TFW born with a butt chin. I feel slightly insecure about it from time to time and think I would look better without it...

TFW born with a butt chin. I feel slightly insecure about it from time to time and think I would look better without it. I'm considering plastic surgery when i get older. Is this pathetic? Should I not feel like this? If someone could Photoshop me without it that would be great.

Simple OP.

Get the fuck over it.
Focus on your future and worry about butt chin until later in life.
Oh and by worry i mean wait until you're 23 and grow a beard.

Plastic surgery asap. As a faggot, i can tell you its one of the most disgusting features a male can have.

I think it looks powerful. You're a pretty handsome guy aside from looking kinda nerdy

You're a pretty gay faggot

It's going to look good when you're older and more masculine.

I agree, ASAP. As a straight dude, I can tell you its an important thing to listen to a faggot.

Someone needs to photoshop a dick in there

You look like a faggot version of superman

So a gay man?


As a normal person who's not trying to fuck with you like these other faggots, I can say that a "butt chin" is something I literally don't even notice about a person.

You're lying to make him feel better obviously.

You idiot! That kind of chin makes you look manly, strong, and attractive.

Stop being a faggot looking for compliments.

Exactly. His other features are pretty nice

OP here. never considered growing facial hair to cover it up, but I think I would look like a massive douche with facial hair tbh.

what are you? fucking gay?

Why would I go out of my way just to make someone feel better?

it's manly

OP, you have a buttchin
who cares?
why do you care?

OP are you Bruce?

I think you can answer that yourself

butt chins are either totally faggy or god damn manley, its really up to your gainz


I have a butt chin and I've been told numerous times it's a sexy feature. I'm not bad looking but you're not either so idk what you're taking about mate.

makes zero difference, yours is totally normal. you'll get over it in a few years and wonder why you cared about it so much.

if you think chicks aren't going for you because of your chin, you are mistaken.

>Your average appearance of every Sup Forums user on here.

Honestly it's not something many women would consider a flaw, and it doesn't look ugly on you. You'll likely 'grow into it' as you age and your jaw sharpens

Grow a beard

Nah, its an entirely inward insecurity and doesn't project any problems iv'e had in my life. I just dont like it.


I'm gay as shit

No a gay kryptonian, are you dumb?

Minus the specs, I was a fucking geek, butt-chin beta like you. Advice? Become a fucking man.
Diet, exercise, high testosterone shit. School, work, career, money. Don't fap excessively. Get orthodontics if need be. Still insecure, spend the $ to get it eliminated.

I have a butt chin and I hooked up with a ~35 or 40 year old milf because she said guys with butt chins are good people.

Do kryptonians have men and women?

K. Cyal8aligator

Just get buff and don't look like a little faggot. Masculine dudes like John Travolta pull it off pretty well

oh, also be at least 6ft


>TFW 5'11 but pretty athletic body.

Guess i have nothing to worry about.

Being tall is a huge advantage but I'm 5'5" and do fine. Most short guys have wrecked self confidence from high school but plenty of girls don't even notice as long as you're cool.

Nobody cares really, if anything it's a good thing

it's called a dimple. women swoon for it. learn to work it faggot