Most of the more mainstream classical stuff, like Mozart or Beethoven, fits the bill

>Beach Boys
>the material is deep

These and Frank Zappa maybe.

Kubrick wanted to use original music from them in 2001, but changed his mind and went with preexisting Ligeti pieces. He later asked if he could use the Adam Heart Mother Suite in A Clockwork Orange, but they turned him down. Don't know why they did

pic related

also this I think you could probably find music in most genres that fits the description

Finally an adequate answer.

*Atom Heart Mother Suite, sorry

t. only knows surfin' USA

OP here, this fan edit makes me sad because it shows what greatness could have been

They're a boy band. The material not being deep or even close to it is implied. That's what I meant.

t. only knows surfin' USA

I've never listened to them, nor do I plan on doing so, sorry.


Pink Floyd


Who is the Tarkovsky of music?

yup. babby's first deep artist but still genuinely great, obsessively crafted, goes after big questions at the expense of personality, only a few releases, but still influential.

You just invalidated every argument you attempted even further

GY!BE seems fitting

>pink floyd
>only a few releases

Otherwise i think the comparation is pretty accurate

in what way

Oh, I don't like a boy band and that makes every opinion on music I might have invalid. I'm not sure where you're even going with this.

both have an abstract stream of consciousness type feel imo

Listen to pet sounds my nigga.

a dozen or so albums over 40+ years isn't that prolific. looking at Kubricks IMDB it's pretty close to his number of features

>Kanye Wets

It's Pink Floyd or Radiohead definitely

Mr. Wets is closer to Tarantino. His films are a direct extension of his huge ego, lots of sampling, loved by dudebros and hipsters alike

Echoes was inspired by Jupiter and Beyond

Dream Theater?

The fact that you call them a boy band and openly admit to not listening to their music because you think so just proves that you saw them on full house and refuse to acknowledge all that they've done for music, showing that you have little knowledge of modern music history. Their albums Pet Sounds, Smile, and Sunflower influenced countless other musical acts, and those are just the most prominent albums they've made. I'll give you that they started as a boy band, as did the Beatles, but their experimentation and baroque era influence have impacted modern music for the better.

I can appreciate them on the level I appreciate Kraftwerk. I'm not ignorant of their contributions to music. While I wouldn't listen to Kraftwerk's synthpop era albums, I'm fully aware that those are works of geniuses who could've done so much more, given that they started as a krautrock band.

Zack Snyder. talented, but with terrible taste

His only good movies 2001, ACO, The Shining, Barry Lyndon. Rest is trash and overrated

I think it's the fact that you called them a boy band that ticked people off. I mean the Beatles were also a boy band, but they were also more than that you know

So I will say he is the equivalent of Kendrick Lamar

Pink Floyd is the only correct answer.

The comparison is undeniable.

those are his best, but completely dismissing FMJ and Dr. Strangelove is a bit harsh. also EWS is underrated as fuck

>also EWS is underrated as fuck
Sadly, this is very true.

>No Dr Strangelove
>No Full Metal Jacket
IMO These two along with 2001 are his most remarkable films.

And after starring in such a film, Tom Cruise went on to join the church of scientology. Don't the roles you choose affect you even a little bit? I understand it's a job, but that is just wrong.

Then again Tom Cruise was always a nutter

Advice: Don't talk shit about bands you haven't even listened to. You end up looking pretentious, or like an asshole, my friend.

Second half of FMJ is trash as fuck compared to the first half which is amazing. Maybe Kubrick intended to do this to show war is not all fun and games? Idk I haven't seen that film in time

I don't understand why every single fan of the Beach Boys on Sup Forums equates them to avant-garde classical composers. I would consider that really pretentious. And what's more, I even gave a reason why I can appreciate their music and on what level.

The first half is so kino it makes up for the second half. But hey at least the second half did have the Surfin Bird scene which was beautiful

I agree that comparing them to avante garde composers is ridiculous (it's a completely different ball park for me) they did push the boundaries of what pop music can do, especially in the realm of vocal harmonies

I'm the advice guy, but i'm not the person you were arguing against my friend. That the thing you see. I, too, haven't listened to The Beach Boys, but you just made the assumption that I was a fanboy just because I told you something that was true but that you didn't want to hear. Because let's be true, you literally talked shit about the band and then confessed to never having heard them before, that you know right?

eyes wide shut is my favourite
it's dismissal as perverted nonsense is so dumb

>That the thing you see. I, too, haven't listened to The Beach Boys
And you criticize me for it after I acknowledged their contributions to music and after I've explained that I can appreciate them and on what level?

Probably mine too. I never considered The Shining as one of his great movies though.

Eyes Wide Shut is one of my favorite movies from him too. I thought it was one of his better regarded movies. The song that plays in the ritual is very interesting.

I don't think so my friend, The only thing I was critizicing about you is the fact that you talked shit about a band that you hadn't even heard. And that's a fact, like, there are the posts. I was trying to help you out so in the future you don't make the same mistake, but ok, goodbye friend.

By the way, that "acknowledgement" to their contributions to music (you didn't mention any) came after you dismissed them for being a boy band, so nah, that was you trying to save some face. Advices you know, you can be more subtle.

But you said this:
>That the thing you see. I, too, haven't listened to The Beach Boys
And the post you're referring to is:
>I can appreciate them on the level I appreciate Kraftwerk. I'm not ignorant of their contributions to music. While I wouldn't listen to Kraftwerk's synthpop era albums, I'm fully aware that those are works of geniuses who could've done so much more, given that they started as a krautrock band.

Honestly Kanye. Plebs and Patricians both like him. He was incredibly innovative at his height and some of his material can get deep, but it's never that deep.

autism stop fighting ffs

kanye is pleb normie tier tho

you surely meant to say Talk Talk