ITT: We all wake up in an desert island

ITT: We all wake up in an desert island.

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We'd all die pretty quickly. The Americans would last the longest, since they'd eat the rest of us.

I proclaim myself as the sole sovereign of this island.

*kills the ruler and proclaim the socialist state of monkey island*

>implying they have the capabilities to run

Stop squatting on that rock and help us, man.

*evades you*
Shh, not so fast.
Ok, we need to dig a canal that seperates the island in two first.

I claim exclusive access to the only pussy on the island.

*start making a camp*
I need rocks and wood, guys!

what say you; raze the forest as a first step?
she already went into hiding
go get her, champ

*outchads u*
sh not so fast
*makes a sand home*

The rope hasn't pulled tight so she can't be far off.

The only pussy is your boi pucci

Now go spread eagle for me chang

Yes, burn it. I hear it is a great hunting methood since the animals inside die and get roasted too. So it's like a microwave oven.

IT'S beloved

Not belowed

Alright, this is our new home, our new life.
In this land, we have one. and only one objective, which civilized men couldn't accomplish:
Make anime real.

I don't understand what you are talking about.

i hope i'm not the only girl

>Implying anything changes

>pick the first skandi i see
>make "her" my wife
>boipucci 4ever

Declare it Anime Island

Oh okay.

Hail to glorious poor Austria

Dumunpalit, Philippines
Island for sale $ 3,400,000

bet you guys can't even figure out desalination haha
Then why'd you have to claim her in the first place? You're not sparing her the belt I take it?
We got a Flip slave girl as well apparently.

Declare it anime island but ban yuri and yaoishit

I'll start making us fishing equipment

Guess I'll start recognizing local plants

Start chopping wood

I need to take a shit, can one of the Germans dig a hole in the beach for me?

Fuck you all, I'm heading off into the bush on my own, and from here on in any one of you who crosses my path will be my dinner.

*crosses ur path*

i made you this masculine outfit with some leather, just try to not get close to those "muh boipucci property" fags

pls buy our islands


Where would you run? You're on an island. Nom nom nom, fatty gonna eat (You).

*climbs a hill*

Heh, what now, faglord?

>three days later

>everyone tries to get along and cooperate initially
>stormcucks and Sup Forumstards crossboarders sperg out from so much multiculturalism and try to create their own white utopia in the other side of the island
>most begin to starve due disfunctional leadership and two or three get killed in retarded power struggles
>they begin to steal and rob the main group
>eventually most give up and accept to cooperate, some hard line WM autists refuse and die of starvation

So, i like you,

Gonna be on easy way or hard way?

>island consists of nothing but gay sex until we all die of hunger and thirst

>not surviving and having sex

go find us food then, jungleboi

I do this every day
What's your point?

>what is fishing?

Are you even Australian?

looks cozy tbqhf

could fish for food but I don't know how you'd fight the scurvy unless the island has fruiting plants

>waking up with a bunch of autists from Sup Forums

build a raft to GTFO the island, failing that kill myself

Where to get water?
Specifically enough to sustain a board of 15,000-50,000 people.

Don't include my General in your gay ass post.

Does the island have coconuts? if not im gonna commit sudoku

>not drinking salt water to condition yourself against dehydration

Make a solar still

or extract the groundwater