W-wanna ssssee mu-muh FIDJUT SPINNUR?!

W-wanna ssssee mu-muh FIDJUT SPINNUR?!

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*inhales the fidget spinner*

Wtf I love fidjet spinners now


*reads 732755175*

It sickens me that people associate fidget spinners with autism. I'll have you know that mastering the fidget spinner is no easy feat. You have no idea how much time, effort, and money I put into this passion of mine. I had to sell to three of my hghest quality vape pens and work additional hours at Best Buy in order to be able to afford the limited addition Triple Dragon Deluxeâ„¢ fidget spinner. You have no idea how long I trained to master the fidget spinner. Tell me, do you train for 8 hours a day, every day to perfect something you are "passionate" about? Didn't think so. And I'm not even done perfecting my form yet. You see, the fidget spinner is much more than a toy: it is the most unique and inspirational form of art of the 21st century only respected by the most intelligent people. I highly doubt that even the greatest "athletes" put as much time into perfecting their sport as we do into mastering the fidget spinner. Tell me, what "sport" requires as much concentration, effort, flexibility, and intellect than the art of performing the perfect spin? I'll answer that for you: none of them. I swear, if I ever hear someone associate fidget spinners with "autism" again, I will be more than willing to put then in the ground. I wouldn't fucking care if I was put in jail. I am willing to sacrifice my own well-being to defend not just my passion, but my life.

B-buh-bitches don't know 'bout my fff-FFIDJUT SPINNUR!

>be teacher
>teach at some shithole middle school with prostitoddlers running around everywhere
>new craze called "fidget spinners"
>what the fuck is a midget nigger?
>I don't even know what a bridget mendler is
>kids have some sort of fucking niglet clipper culture
>different colors and shapes
>apparently is autism toy
>these are the same kids who insult eachother based on autism
>"roasting" eachother
>we need a second fucking holocaust

Should work at gamestop, not best buy.

I live in Japan and what the actual fuck are these things? They keep coming up as an object of hatred, but no bugger ever explains what the fuck they are

You fucking fuck its copypasta. Check any other thread on Sup Forums and enlighten yourself

>I live in Japan
Hence why you haven't seen them. Only western autism culture can produce and then glorify into a fad something so utterly retarded as th-the f-f-f-FIDJUT SPINNAR!

newfag detected.

Should work at gamestop not best buy.

Yeah im pretty new.
Was i funneh? hehexd fuck off

>mfw I just realized I have set in motion the creation of a triforce fidget spinner

Wtf are they for though? What do they do? Is it a game or something like Beyblades?

oh shit waddup

Dude it's not even that useful or intelligent.
Think the next phase of useless, customizable shit for people who started off with Tech-Decks as children and got into vape rigs as adults.

Nah, just like the name says, for fidgetting, not even a game or sth., it's just there to distract you

Why do you care so much about other people using fidget spinners?

inb4 the latest tiny girl to enter the porn scene chooses the name "Bridget Spinner"

The same reason I care when a retard begins randomly masturbating in the mall food court.

Seriously... what thr fuck is a fidget spinner ?

A toy to distract you

took the bait

Why would i or anybody else need distraction of this manner ?

They're made for autistic kids

Beyblades are ironically japanese.
Id say the japanese bought their disease to the west

As a person dealing with autism this is highly offensive.


Fijet pron ?