Is Islam the solution to the world's problems if we were all to follow it correctly?

Is Islam the solution to the world's problems if we were all to follow it correctly?

>submision to ONE creator (pure monotheism)
>believes in the messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
>would destroy racism.
>would destroy pride.
>would destroy greed.
>would destroy borders.
>would destroy poverty.
>has an alternative ruling system to man-made conflicting laws and ideas.

There doesn't appear to be a single fault with it.

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Except thinking everyone in the world would believe the same fucking thing you cuck faggot. Kill yourself.

Motion seconded

Everyone would believe the same thing if they had an open-mind, swallowed their pride and used their logic.

This. We can't get the world to agree the world really is flat despite all the evidence. No way everyone would believe in the dumbest god.

Hard pass.

>implying that there are many creators to choose from to worship.

There's only one creator. Religion isn't confusing.

islam is cancer

the world would be better of with that religion wiped off the face of the earth than letting it spread to everyone

Cancer? Please elaborate.

you're forgetting the child rape wives and actual patriarchal and militaristic laws forced by Islam, like murdering anyone who speaks out against Islam. Islam is like a more extreme and batshit crazy version of medieval Christianity.


No. Genocide and eugenics is.


Islam IS the biggest world problem.
Fuck off sandnigga. Go fuck yourself, a goat or little aisha!

Sharia law demanding non-muslims to pay a tax, forcing women to be subservient to men and to not be in public alone or show skin, forcing rape victims to become wives to their rapists, marrying off prepubescent children to adults, killing any woman who has an affair, killing anyone who insults Islam or Sharia law. killing anyone who does not abide by Islam, encouraging suicidal massacres for divine rewards, discouraging to outlawing women in education.
It's cancer

Both wrong. Intercourse isn't lawful unless both people are married and both people have reached puberty.

>spreads to areas of the world yet untainted
>often forced conversions
>these new converts spread it further, often violently and uncompromisingly
>leave and you die
>encourages extremely oppressive laws against women and homos
walk down a street in luton to see the full effects

OP is right, muzzies never fight amongst themselves for any reason at all. All 53 muslim majority countries are paragons of peace and social order.

A women's duty is to look after children. It's a man's job to go out there and work hard to bring the bread home. If a woman is going to work, who will look after the children?

really? Do explain why young boys are passed around for sex among men in social settings? Or how women are punished for being raped because they must've been somewhere they're not allowed to be unchaperoned?

Ass-backwards thinking for the 21st century, no western country has an issue with women getting jobs you retard. No wonder there's no technological or scientific advancement in Islamic countries, half the population is forced to be uneducated and the rest are coddled into a sense of power from thousand year old military laws.

i believe people will do whatever they want despite being religious or not. however, islam appears to especially encourage violent and oppressive behaviours. there are more people who are muslims and were turned violent by islam exclusively (excluding cultural or social reasons etc) than there are sikhs or christians who were turned violent by sikhism or christianity exclusively.

also, since sharia law is sacrosanct and can not be questioned, cruel, outdated or oppressive elements of those laws can't be changed. in america, if the people don't want the death penalty, they repeal it. in sharia states, it's blasphemy to even suggest change to it.

islam has a serious fucking problem with this and i think soon it will be forced to change if its reputation is to survive. people already equate islam to burkhas and bomb.

Wrong. Forcing people to convert is not allowed.

Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. 2:256

We would still find reasons to kill eachother. Like oil skin color or some fucking dirt, just because of my people need stuff.

NO the true solution is of the world would be ruled by the true god: The Emperor Of Mankind.

>implying that they are following the religion correctly

Yet questioning the teachings of Islam or the practices of Sharia Law is punishable by death.

yeah sure now disprove the remainder of my post muhammad, that's the tamest thing on the list

unless you can somehow justify muslim views against gays or women, there's still strong argument for its eradication from the west

No,they just have feminism.

Hail our Glorious Golden Emperor! May he save us from chaos.

Only an evil person would question perfection.

>implying feminism isn't one of the most economically sound decisions the wets has ever made
countries with feminism are invariably countries that fare better in terms of health, propserity and fair government. there are literally no examples of countries in which women are equal to men in a meaningful sense that haven't improved since its inception

by the way, i'm not talking about modern 'feminism', which is actively destructive.

kek, we are not talking about our glorious Emperor. Do not besmirch the definition of perfection you cretin.

This. Don't want to mix up 3rd wave feminism with the actual women's rights movement.


>rotten man in a coma

Homosexuality is a sin. That's been made clear. The righteous women are respected in Islam. Islam is the best thing a women could ever wish for.
>doesn't have to break her back at work like non-muslim women
>husband provides for her
>husband cares about her modesty
>husband cares about her dignity

Sooo much of what you just wrote is made up...
The only one thats true is the bit about females being mistreated, and that was only written to make it fair in olden times (when it was impossible for a woman to hold a job)

Thats not the case anymore, my mom is a muslim and a succcessful doctor, and no one tells her what to do

>That's been made clear

A lot of shit sounds perfect in theory but this isn't candyland

People lie and use religion for their own power and benefit
Or did you forget the preists so quickly?

Sounds like you're subservient of the warp. You shall be cleansed by his glory.

What country? All of the issues I wrote are still prevalent in the majority of Islamic countries.

Or if we go Ancap we could remove the governments from power and then we will get / make some guns to protect our land. Then if anyone comes to my land i could murder him :D

>People lie and use religion for their own power and benefit
i find it extremely difficult to believe that, given some of the shit in th qu'ran, literally 0 people commit acts of violence and oppression who would have otherwise not done those things. people even abuse buddhism for their own end, but islam gives enough of a push that good people do these things believing that they are good. i'm sorry i just don't buy that islam is innocent in the modern world.

Because any country with a 90%+ Islam population is not a war ravaged shit hole where you can be killed via stoning or hanging because someone says you prayed at wrong time or did something a goat fucking "preacher" says is wrong....

Is NAZIsm the solution to the worlds problems if we follow it correctly?

>Submission to one leader
>believes in the messengers of Hitler
>would destroy racism (only one race tot kek)
>would destroy pride
>would destroy borders (after take over)
>would destroy poverty (poor in camps - fuck em)
>racial purity is the law - not man made rules

There doesn't appear to be a single fault with it.

> Rape goats
> Rape 7 year olds
> Beat wives
> Rape wives
> Have multiple wives
> Be inbred
> Smell like shit 24/7
> Be a cancer that is slowly but surely devouring this world whole

Nah man I'll stick something else thanks for the offer

Have you not considered that those countries aren't following their religion correctly and aren't implementing Islamic Law correctly?

Well I was raised in the UAE, and lived parts of my life in Sudan and Saudia, and visited several family members in Qatar, Turkey, Egypt, all over, and the only one I can name that was extreme and harsh in law was Saudia

The examples of extremism are always the terrorist countries with collapsed economies and corruption from leaders and invasion from foreign countries.

Like no shit if you get bombed and sabotaged for 40 years you'll go crazy and fly a plane into a building, but those guys are the minorities

The majority is still full of normal peacful functioning humans

Cmon faggot you know shit about it.
German (christian) fag living in muslim africa at the moment.
Islam is peacefull when they practice it correctly. What you are talking about is saudi, which normal muslims consider crazy.
What is true though are the rights of women, they are very limited. Here where i am its fine for them to drive cars or not wear tge burka, but for example they can not divorce their husband themselves (only men can apply), they get nothing if they divorce, even not the children.
So in some ways you could say, look this law suppresses them bla bla bullshit.
But in real life women just look for the men they like, and the life here is quite normal, and i like it a lot.
So those who say othervice probably never been to any muslim country AND believe that Saudi way of practicing islam is what is the norm everywhere, which is not even remotly true

>There doesn't appear to be a single fault with it
>Kills half the world for not being white

Why dont you list violent countries and compare them to the rest instead of asking for evidence then choosing not to believe statistics that you asked for and going "nope"?
You just want a flame war, admit it

i've lived in the UAE for 2 years and the women at my work who aren't afraid of me have been happy to open up to me about the fact that they don't like having to wear burkhas and be excluded from certain things because they're female. the UAE is very mild yes but it is still pretty sexist. for example my gym is all mal except some retardedly unsociable and short hours where women can come in once the men have gone. we get something like 7am-6pm, not really sure, and they 6am-7am and 6pm-7pm or something. this is just one example but if you grew up there you damn well know that its nowhere near perfect

You know that you changed the context of that entirely


This is bullshit. Look what those christian rebels do in africa. Usually the fundamentalists argue with the faith to their god, and since they are enlightened, they know best what has to be done. So they'll use any god for their agenda.

>Islam is the best thing a women could ever wish for.

This is some poor quality trollbait user, I hope you know that.

Im a muslim and I agree with you

Islam isn't relevant and hasn't been in centuries you goat fucking cretin.

Wrong. That's not lawful.
Wrong. That's not lawful.
Null. Beating wives taken out of context.
Wrong. That's not lawful.
Wrong. That's not lawful.
Wrong. That's not true.

>used their logic

By following a religion.

it isn't bullshit, you obviiusly didn't read or chose to ignore the part when i said excluding cultural or social factors. my entire point was that yes peope do abuse religion, but islam justifies enough garbage that good people are guided into doing the bad muslim shit, whereas african warlords fighting in the name of christianity would have fought in the name of their mama's meatball recipe if that got people interested.

Islam is bullshit.
Muslims have caused so much problems throughout history and it needs to stop.

>would destroy racism

Then why are most muslims racist as hell?

>There doesn't appear to be a single fault with it.

If it's so perfect why are Sunni and SHite always fighting each other?

You don't see Catholics and Pentecostals killing each other

I currently live in marocco and here is how their labour day demonstration go:
It doesnt bother me though.
People are quite open in the capital. Many practice religion. But many of those who studied abroud (mostly in france) are drinking alcohol. Overall its quite ok here, many things i even prefer over europe.

This. Muslims target black American soldier because they see it as the ultimate disgrace that negros are occupying their lands as aggressors.

ITT: muslim extremist recruiter propaganda

Any Muslim that is racist isn't following their religion correctly.

>genocide of native americans
>slavery of africans
>cutting asia up between them and russia
>nuked japan twice
>more than 40 unprovoked invasions since the end of the second world war
>10 major wars
>all in 200 short years

Face it, theres awful people everywhere. Shut the fuck up.

Because religion doesn't take into account one thing.

Most people are assholes in general.

>Muslims have caused so much problems

Well it obviously hasn't stopped you failing at English

Sunni and shiite are both fabrications due to politics invented after the prophet died.

Literally no mention of them in the book, because they have nothing to do with the religions belief and practice
Just political nonsense

>implying there's a correct context
Kek/10 for getting me to reply

>None of these were committed by the same group
>None of these are directly related to Christianity

Atheist fag here, but uhh...I don't get your point.

>West and Europe (Africa too)
>US in WW2
>US's lel foreign politics
>Depends what you mean by major

>when they practice it correctly
Yeah because they all believe the same method of practice that you do. It's peaceful to have women subjugated to men so long as they don't deviate from it. It's peaceful so long as everyone around them believes the same thing. Look at the UK, less than 1/3 of all muslims would report it if they knew of someone harboring terrorist actions or intentions. That peaceful? What about the Iranian man who has been sentenced to death for insulting Islam online, then lied to by having his release promise if he admitted it only to have that drop the moment he confessed. That shit happened this year. Peaceful? Well I'm glad you're not inconvenienced by it, I'm sure everyone else will turn a blind eye towards the atrocities committed by extremists because you're happy.

I was talking about america... specifically government and military. my point was that part of any group can do shitty things, and that doesn't fairly reflect the whole group

>Null. Beating wives taken out of context.
kek, this is why you're ridiculed.

except the pedophilia, sexual slavery, protection taxes, wife beating, stoning, dick cutting, head cutting, hand cutting. prob missed a few things.

>Null. Beating wives taken out of context.
justify the existence of those parts of the qu'ran

Ehh I disagree with the first two simply because I don't identify the colonist age as US, buuut the US did some fucked up things concerning Native Americans later on sooo...

The US was part of slave trade with Africa...but I personally don't believe that slavery was bad (from a 200 years in the future point of view). Was totally shit for the slaves then though.

But I'll give it to you, yeah, fractions of groups can do shit but it shouldn't completely reflect the entire group.

I WILL SAY THIS THOUGH! I feel the consumer method works well here, when something constantly doesn't work or has problems, you probably shouldn't buy into that brand anymore or buy that product as it's probably going to repeat those same problems.

>If you buy a TV from VIZIO and it breaks
>Buy another TV to replace, it's a VIZIO and it breaks
>Friend tells you his VIZIO's receiver stopped working 2 months in
>Other friend tells you problems about his VIZIO TV
>Probably going to get the Samsung next time
>Some other guy's VIZIO TV works fine!

You apologist faggots are genuinely the worst type of people.

Is your mother the solution to the world's problems if we were all to follow it correctly?

>submision to ONE creator (pure monotheism)
>believes in the messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
>would destroy racism.
>would destroy pride.
>would destroy greed.
>would destroy borders.
>would destroy poverty.
>has an alternative ruling system to man-made conflicting laws and ideas.

There doesn't appear to be a single fault with it.

Shitty b8, 0/10 for making me post on this stpiduty. Read that roll of toilet paper you call a Quran before you burn it.

If it gets to the stage where your wife is being disobedient and other measures have been taken and she still persists, then beating is lawful. But you can't leave a mark on her. Most non-muslim men that hit women leave them with broken noses.

most non muslim men don't hit women either so there's that

weak argument, try again.

>We are all equal in God's eye
While in Mecca
>Look at that filthy nigger tryna steal my stuff
Back in their own country


Sand niggers, dune coons, and koranderthals must perish.

That's why most non-muslim men are cucks and let women wear the trousers

No, there are 5 creators you dumb goat. Despite plenty of evidence, millions of people believe in monotheism bullshit.

America and White People Lol

Man cmon, how is corrupted justice system can be an example for islam as a bad religion in iran? And this shit from uk, i dont even know why you bring that up?! You mean to say it is something which islam teaches them?
Also, you can easily find many examples like that in any country.
What you say essentially projected to christianity sounds something like:
Have you seen those christians letting children work for their corporations in Bangladesh?
Does it make any sence? NO! Does it have anything to do with christianity? Nop!
So stop being stupid

And by the way, you basically rebuttled your own point in your answer:
> they not all practice it the same way
So you cant argue with your iranian example, it does not apply in Indonesia, and what they do there does not apply for Egypt.

you're just a pedo and waiting to legalize it

This has always been Bullshit. 1/3 of Muslims wouldn't report a terrorist? When Muslims are the ones being hurt and affected by the terrorists actions the most......If you truly see yourself as logical then see that thought process to its conclusion.

Also Muslims report terrorist more than any other demographic, think about it, how do you think so many attacks get stopped before executed....Luck?

If you use your logic, you will come to the conclusion of one creator. If not then you'll have infinite regression.

and thats why your women sleep with niggers and chads while you work to pay off her credit card bill

Islam is the enemy of modern scientific progress.

who gives a fuck. i'd have to be one thirsty loser to think some random thots getting dicked on the weekend is my business. go back to your goat, omar.