Why does Shadow get little attention from the Hip Hop community?

Why does Shadow get little attention from the Hip Hop community?
You don't see the large hip hop legends praising Shadow. Is it because he's not all Hip Hop?

It's because he's garbage, OP. If you'd been on on here for more than a week you'd know that

Because that album is too beautiful to be appreciated by the hip poop community.

Because rappers stick to the producers they came up with or don't know shit about production.

>Implying TPAB or MBDTF isn't beautiful

cause he's not producing for anyone and his debut is still his best work

>doesn't produce for anyone
>only one good album (albeit the best hip hop album in existance)
>he is white

Eminem is white.......

It's because he's white

the hip hop community is predominantly black, introduce too many whites to the scene and you will estrange the majority of your audience

He's white, he's from the UK. They usually don't get much attention over here

One good album and then went straight to shit. No consistency especially considering the volumes of great stuff that other hip-hop artists put out.

He currently produces for and with rappers. On his last album he did a song with RTJ and only a few weeks ago he came out with a song with Nas which was sadly very poor.

The same could be said for Lauryn Hill even though she's still regarded by some as one of the better hip-hop artists.

Not enough hype or personality

The hip hop community is superficial



I want to see him on Rhythm Roulette

He's from cali


this is literally the worst post on this board rn

Have you seen the hip-hop community?
You'll never see a bigger collection of retards
bullshit. If all the whites went off of hip-hop tommorow then it would die.

they're shit

nah no one buys music anymore

no one making money its all ego game

>You don't see the large hip hop legends praising Shadow.
his last album was released on the label that nas co-founded


>it's a teenagers acting like they know how the music business works thread

Like you know anything more.
Reveal your knowledge to use.

He gets "little attention" because he made one great album 20 years ago and has done fucking nothing since.
For a brief period of time he was a big deal and people talked about him plenty. Now they don't because unlike Sup Forums the rest of the world doesn't suck people's dicks and pretend they're relevant because of albums that are old enough to buy booze by now.

Are we going to have threads about why The Dismemberment Plan gets little attention too? Or fucking Cap'n Jazz? God damn you guys are stupid

He's more relevant than ever.

>Releases a shitty album with no hype and exactly one song that does well almost exclusively thanks to the featured rappers
Damn you got me there

Hard Sell (Encore) > Endtroducing...

In 1996

Scratchcratchratcharch > Strictly Turntablized > Endtroducing...

That's still more than "done fucking nothing since".

Wow, sure, if you want to be a pedantic retard then that's TECHNICALLY more than literally doing "fucking nothing". I guess that's why American Football is so relevant now, right? Or Refused? Or the Stone Roses? Or the Wu-Tang Clan? Since releasing anything at all is apparently enough to stay relevant in your book.

I think you should resolve your anger issues and understand what relevant actually means first before you waste anymore of my time.

What hip hop community? Sup Forums dont know squat about underground hip hop from cali

I think you should first gargle my balls and then second stop arguing based on semantics like a pussy.

One pretty good track that gets a reasonable amount of attention and sounds like everything else in his catalog is not enough to "maintain contemporary interest".

Relevancy is relative.

Huge world of difference between Sup Forums drones watching TND and actual porch monkeys.
