Name a better actor

Name a better actor.

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His friend that plays the homeless guy in Happy Gilmore. Main character of Grandmas Boy.

A rock

Chris farley

Anyone who acts like he is funny

>this guy

Jacky Chan

Kevin Costner

Anyone that isn't jewish.

Impossible. You already won


I am done here.

Kristen Stewart or most of the "Showgirls" cast. Take your pick.

He said actor you fucking faggot.


Donald Trump

A potato

Do you mean this guy?

Women are actors too dumbass, actress is from the damn 50's

Just like some actors

Nope you are wrong. Do a little googling before you try to defend your wrong statements.


Lots of people, but Sandler is legitamatly a good actor when he tries.

Punch Drunk Love and Reign Over Me are great.

lmao that file name

If I could like this comment, I would do so.

Ok I just googled it and it confirms my post so there!



They always eat you when you least expect it.

This nigga.


Kevin James
