Ok Sup Forumsros did giants exsist, did the nephilim occur what are your thoughts...

Ok Sup Forumsros did giants exsist, did the nephilim occur what are your thoughts? Are any of the images real and if so why is it being hidden?

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get off the internet and read some books

Sometimes I just think it would be easier to leave the car running in the garage while I just listen to some of my favorite songs I haven't heard in years...


Closest thing there ever was. Anything else is just religious bullshit

So then what's up with all the different accounts of people finding giant fossils, I'm talking news paper clippings, pictures, testimony. People claiming the Smithsonian is hiding all the evidence because we would have to rewrite history. I know all that could be faked and I'm researching myself just thought I'd ask the smartest people I don't know!!

It's hard to believe that people will go to such extensive lengths to make hoaxes but they really do. There's some good reads/interviews if you google up shit like "hoaxers confess" and shit like that. Some of them spent years and years and thousands of dollars perpetrating their various shit. It's incomprehensible to anyone with a normal mind but somehow these fucks get super obsessed/motivated and come up with wild shit.

This. Some of the shit people do to create hoaxes is insane. Like to the point where you question why the fuck they'd ever do it. There are people who spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars and years of their lives on stupid bullshit that they never make a cent on.

Some people are just fucked like that. I guess they care more about attention and fame than anything else.

Yes, I believe people were tall. Muslims believe that Adam, the first man on earth was 90ft. Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Allah created Adam, making him 60 cubits tall" (90ft).

Like, people spends decades creating indecipherable cyphers and creating fake "ancient manuscripts" that no one can read seemingly basically just to fuck with people.

Can you imagine spending like a quarter of your life just to prank a couple of your bros? You've gotta admire these people's dedication, if nothing else.

You, sir, are a dumb motherfucker.

Well prove me wrong then.
>pro tip > you can't

What if, they are undiagnosed Sup Forumstards and do it to watch the world burn?

Prove you are right too sandnigger. Otherwise fuck off.

Science isn't one sided, which pretty much explains why people gets pissed at Theoric Physichists.

So it's all a hoax perpetuated by several different people through several centuries all over the world? I don't know, there's a lot of evidence to the contrary!!


Im trying to remain objective here but the more I look at this the harder it is for me to dismiss it as a hoax!!

I'm not a so-called sandnigger. I'm white. I never said I'm right. I said I BELIEVE there were tall people.

Maybe. I trolled the living shit outta some of my high school teachers and spent a huge load of cash at the time for it.

No fucks given.

What does belief has to do with proving or disproving?

Not the way the burden of proof works, kid.
You have no evidence that it was the case.

No, you're right. I cannot, in fact, prove that a hypothetical man from a story that probably didn't happen wasn't 90 feet tall.

You sure made me look like a fool.

literally every single picture of "giant skeletons" has been debunked. also in the mythology, the nephilim were supposed to be 450 fucking feet tall, yet not even the fake giant skeleton hoaxes and photoshops even come close to this.

the only story with even a grain of truth or evidence was that story about the "9 foot tall red headed cannibals" and it was still an exaggeration based on the still quite tall 6'3 skeletons of red headed tribsemen.

Fuck, you're retarded.
You aren't even attempting to remain objective. You're just buying into bullshit because some retards claimed to have found something and because of photoshopped pictures.
I advise you to go to /sci/ to give them a good laugh.

I shouldn't have to prove anything because I never made the claim it's a fact

This should kinda be on /x/

>First manlet world problems

/x/ is leaking

I'd rather have /x/ leaking than Sup Forums tbqhf

You understand how scale works, right? Size doesn't scale linearly. If someone 5 ft tall weighs 100 pounds, someone 10 ft tall wouldn't weigh 200. That means if a 90 foot tall man existed, he'd be so heavy that his skeleton wouldn't be able to support him.

There are physical laws in this world. Everything that exists or has ever existed must obey these laws. That's how shit works.

isnt random anything you want to post?

Then why the fuck are you making claims and challenging others to debunk them?

>Skelly has its index in its mouth
That's one saucy skelly.

I believe you have to prove the photos fake

Bone density allows for more weight to be held on the frame, muscular density allows for more strength to hold and use those bones properly. Incorrect, the size of our bodies are in direct correlation to periods of oxygen in our atmosphere. The more oxygen larger we are, gradual adaptation based off of odd rotations around the sun and lowered amounts of solar flare activity on the sun have an effect on this, however, this is talking about a large group of species, a handful I imagine if our species where to adapt it wouldn't be this way anymore due to modernization of technology.

No, when you make a claim that goes against the established science YOU have to prove your case, they don't have to prove theirs. The established science has already been proven. If you have something new that disputes it, you have to do your due diligence and show that your work is correct.

half of them come from old worth1000 photoshop contests. they can all be traced back to fake or doctored sources, and not one of them has ever been proven authentic or backed by a real, certifiable skeleton. go figure.

>implying the skeleton of Adam would of been as weak as the skeleton of someone who's 6ft

Same reason why there are no two meter spiders. The body would collapse by its own weight. And humans could ever be only 3 meters tall, then you live the danger of every day damaging your neck or having random heart failure.

> did giants exists


> did the nephilim occur

Stfu with that new age shit.

> Thoughts

Well they could literally pull a grown palm tree from the ground with one hand.

> Image real

There could be some image real, the best bet to find remining skeletor would be between the region of Oman and Yemen. Or if you are lucky you find one in one of the many cave system they have.

> Why is it being hidden

Well let just say it would contredic every evolutionary atheist-tards out there.

-> bible talks about giants
-> quran talks about giants
-> old scripture from american indians have tales of it
-> i was told even some afghan folk story have some.

In the end just do your own research and conclude how you want.


And what happens to bones and muscles that are more dense? They become, say it with me here, HEAVIER. Hence, there is a certain point you'd reach where having denser bones and muscles wouldn't help because they'd contribute more weight to your frame than they'd support.

You can't just say, "oh, well, he had super duper strong muscles so he'd be ok". Those muscles come with a cost. They're heavy. That's why body builders who are shredded as fuck and have no body fat at all are very heavy. That's how the physical world works.

>There are people who spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars and years of their lives on stupid bullshit that they never make a cent on.

Sounds like photo wins

Uhm, no. We could become bigger, if our atmospheric pressure were higher, but then it would be doubtfull that humans even evolved.

>implying bone density wouldn't make his skeleton heavier, which would just contribute to his problems.

Shill detected

>they were real because the bible says so

ok buddy. praise kek maga etc.

I believe there was a race, at one time that could be considered giants and through religions and myths these people became characters in stories, as for the physics behind it, I couldn't say. I do believe the Smithsonian hides all kinds of shit from the public. I'm not religious but I do believe in giants!!

Oxygen has absolutely nothing at all to do with the force gravity exerts on our bodies. Things are smaller now because there's less oxygen in the atmosphere, yes. That's because it's harder to have an efficient respiratory system for a massive animal. It has nothing to do with bone and muscle density. Why the fuck would it?

No, just stating that there are accounts from multiple source and thus not an isolated case.

> Lrn2history faggot

The smaller the planet, the lesser the gravity, and the bigger and taller the creatures were. The earth was much smaller (estimated to be only 10% its current size).

I'm sure there've been some groups of large humans but no, they almost certainly were not of divine origin, nor is anything else we've ever found on Earth.

Gigantopithecus was a thing, though. Not recently, but it was big and humanoid.

>what are archetypes?

Virtually every culture has a story about a city that sinks into the ocean. It doesn't mean Atlantis was literally real. It's an archetype. It's a concept that's familiar to us all on a primal level and is relatable throughout cultures. In this case, it's a lesson on man's hubris.

Get off the books, and read some internet.
It is the only source of information that the people in power do not control.

>the earth was much smaller

Are you trolling or literally retarded?

Samefag shill detect. I'm going to need sources and 100% proof.

Lol yes it does, to hold weight mass, of course oxygen provided the energy but the muscle mass was just a means for the frame to work, assuming, they were alive. It's a pretty simple concept, gorillas have denser bones and muscles and they're using the same oxygen. So, I feel like you're missing something in your argument. Like, the two of our thoughts where fluent but you didn't want to accept that bone mass and muscle mass would adapt with respiratory system .

The people of the old times were manlets in average, especially in the mediterania. Meanwhile the nordic folk was avg ~30 centimeter larger. Maybe you can now see, where those tales come from

Don't listen to the shills. Find your own truth. You are doing well. Look up ancient giant forests/trees on YouTube

he says, quoting a book

there are also multiple accounts of ufos, atlantis, lizard people, etc.

there are people who think the holocaust didn't happen

there are people who think 9/11 was an inside job done by bush.

there are countless accounts of secret societies of global elites who rule the world.

there are countless tales of cryptids and strange creatures, none of which have ever been proven to exist.

there are countless conspiracy theories the world over.

and there's not a single fucking shred of proof to any of them.

>contredic every evolutionary atheist-tards
You mean, "contradict?" Fuck, normally I don't cite a faggot's spelling & grammar as proof of their idiocy, but you were so fucking far off on that word it's like you have zero fucking clue what it actually is or how it's actually pronounced.
>evolutionary atheist-tards
Understand and can spell the word "contradict." What does that make you?
> bible talks about giants
> quran talks about giants
> old scripture from american indians have tales of it
> i was told even some afghan folk story have some.
Ancient backwards folktale bullshit from before the time when most people realized they shouldn't breed with their sister and then their daughter talks about giants, all powerful bearded men who turn faggots into salt, burning bushes that speak and give you rules-o-life (carved into fucking rock tablets no less) and how the heart is the center of intelligence/thinking/awareness...certainly all this shit must be true right?
Sup Forums has too much dumb in it for me tonight.

just obvious bait now, user

Shill detected

Gorillas aren't 90 feet tall. A 90 foot tall gorilla would have the same problem a 90 foot man would have. Of course there are animals that have denser bones and muscles than us. You need oxygen to power muscles, yes, but this has nothing to do with the force gravity is exerting on your body. It doesn't matter how much oxygen you're taking in if you weigh like 200 tons.

It is a diminishing return and eventually, you will get to a point where having denser bones and muscles will contribute more weight to your frame than they will support. You're really not understanding the physics here.

You have no evidence for ANYTHING you say. You just take others people's word for it. You sit in your house and believe what you read and what you are told. You have no more proof for anything you say than religious people do.

U mad brah? Why do atheists get so mad anytime someone references religion? You resort to anger and insults why

Explain dinosaurs faggot

At that size, human physiology simply wouldn't work. Weight scales up faster than height. At 90 feet tall, someone with human proportions wouldn't be able to stand up without their bones being crushed.

They weren't big enough to have this problem. Dinosaurs were not 90 feet tall.

Also, most of the really fuckhueg ones lived in the ocean, and underwater, this isn't as much of an issue. It's why whales are fine in the ocean and pretty much fucked if they get stuck on land.

Large dinosaurs had completely different skeletal systems than humans. They were also cold (or at least cool) blooded, which meant that they didn't have the issue with heat removal that limits mammalian size.

The burden of proof lies on those making claims. You claim there are giant skeletons? Prove it. Until you produce an actual giant skeleton for study and verification, all you have is folkore and hearsay; your giant skeleton hoaxspiracy is full of shit.

Otherwise what you get is a world where literally every single hypothetical and unproven idea holds the same validity. From a child's whimsical imagination to a mentally deranged hermit's ravings, all of it is equally true and credible in a world where you don't have to prove your claims. All religions are real. Every single one of them, and you're judged by the standards of each whether you believe in them or not.

>So it's all a hoax perpetuated by several different people through several centuries all over the world? I don't know, there's a lot of evidence to the contrary!!

Scaling laws are an important aspect of biology. When you take a particular object (such as a human being), and make it twice as tall (while keeping the proportions the same) its weight will not increase 2-fold. It will actually increase 23-fold (8-fold)! A 6-foot person weighting 160 pounds, if doubled in height, will therefore be 12 feet tall and weigh 1,280 pounds if you kept the proportions the same.

There is a problem with this.

Although weight increases 23-fold, the strength of the bones would only increase 22-fold. It means that the strength-to-weight ratio of the bones is half that of a normal person. A giant with these proportions would stress their skeletons more easily and be at greater risk for injury if they fell down. In order to fix this problem, you would need to make the bones wider in proportion to their length so that the weight of the person produces less pressure on the bone.

>why do normal people get so mad anytime a retard starts smearing shit on the walls?

Actually, dinosaurs probably weren't cold blooded. But yes, different skeletal structure (most of them being quadrupeds), and they also didn't get as big as you think. A T-Rex wasn't 90 feet tall, it's was probably 20 or so. That's a huge difference in weight.

Large sauropods were definitely cold-blooded. Theropods were (in some cases) warm blooded. At a certain size, being warm-blooded becomes impossible unless the animal is submerged in water to remove heat.

The longest dinosaurs were around 40 meters long, which is near the absolute physical limit for land-dwelling animals.



I never claimed there were giants. I said I believe there were. The same way you believe that the people at the time were not giants. Can you prove that they weren't? That's your claim that they wern't, right? Do you have any skeletons to prove they wern't giants?

That's really the best source you could find? No, even if they were warm-blooded when young, large sauropods could not be endo or even meso-thermic.

length is a lot easier to manage than height, though.

so provide some citations. until then, it's all bullshit.

Yeah, sounds about right. People just seem to think they were way bigger than that. Like a lot of people think t rexes were like 50 feet tall and 100 feet long.

40 meters is still big, but it's not that big, relatively speaking.

>Can you prove that they weren't?
as a matter of fact we do have actual, physical skeletons and clothing and other artifacts of people at the time, so, yes, we can say with 100% certainty that they were not giants in comparison to modern humans.

Agreed, but that should help to illustrate the difficulties in engineering an animal to sizes even remotely close to as large as OP believes Adam to have been.

the bible is not a historical documentary piece.

Just an example. There's actually a ton of debate on the subject. Not saying you're definitely wrong, but a lot of people who know more about this stuff than either of us seem to think you might be.

You just might be the dumbest person to ever post on Sup Forums. Like have you ever left your house? visited museums? Traveled around? Read a book? Studied any form of history that wasn't a conspiracy-laden youtube video?

"A lot of people who know more about this stuff than either of us"... Are you SURE that I don't work at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago?

and what do you have, exactly?

Hell yes they did!!!!!

No, I have not managed to dig up literally every single human or hominid skeleton that has ever existed in order to prove, conclusively, that not one of them was 90 feet tall. Sorry, I've been slacking. I'll get to it tomorrow.

good thing your beliefs don't mean jack shit when it comes to actual physical evidence.

You very well could. Even if that were the case, though, a lot of your peers seem to disagree with your opinion.

I said do YOU have any evidence. Not a 'team' of so-called scientists that you've never met. And you have no idea how long ago the first humans were on earth, so even if they did dig something legit up, it could be a species that are from more recent times compared to the times of the first humans.

So is everyone just gonna ignore this nugget of pure idiocy?

I want you to ask yourself if a 35 foot tall human would actually be able to support it's self, and why would evolution tend toward that?

The answer is it probably wouldn't. Maybe giants are real, and the more logical assumption is that there are some crazy bible thumpers out there producing a bull shit story to help give their favorite work of fiction more street cred.

Yes. Dumbass.

I don't even know where to begin breaking down this wall of stupid.

Yeah, we actually do know how long humans have been around for. No, I do not have any actual evidence myself, because I am not an anthropologist, and thus, it'd be pretty fucking weird for me to have a bunch of skeletons in my house. If there was a tribe of 90 foot tall people stomping around within the last 10,000 years or so, why the fuck have we not found a single shred of evidence?

Are you actually this stupid, or are you a troll?

People were finding dinosaur bones for centuries and calling them giant bones. The cyclops legend began because people found mammoth skulls with big holes in the forehead so they thought it was a giant one-eyed man. That's it.


find big bones in ground and make shit up to explain it thats the story of every interesting thing humans find in the dirt

let me put this in words you can understand:

ur litraly ratarted. nek urself