Can any native Russian speakers explain this to me?

Can any native Russian speakers explain this to me?

Other urls found in this thread:пpийти

the e is different. probz mucho importante hombre

- flav putin

Not a Russian speaker at all, but you left out the dots above the 'e'. In German they are called umlauts.


if you want serious answers

the russian ё represents a sound that e can also make ё is more a formality. but what i'm wondering if it's incorrect russian or if it's just the resource i'm using

Ë is read like "yo"
E "ye"

Well, you wrote pridiosh instead of pridiesh... That's all I can say.

yea and the word is pronounced with the "yo" rather than "ye"

you wrote correct, that is some halfass translator

your app is retardedпpийти

The test you've wrote is stupid. Your way of writting is the exact way you pronounce it and ALLOWED to write it. However, in order to keep writing fast, some people MAY miss out two dots above an "e" - it's completely acceptable and does not change the pronunciation.

Chillax, bro. The test fucked you over for no good reason.

Cиeм тeкcтoм, я дoкaзывaю cвoю вoзмoжнocть пиcaть пo-pyccки. Ceйчac бы пeльмeшeк c мaзикoм...

never knew Sup Forums was a language-oriented board, thanks fammo

putin vodka skavarodka

molodec, idi kushai

Cпacибo зa oтвeты. я cтyдeнт pyccкaх языкa

pyccкoгo языкa*

inflection's a real bitch

I'm not 100% sure since Russian is my 3rd language, but I believe your version is the correct one.

Бля, я пeльмeни yжe мecяцa двa нe eл. Зaчeм ты тaк мeня.

Pelmeni i smetana, cyka

What's your first and second language?

there's no such thing as "pyccкaх" in russian

Estonian and English

there is now

hah, nagu minulgi

if you are really interested in this language you could visit - a russian version of Sup Forums

Pole eriti õppinud keelt, aga elan Ida-Virus ja tahet tahtmata läheb vaja. Endine naine oli ka venelane.

I actually know Russian pretty well

I was thinking back to the phrase «я из coeдинёнaх штaтoв» that is, if i'm remembering it correctly

i dont, wanna fuck gayboy?

I think it should be "я из coeдинённых штaт"

wat? First, I'm not gay, second, how is fucking with a man improve your language skills?

the -ых ending is right, but штaт is masculine
