Why are Africans so much cuter than Black Americans?
Why are Africans so much cuter than Black Americans?
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Have you ever been to america?
black americans are all ratchet mullato trash, not pure nubian goddesses
because America found a way to magically fuck up everything
God, I hate this Jew ran postmodern culture
I hate black Americans
I was waiting in line for bus at Walmart for 15 min with White people, and when the bus came a horde of black people came and cut the line.
The only people standing in the bus were me and white people who were waiting there first.
Selfish no considerate niggers
>waiting in line for a bus at Walmart.
You sound poor af.
It's the American experience
It's amazing how stereotypically redneck the Walmart people are in Appalachia
WTF would you come to America to experience that? It kind of sounds like your larping.
You poor bastard.
Come to comfy university town in the midwest or something if you wanted the authentic experience without the torment.
Americans aren't African, they're all mixed
>Japanese guy going as a tourist to Appalachia or even knowing where that is
>implying there are black people in Appalachia
Nice proxy, Davido-san
lol they are not
t. there are actually africans here
and i don't mean the top 1% of international students and ambassador families and shit i mean your normal average nigger from africa, who is NOT cute at all
Introduce me to Ubongo chan
I find this to be true
less contact with the white devils
1. Younger
2. Thinner
3. Slavery is extremely dysgenic, basically imported the dumbest ugliest nigs.
>3. Slavery is extremely dysgenic, basically imported the dumbest ugliest nigs.
Lol not really. Black always had people point to slavery as adhoc reasoning to justify X thing said about them to Shit on African-Americans or to shit on Africans indirectly
I can confirm having met african blacks and niggers here
I don't know why I suspect since they were already stupid they just devolved into feral animals after being brainwashed by jew propaganda
"black" americans have white pig blood
Almost all blacks here look like retarded chimps with rabies.
Most Non-upper class Americans look like some animal that got RABIED.