Russians explain yourselves.
Russians explain yourselves
They're the pure evil... Based Trump will teach them who makes the rules.
>[Sad picture of girl]
>be a Syrian rebel
>get gassed
>get taken to a hospital
>hospital gets bombed by russian aviation
>bombing gets defended by A FUCKING LEAF
>TFW Russian immigrant
We still don't know who did that
>12 heartbreaking photos that will make you say "fuck having proofs and shit"
The suffering of children is unimportant to you?
Russians have no values beyond subservience. I'm surprised that you are surprised.
Fake news
Russians have deep values. They need to be reminded of them.
Something like ~7 billion humans on earth right now.
Some of them die.
Zero Fucks given.
Let's kill half of the population! The world will be a paradise then!
There is no definitive proof the Assad regime has done anything justifying a US led dismantling of Syria
>Zero fucks given
Great plan.
I think it's worth starting with Africa and the Arab countries.
Oh, wait.
We are already doing this.
Unlike some lazy dumb-bells.
And yes, i know what sarcasm is.
That was before the escalation of violence, by this point in time, Assad needs to go. And where will he go by, the way? An island in the Pacific?
I like it that they are "children" when they are hurt or you want to have sex with them but old women and white knights find the idea offensive, yet are "adults" when they are on the other side of the media spin. Or when they are male, because boys don't really exist in the hysterical world where we ought thinking about the women and children, but only in a way the women folk demand.
Face it, if that was an Arabic looking guy, you'd call him a "man", or even a "militant", regardless of his biological age.
Fuck off.
>Africa and the Arab countries
What are we going to do with East Asians and Indians?
Using emotional appeals is a terrible tactic.
This is like "Sad picture of Syrian girl refugee drowning"-tier
pls resbond
Robotics still has not reached enough level to fully automatically grow food.
Soo... slavery, with a vasectomy of course.
Plus, someone has to colonize Mars.
Well, you know, at the initial stages of any large construction project there can be sacrifices.
And the colonization of Mars, this is a very large project.
Why send normal people?
>Plus, someone has to colonize Mars.
I hope you realize that will be filthy rich people.
>He's not rich nor in the process of getting rich
There is no logical morality.
Kant says otherwise.
Chemical Weapons that don't exist as confirmed by the UN inspectors, a neat trick...
so a UN investigation has occurred into this """""attack"""""has it???
Like WMDs existed in Iraq???
Go back to believing MAINSTREAM MEDIA
Why we almost must explain yourselves if its USA and EU unleash all wars?
Afganistan, Irak, Lybia, Syria, Panama, Yugoslavia, Yemen
Do you think its all we did?
Explain yourselves shiteaters, whya re you always unleashing war and blaming russia
Dumb posts. Chemical weapons are banned. Remove Ass-ad
I am certain it was an ugly bulgarian that was payed by the US to plant a bomb on a chemical plant in a backwater town. they resemble turks, so they could pass right by, and they are loyal american cocksuckers.
West will never wash off from this.
It's fake, you fuckwit.
If Russia wanted to kill people they would have sent in Russian troops with Ukrainian flags
>Assad is winning and theres no reason to use non conventional weapon
Merchant: Oy vey we cant let him win!
*Merchant drop gas or whatever*
Merchant: Look Assad is using chemical weapons!
Daily reminder that hezbollah and Assad are the good guys. Merchant and rebels aka "kid beheaders" are bad guys