why does janny keep deleting these threads, do they think that Sup Forums is a legitimate place to talk about Sup Forumsernational events?
oh fuck
Were libruhls right about Trump causing WW3?
haha just a few missiles simmer down.
yes they are retarded
any pointless sex threads here get to stay but international crisises are banned
Is Ukraine fukked now?
the u.s. has had sof troops in syria for a while now.
well atleast most Russia is in europe i think, so most of the fighting will be there.
sorry bout that, look on the good side, at least this isn't the first time
Americans will be drafted over this.
>inb4 >9000 /r9k/ posts why they dont want to die in a desert
The areas was cleared to make sure there was no Russian personel, they arent that dumb
Also prepare for all the people calling Trump a russian shill to get upset at him for attacking his allies
>implying any major conflict will come from this
>implying the US would bring back the draft if one did
>tfw never made it to argentina before ww3
b-bye bros
i thought trump wanted to avoid this
Why would we be drafted?
Now we will finally see whether the F35 was a waste of money.
But Sup Forums said that DT was going to be peaceful???
>announce to overthrow kreml-backed Assad
>cripple his airforce
Lets wait a few hours what Putler does lmao.
So americans, how does it feel like being stabbed in the back?
freedom ain't free
Haha fuck drumpf and usa and europe and ALL white people
You brought this on yourselves
Send my regards to hell (that's where white ppl go) when yall die
>be american
>go to war for no fucking reason
>get shot in syria
Hillary was even bigger warhawk than Donald
>i won't vote for hillary because she will make war
>this will be a peaceful term
Well we have to support our Saudi allies and the moderate jihadis now don't we.
have you not been keeping up with events, mongol?
>Germany, either pay back the debts to NATO or donate some troops
>shit I don't wanna be racist, Mr. America, take this fit white males, we'll take the refugees
theres only one country that does the bombin, son. and thats us
Russians didn't retaliate against the Turks for shooting down their own plane. Russia will just both and do nothing since it's not even their air base.
do you only watch CNN?
Gabriel already said we wont pay a single dollar and we'll neither invest more in the military.
Germany is still an american occupied country. Absolutely nothing will happen, defacto we aren't even allowed to own a military and most of our military assets are items on loan to other countries.
Putin's a little bitch. He isn't gonna do shit.
when americans are nuked from existence, theyll have no sympathy from anyone. soon, hopefuly
Pretty sure this good ol' fashion dick waving like all that posturing in the Cold War.
I assume Putin knows WW3 would not help Russia.
I swear to god you keep this shit up Mexico, we're going to turn you all into Tacos. Human Fucking tacos. We're going to roast you bastards and stick you into tortillas and eat you. We're going to eat you bastards out of existence. This is what's going to happen you spic bastards, endless fucking tacos.
>this much butthurt
t. this girl's brother
>tfw that time I got banned for posting a condolences thread for France during the Paris attacks
Nah m8, I'm just drunk as fuck. Figure if we're going to HABBENING levels of fuckery we're all fucked and I have no wish to go through the end of the world sober.
Hillary would've used 4 or 5 nukes, so no.
yw bro
We have more than enough poorfags volunteering for service these days that a draft is completely unnecessary.
If dubs Drumpf declares war, reenacts the draft and I get drafted and die in the desert.
Why are people mad at Trump? Isn't he just sticking with what Obama set down as foreign policy for the US and Syria (the red line)?
Death to America and to all white people!
Yes and you are next.
you tried lmao
Pinoy, you were supposed to be ally.
trump is such a bitch, pointless cruise missiles like bill clinton, doesn't have the balls to resist the political pressure and do nothing, doesn't have the balls to do something that would change anything, doesn't even have the balls to use planes because they might get shot down
We're going to recolonize your asses lmao
We have the largest military in terms of toys to use, but we actually have a very small army when it comes to sheer numbers.
When it comes to ground fights, Russia would swarm us. Which is a big reason as to why the US really didn't need to intervene against Germany in WWII, because Russia was already winning on just about every front. They would've won out of fatigued Germany or resources and people, even though Germany had the best equipment on the field.
>gassing his own people
Kill Assad desu
We wanna bomb their stuff too
Because it's against the rules. And when you faggots keep making a dozen threads on the same event, you basically force their hand.
I know, I almost died. Could you imagine?
i hope russia does it
i didn't finish my homework
This desu. I have a paper to write due Monday. I welcome the nukes.
yes yes now go back to your generals and "am I white" threads
US cucks get ready to die for your israeli and saudi overlords.
Also cnbc.com
"A U.S. official said the Russians had been warned before the U.S. launched at least 59 tomahawk missiles aimed at Syria, NBC News reported."
"No Russian assets were targeted, according to the report."
The US had to make this response, what gives the West our moral high ground above the sandnogs is that gassing your own people is a no-go.
I don't post in those threads.
Now kindly go back to r*ddit or Sup Forums.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
I now know why people are keen to make a COD movie. They needed the recruitment.
>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here.
nice try aussie
>doing scientific experiments on your own people with disease treatments and radiation without them knowing
what kind of shithole country could ever do this?
hmmm, REALLY made me think
Must be the Devil's country
>MFW freedom from living
>not doing human experimentation
>1st world
Shouldn't you be sucking Chink cocks already?
>"i am greek"
>Sup Forums
>diplomatic habbenings
>Sup Forums
i wonder what board he's from