To my Sons and Daughters

I have some terrible news to tell you all, come closer America and Canada - make sure you listen Australia and New Zealand.

Well, you know I have been going to the doctors recently over the past few months? Well , it turns out it is really serious. I have been having problems for some time but they took a turn for the worst recently.

My children, I have Terminal Kebab. Once the parasites have finished eating my insides they will erupt from my dried up husk to find other victims.

Please, please allow me the respect and dignity I deserve in these final days by allowing me to die in privacy - it is going to be too horrible to see and I cannot bear to let you all witness me like this.

I loved you all dearly, please do not forget about me and spread the dangers of Terminal Kebab.

When I looked at Sweden I laughed and thought it could never happen to me - but I was wrong

Oh, we had some times together didn't we? Remember all the butchering we used to do of eachother back in day? The fun, fun times Exploring far flung places with my most beloved of children never far from me - we have had our disagreements but we have always been close.

But I think it was that one disagreement - the one where I spent a few years sulking in India? Yes - thats the one... I think I picked the affliction up there come to think of it - the faint aura of curry and cumin that dictates an early infection was definitely present - now it is a stench as putrid and all consuming as the blackest bile. And I, ever the fool brought it back to our fair home and spread it, I may have doomed us all.

It hurts, Australia - I can hear the muezzin in the back of my head and my mouth tastes like sour hummus. Let me rest.

Ps: Scotland, Wales, Ireland - it runs in the family, you should get yourself checked in the future before its too late.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you can - it would be a miracle. The crescent shaped boils beginning to cover every inch of my body burn like greek fire.

Even looking at the England flag is beginning to hurt me - I have an urge to take them all down.

God save me.

الله يبارك الملكة

dubs decides when she kicks the bucket

single to Lakemba please


Do you need someone to groom your stool?

Ask a Brit, they love that stuff.

Charlatan! Doppelganger! You shish Satan döner damned wretch, son of Koobideh and whore of gyros.

I will not let the world see me as they did Sweden and what you did to him. You ate him from the inside out! You took advantage of his naivety and consumed him till all there was left of him was kebab.

He replaced all of his favourite music to nasheeds because of you. The Somali stain on his back made life unbearable for him.

One day there will be a cure.

Remember me as young and beautiful, not twisted with late stage Nigeriosis and jaundiced from the Afghan Itch.

7:31 PM AEST

>on Sup Forums

I'll miss you


>missing a cuckold who sold her country down river

> Be London
> Elect Kebab

The Queen's death will wake the sleeping giant that is the Anglo Menace. It is the best thing that can happen for our race.

At least our Head of State is white


> Have huge theoretical power to fuck shit up
> Don't use it for 65 years
You miss the point of why she's awesome

I meant I'll miss England

Im betting tomorrow


When England is redeemed.

getting close, let me try that again
next monday

too far off, let me bring it abit more closer and precise

12am singapore time 8/5/16

I guess the bitch is immortal

I wonder if they are going to make the next Dr. Who Islamic.

gap has largened

8/5/16 1pm sg time

If repeating numbers she dies from taking the big muslim cock

gap has closened again, im feeling it

8/5/16 7pm

A great Salam Aleikum to all my muslim brother. We will conquer the world by Allahs will, Allah wills it.
Mashallah ;))

Britain already had a princess di from taking muslim cock

just abit more

730pm 8/5/16



20th of April 2017

All jokes aside, this thread depressed me.

My demise accomplishes nothing! The master will have you! You will drown in your own blood! The world shall burn!

Don't talk like that mom, we can help! You just need a good steady diet of burgers and goga-gola and you'll be on your feet in no time!

thanks mother.

May 17

you guys can have your republic now i guess


Someone add the dentist hair

1 month exactly

Exactly a year from now. Also checkem


i got the dubs already m8


3017, immediately at the end of ben garrison's thousand year reich.


Right this very second

Gemany? IS that you?

That case of the Turks has not been kind to you over the years.

Those were some terrible, terrible fights we had back during those yeas.

I will not rise again I fear, there are so many minarets growing into my vital organs and calcifying them that it is an agony to move my body.

When Trump becomes president

It don't count unless you click the original comment. Queenie confirmed immortal

not so fast Abo


Are you content today to be living financially and economically on American charity, selling up the house to the Yanks when he won't pay any more charity out?

Are you content to be occupied and protected by American aeroplanes?

Are you content to be in the position of an old woman, jipped by her young relations?

You who were the greatest power on earth fifty years ago, and still can be! Why do I say, 'you still can be'?

Because, my friends, I know you, I know the British people! I know that twice in my lifetime in the world war I fought in, in the world war the younger men fought in.

We the British have put our effort, our energy of valour, of heroism, unequalled in the history of mankind edition



It just hit me...
This really is the end of an era.

how do we know that, he only said dubs in general

the american may be right though

>London Has Fallen
>Big Ben goes silent for months
>London elected its first Muslim mayor
>Brexit will fail


Out of all the kebabs and sand niggers you chose to blame India, the place that's is literally against kebabs and sand niggers.

Queen dies Jan 20 next year. Screenshot

Fuck the queen, fuck the anglos and fuck the British. Thanks a lot for the benefits. I hate you all. May Allah grant me the strength to behead you all.

He's not just a muslim, he's a Pakistani. A nation who is still mourning the death of osama bin laden.


Aren't called Britcucks for nothing

72 hours


you have more muslims than pakistan

20th of April

We don't.

Back then Pakistan did not exist, and neither did India for that matter. I seem to recall putting the yoke back on your muslim oppressors.

Triple numerics will indicate the divine right of my power to rule and live beyond what life left the terminal kebab has left me with.


There are more Muslims in India than there are Muslims in Saudi Arabia, England and Sweden combined.

triple numericals will decide the colony that will run the empire


>Literally give half your country away because you are so desperate for the Muslims to fuck off
>most of them decide to stay anyway
India confirmed for being the biggest losers on the planet. Even the worlds stupidest religion cucked them sideways!

When another terrorist attack happens in the UK

British east India colonized us not her.
Muslim rule in India was already deteriorating in India due to the constant attacks of sikhs and marathas (hindus)
East India company started conquering India, revolt of 1857 happened and India came under the direct control of king george and queen victoria.
They made many social reforms, established schools, universities, courts and built railways.
Pick up a history book dude.

Imran Khan is better than Kapil Dev

Do you think the Queen has ever been blacked?

Yup but we make sure they stay poor or dead.

I remember babysitting you for a while Singapore - or was it Straits Settlements Crown Colony?

One would suggest that we refrain from any conversation about the surrender to the Japanese either.

Please stop trying to kill me and my countrymen you insufferable pissant

Sachin Tendulkar is better than the Pakistan Cricket history combined

>One would suggest that we refrain from any conversation about the surrender to the Japanese either.

I don't really blame england as a whole, just english overconfidence about japs

Isn't Scotland havin a lot of SJW problems as well?
Islam in Wales is pretty much non-existent as far as I've heard

Mulsims were desperate to fuck of from us, you can see how well it turn
ed out for them by looking at Pakistan.
Hindus aren't cucks like you Brits, we have proved our mantel in world war 2 too by saving your ass.

when she is 105

Wait did the Paki actually get voted in already or is the voting still on?

seriously though how many muslims are in your country? if there was a war against islam in europe your country might fall into a civil war

14% or so
80 or 81% are Hindus
remaining are Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, etc

Dravid had a better average

Rest easy mum. You haven't kicked it yet, conserve ya strength.

If you do go, don't look back mum, I'll stay fit as a fiddle and keep the other boys in check. I've got it covered like honey on one o' ya crumpts.

Bloody hell, what a crying shame.

I'll never let the kebab spread off those shitty Island boghole we left it in, mark my bloody words mum.

I'll be an example for the rest of em, struth, I'll be an example for the whole world.

No way.

Ah bugger, sorry about that mum, just don't worry about us.


Our work is almost complete.
Fuck you and your Tea Tax. We've never forgiven you for that bullshit.

Why does she look like Lady Gaga?

Regardless how and whom it happened. You gave a large chunk of your country to mudshits because they wanted to live by their rules. Then loads of them decided to stay and continue causing trouble.
if you weren't such cucks, you'd re-take pakistan for not living up to your expectations and pissing off completely. But you won't. Because you got cucked by some of the stupidest people on this earth.

she was a cutie back in the day
would have definitely banged